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Vent your anger
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10 Frags +

Reading this thread is why I'm angry

Reading this thread is why I'm angry
7 Frags +
JDuffevery time i say, oh i don't really feel like having something, she gets all offended and acts like she is being berated. Its a major guilt trip to the point of were she just says i don't like her cooking so why bother having her around type of thing.

To me, this is one of the strangest things some people do. Like it's okay to not be hungry. What's not okay is to use shitty, manipulative tactics to force people to eat and make themselves feel like shit to... do what, exactly? What does she even get out of it? Like I don't like people who act selfishly, but this isn't even selfish. This is just like low key cartoon villainy. There's absolutely no point.

[quote=JDuff]every time i say, oh i don't really feel like having something, she gets all offended and acts like she is being berated. Its a major guilt trip to the point of were she just says i don't like her cooking so why bother having her around type of thing.[/quote]
To me, this is one of the strangest things some people do. Like it's okay to not be hungry. What's not okay is to use shitty, manipulative tactics to force people to eat and make themselves feel like shit to... do what, exactly? What does she even get out of it? Like I don't like people who act selfishly, but this isn't even selfish. This is just like low key cartoon villainy. There's absolutely no [i]point.[/i]
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3 Frags +

We had like 2 days of heat and its already over fuck u earth miss me with that arctic shit I dont wanna live here

We had like 2 days of heat and its already over fuck u earth miss me with that arctic shit I dont wanna live here
2 Frags +

my handwriting and my eyesight are total shit. thank god for aderall because without it i'd be failing all my classes

my handwriting and my eyesight are total shit. thank god for aderall because without it i'd be failing all my classes
4 Frags +

I wish people would stop caring about mge 'etiquette' or just play on more dm servers

mge fucking blows

i doesn't really but it attracts the most annoying people

I wish people would stop caring about mge 'etiquette' or just play on more dm servers

mge fucking blows

i doesn't really but it attracts the most annoying people
2 Frags +
All_Over_RS if someone act like this (especially ur parents) u should call em out imo. no point putting up with guilt tripping

i do, its aggravating cause she is a very hot-headed person, or maybe its her age that has something to do with it.
i used to argue about it with her all the time and so did all of my siblings, but they all moved out so i put up with it, and its better if we don't get into screaming matches over stupid shit like we used to.

Android_To me, this is one of the strangest things some people do. Like it's okay to not be hungry. What's not okay is to use shitty, manipulative tactics to force people to eat and make themselves feel like shit to... do what, exactly? What does she even get out of it? Like I don't like people who act selfishly, but this isn't even selfish. This is just like low key cartoon villainy. There's absolutely no point.

i think its a matter of that cooking is like a part of her life so by not wanting it she thinks that maybe i dont appreciate her? idk its a mess at times.

[quote=All_Over_RS] if someone act like this (especially ur parents) u should call em out imo. no point putting up with guilt tripping[/quote]

i do, its aggravating cause she is a very hot-headed person, or maybe its her age that has something to do with it.
i used to argue about it with her all the time and so did all of my siblings, but they all moved out so i put up with it, and its better if we don't get into screaming matches over stupid shit like we used to.

To me, this is one of the strangest things some people do. Like it's okay to not be hungry. What's not okay is to use shitty, manipulative tactics to force people to eat and make themselves feel like shit to... do what, exactly? What does she even get out of it? Like I don't like people who act selfishly, but this isn't even selfish. This is just like low key cartoon villainy. There's absolutely no [i]point.[/i][/quote]

i think its a matter of that cooking is like a part of her life so by not wanting it she thinks that maybe i dont appreciate her? idk its a mess at times.
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Potato-ChanI wish people would stop caring about mge 'etiquette'

i agree

but dm blows as well

[quote=Potato-Chan]I wish people would stop caring about mge 'etiquette'

i agree

but dm blows as well
-2 Frags +

nice name Decapotato, thats alot of syllables

what's bad about mge/dm? i know sometimes there are annoying people on an arena but i just get on a different one or leave the server if badlands mid is hosting a heavy v heavy or something. i play the opposite of "gay" in mge but i feel like im annoying people sometimes...maybe. i just play scout and occasionally jump on crates, sometimes i play ammomod and i do jump but i have to jump as a scout v soldier in ammomod.

also its cool to see quick active admins, that namechange was quick

nice name Decapotato, thats alot of syllables

what's bad about mge/dm? i know sometimes there are annoying people on an arena but i just get on a different one or leave the server if badlands mid is hosting a heavy v heavy or something. i play the opposite of "gay" in mge but i feel like im annoying people sometimes...maybe. i just play scout and occasionally jump on crates, sometimes i play ammomod and i do jump but i have to jump as a scout v soldier in ammomod.

also its cool to see quick active admins, that namechange was quick
8 Frags +

I think people getting made at others' playstyles in DM/MGE comes down to the modes rewarding things that don't lead to improvement. Since they're about improvement, it means people need to "hold back" in a sense and intentionally gimp themselves so that they and their opponent can get better. But a lot of people either care a lot about winning (which is natural,) or just haven't put a lot of thought into it and think "winning = getting better," so they do shitty things that make them win. Their opponents get mad because they feel their time is being wasted.

