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ghos7 Donation Drive
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12 Frags +

hype ._o< ._o< \__O<

hype ._o< ._o< \__O<
39 Frags +

Lange, you are an amazing man and all the best to ghos7.

Lange, you are an amazing man and all the best to ghos7.
10 Frags +

I will donate. I hope everyone else will do the same ^_^

I will donate. I hope everyone else will do the same ^_^
11 Frags +

big lange. he will definitely appreciate this. you're an amazing person.

big lange. he will definitely appreciate this. you're an amazing person.
11 Frags +

I already donated to him directly but I will definitely tune in and try to spread the link to my friends!

Thanks for doing this Lange, ghos7 deserves it.

I already donated to him directly but I will definitely tune in and try to spread the link to my friends!

Thanks for doing this Lange, ghos7 deserves it.
12 Frags +

Lange, you literally are the greatest. These are the things that make the TF2 community what it truely is.


Lange, you literally are the greatest. These are the things that make the TF2 community what it truely is.

9 Frags +

Ghost befriended me without hesitation and has been an amazing dude since I've known him. I've already paypal'd him what I could spare but I want to help in any way I can.

Ghost befriended me without hesitation and has been an amazing dude since I've known him. I've already paypal'd him what I could spare but I want to help in any way I can.
8 Frags +

Dont have any money cause im 16 but I really wish I could do something to help.

Dont have any money cause im 16 but I really wish I could do something to help.
5 Frags +

This community is better than ensurance! I'm in if still awake at that time.

This community is better than ensurance! I'm in if still awake at that time.
7 Frags +
ArtemDont have any money cause im 16 but I really wish I could do something to help.

Spread the word to everyone you know. All of your gaming friends, teammates, the whole deal. Lange is an amazing streaming entertainer and the cause is for good.

[quote=Artem]Dont have any money cause im 16 but I really wish I could do something to help.[/quote]
Spread the word to everyone you know. All of your gaming friends, teammates, the whole deal. Lange is an amazing streaming entertainer and the cause is for good.
5 Frags +

Broke right now but I'll give what I can and spread the word. Thank you Lange. Ducks forever.

Broke right now but I'll give what I can and spread the word. Thank you Lange. Ducks forever.
12 Frags +
manaArtemDont have any money cause im 16 but I really wish I could do something to help.Spread the word to everyone you know. All of your gaming friends, teammates, the whole deal. Lange is an amazing streaming entertainer and the cause is for good.

Sending an announcement in the Newbie Mixes Group, Newbie Coaches, and Newbie Pugs.

Trying to do whatever is in my power

[quote=mana][quote=Artem]Dont have any money cause im 16 but I really wish I could do something to help.[/quote]
Spread the word to everyone you know. All of your gaming friends, teammates, the whole deal. Lange is an amazing streaming entertainer and the cause is for good.[/quote]

Sending an announcement in the Newbie Mixes Group, Newbie Coaches, and Newbie Pugs.

Trying to do whatever is in my power
24 Frags +

i swear im the black guy

i swear im the black guy[/quote]
13 Frags +

Lange always comes though as the mightiest of ducks.

Lange always comes though as the mightiest of ducks.
3 Frags +
NoonamanaArtemDont have any money cause im 16 but I really wish I could do something to help.Spread the word to everyone you know. All of your gaming friends, teammates, the whole deal. Lange is an amazing streaming entertainer and the cause is for good.
Sending an announcement in the Newbie Mixes Group, Newbie Coaches, and Newbie Pugs.

Trying to do whatever is in my power

Smart. Everybody spread the word in groups you can, also going back to your pub home and posting on their forums could help.

[quote=Noona][quote=mana][quote=Artem]Dont have any money cause im 16 but I really wish I could do something to help.[/quote]
Spread the word to everyone you know. All of your gaming friends, teammates, the whole deal. Lange is an amazing streaming entertainer and the cause is for good.[/quote]

Sending an announcement in the Newbie Mixes Group, Newbie Coaches, and Newbie Pugs.

Trying to do whatever is in my power[/quote]
Smart. Everybody spread the word in groups you can, also going back to your pub home and posting on their forums could help.
3 Frags +

Papa duck saving his duck-lets(?) You're doing a good thing Lange.

Papa duck saving his duck-lets(?) You're doing a good thing Lange.
6 Frags +
timesthelegallimitNoonamanaArtemDont have any money cause im 16 but I really wish I could do something to help.Spread the word to everyone you know. All of your gaming friends, teammates, the whole deal. Lange is an amazing streaming entertainer and the cause is for good.
Sending an announcement in the Newbie Mixes Group, Newbie Coaches, and Newbie Pugs.

Trying to do whatever is in my power
Smart. Everybody spread the word in groups you can, also going back to your pub home and posting on their forums could help.

On this note, everyone that wishes to support, it would be awesome if we can plug in lange's stream in are name to get as much views as possible. EX:




[quote=timesthelegallimit][quote=Noona][quote=mana][quote=Artem]Dont have any money cause im 16 but I really wish I could do something to help.[/quote]
Spread the word to everyone you know. All of your gaming friends, teammates, the whole deal. Lange is an amazing streaming entertainer and the cause is for good.[/quote]

Sending an announcement in the Newbie Mixes Group, Newbie Coaches, and Newbie Pugs.

Trying to do whatever is in my power[/quote]
Smart. Everybody spread the word in groups you can, also going back to your pub home and posting on their forums could help.[/quote]

On this note, everyone that wishes to support, it would be awesome if we can plug in lange's stream in are name to get as much views as possible. EX:[img]http://puu.sh/3yeRe.jpg[/img]

EDIT: [img]http://puu.sh/3yg8A.jpg[/img]
11 Frags +

can this be front page on tf.tv?

can this be front page on tf.tv?
4 Frags +

how much is the goal?

how much is the goal?
3 Frags +

Posted this on my home pub: http://tauntgamers.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3253-donation-drive-tonight-help-ghos7ayama-and-his-family/
Spread the word any way you can guys.

Posted this on my home pub: http://tauntgamers.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3253-donation-drive-tonight-help-ghos7ayama-and-his-family/
Spread the word any way you can guys.
9 Frags +

Sal from Panama just blowing away the donation count

Sal from Panama just blowing away the donation count
8 Frags +
Deepcan this be front page on tf.tv?

can this be front page on twitch.tv?

[quote=Deep]can this be front page on tf.tv?[/quote]
can this be front page on twitch.tv?
4 Frags +
azelffhow much is the goal?

EDIT: sorry im blind

Apparently 800$ have already been raised. Seems there is no set goal and stream just started.

[quote=azelff]how much is the goal?

EDIT: sorry im blind[/quote]

Apparently 800$ have already been raised. Seems there is no set goal and stream just started.
0 Frags +

Hey Lange, when you get a chance check your friend requests. I sent you one. I want to help. I'm at work until 9est I should be on by 9:30.

Hey Lange, when you get a chance check your friend requests. I sent you one. I want to help. I'm at work until 9est I should be on by 9:30.
1 Frags +

We've already hit $1000!

We've already hit $1000!
3 Frags +

1200 dollars already raised. HOLY FUCK.

1200 dollars already raised. HOLY FUCK.
2 Frags +

I don't know if this is suitable to be posted on reedit but if it is someone should. A lot of people on r/tf2 were ducks fans because of the granary match against mix^

I don't know if this is suitable to be posted on reedit but if it is someone should. A lot of people on r/tf2 were ducks fans because of the granary match against mix^
2 Frags +

Yeah, I can't expect that there would be a goal. Doesn't make sense.

BTW, this is the direct donation link; it's not present in the FAQ at the moment.


Yeah, I can't expect that there would be a goal. Doesn't make sense.

BTW, this is the direct donation link; it's not present in the FAQ at the moment.

2 Frags +
manaYeah, I can't expect that there would be a goal. Doesn't make sense.

BTW, this is the direct donation link; it's not present in the FAQ at the moment.


It IS present in the FAQ. Just click the I'mRaising pic.

[quote=mana]Yeah, I can't expect that there would be a goal. Doesn't make sense.

BTW, this is the direct donation link; it's not present in the FAQ at the moment.


It IS present in the FAQ. Just click the I'mRaising pic.
-81 Frags +

I know everyone will hate me for saying this; I'm already prepared for it.

I've said it before during the Japanese tsumani aid campaign, and I'll say it again now. There are better ways to spend your money.

What happened to ghos7ayama was tragic. But the true tragedy lies in what happened to his sister, and the emotional pain the family must now undergo. The pain of material loss is much lesser to any reasonable family.

He's already stated that he's not necessarily asking for donations, which implies that his family is prepared to try to make ends meet despites the hardships involved. There are countless others who do not have this luxury.

If you're a personal friend of ghost and simply wish to help him out because that's what friends do, by all means, go ahead. If, however, you're simply caught up in the sudden influx of altruism that you never knew flaring up within you (and if you don't believe this of yourself, ask: when was the last time you donated to an apolitical cause without having been asked? Include donation drive boxes in your query) then I must implore that you redirect your money to a greater cause.

What happened to ghos7ayama is a deep, personal tragedy that I'm very sorry to hear of. People are dying in droves because they're unable to afford the cheapest of vaccines, else starving, or dying from contaminated water.

The difference in the quality of life you can make for these people with the same amount of money that you would have sent to ghost is so vast that it is inhumane. Ghost's family might make part of rent and pay off a slight portion of his debts with a thousand dollars. The same amount could sustain an impoverished village for months.

Gve your money to your own causes. But please, consider what is you're trying to do - to improve the quality of life of a family in ill-fortune. Dumping thousands of dollars to an independent family is not the optimal, or even remotely efficient, way to go about it.

Again, I would like to extend my sincerest apologies to ghos7ayama and his family for daring to even utter such a suggestion.

I know everyone will hate me for saying this; I'm already prepared for it.

I've said it before during the Japanese tsumani aid campaign, and I'll say it again now. There are better ways to spend your money.

What happened to ghos7ayama was tragic. But the true tragedy lies in what happened to his sister, and the emotional pain the family must now undergo. The pain of material loss is much lesser to any reasonable family.

He's already stated that he's not necessarily asking for donations, which implies that his family is prepared to try to make ends meet despites the hardships involved. There are countless others who do not have this luxury.

If you're a personal friend of ghost and simply wish to help him out because that's what friends do, by all means, go ahead. If, however, you're simply caught up in the sudden influx of altruism that you never knew flaring up within you (and if you don't believe this of yourself, ask: when was the last time you donated to an apolitical cause without having been asked? Include donation drive boxes in your query) then I must implore that you redirect your money to a greater cause.

What happened to ghos7ayama is a deep, personal tragedy that I'm very sorry to hear of. People are dying in droves because they're unable to afford the cheapest of vaccines, else starving, or dying from contaminated water.

The difference in the quality of life you can make for these people with the same amount of money that you would have sent to ghost is so vast that it is inhumane. Ghost's family might make part of rent and pay off a slight portion of his debts with a thousand dollars. The same amount could sustain an impoverished village for months.

Gve your money to your own causes. But please, consider what is you're trying to do - to improve the quality of life of a family in ill-fortune. Dumping thousands of dollars to an independent family is not the optimal, or even remotely efficient, way to go about it.

Again, I would like to extend my sincerest apologies to ghos7ayama and his family for daring to even utter such a suggestion.
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