And then there's the fact that people might be looking to do different things in DM/MGE. Like maybe someone's identified a weakness in their game where they overcommit and don't realize they're losing fights. Maybe they go into DM thinking "every time I start losing, I'm gonna run and get a pack." Is DM the best place to learn this? Fuck no, and it'll make a lot of people mad. It would make me mad. But they have a reason for doing it that makes sense to them.

I dunno. The etiquette exists for a reason, but we all need to remember that getting mad at other people for breaking it is counterproductive. Ignore it if you can. If you can't, stop playing immediately and take a break. Come back in 15 when you'll be calmer and the person will be gone.

I think people getting made at others' playstyles in DM/MGE comes down to the modes rewarding things that don't lead to improvement. Since they're about improvement, it means people need to "hold back" in a sense and intentionally gimp themselves so that they and their opponent can get better. But a lot of people either care a lot about winning (which is natural,) or just haven't put a lot of thought into it and think "winning = getting better," so they do shitty things that make them win. Their opponents get mad because they feel their time is being wasted.

And then there's the fact that people might be looking to do different things in DM/MGE. Like maybe someone's identified a weakness in their game where they overcommit and don't realize they're losing fights. Maybe they go into DM thinking "every time I start losing, I'm gonna run and get a pack." Is DM the best place to learn this? Fuck no, and it'll make a lot of people mad. It would make me mad. But they have a reason for doing it that makes sense to them.

I dunno. The etiquette exists for a reason, but we all need to remember that getting mad at other people for breaking it is counterproductive. Ignore it if you can. If you can't, stop playing immediately and take a break. Come back in 15 when you'll be calmer and the person will be gone.
2 Frags +

Android refuses to let me throw money at him to be my therapist >:(

Android refuses to let me throw money at him to be my therapist >:(
4 Frags +

I hate every player that has less than 2.5k hrs in this video game and they try and tell people that have been playing this game for multiple years how and what to do. This is probably the most tilting thing I have ever seen in many years of playing this video game,

I hate every player that has less than 2.5k hrs in this video game and they try and tell people that have been playing this game for multiple years how and what to do. This is probably the most tilting thing I have ever seen in many years of playing this video game,
Fireside Casts
1 Frags +


I got cucked fairly recently and seeing this idiot's promposal all over her social media and seeing her be so happy about really fucks me up and when I mention myself being upset about it to my friends I just end up hearing stuff like "yo why do you care she was a bitch get over it" and yo I know I shouldn't care but I still do, right? I guess you could say I'm anger-y about dudes who don't really get that I want to get over it and can't :((


I got cucked fairly recently and seeing this idiot's promposal all over her social media and seeing her be so happy about really fucks me up and when I mention myself being upset about it to my friends I just end up hearing stuff like "yo why do you care she was a bitch get over it" and yo I know I shouldn't care but I still do, right? I guess you could say I'm anger-y about dudes who don't really get that I want to get over it and can't :((
8 Frags +
Antlers "yo why do you care she was a bitch get over it"

Yeah, that's not helpful. And of course you should care. You should be very concerned if you didn't. But do try to keep in mind that the people telling you that are trying to make you feel better. It doesn't mean they're succeeding, of course. It's a pretty insensitive thing to say. But it sounds like they just don't know what else to say.

I dunno. I guess what I'm getting at is that people care about you. And while that doesn't make this not hurt, it is still important and it will help you going forward. It's a strong foundation that nobody can do without, but many people are forced to.

Things suck right now. But you'll be okay. You won't let it turn you bitter, and you'll come out the other side a better and wiser person. In the meantime, try to stay distracted. Do things you enjoy. Hang out with your friends and maybe meet new people. Don't deny that it hurts, but don't dwell on it either. Things will get better bit by bit.

And don't expect to get over it overnight. That's unrealistic. And definitely don't beat yourself up for not getting over it immediately.

[quote=Antlers] "yo why do you care she was a bitch get over it"[/quote]
Yeah, that's not helpful. And of course you should care. You should be very concerned if you didn't. But do try to keep in mind that the people telling you that are trying to make you feel better. It doesn't mean they're succeeding, of course. It's a pretty insensitive thing to say. But it sounds like they just don't know what else to say.

I dunno. I guess what I'm getting at is that people care about you. And while that doesn't make this not hurt, it [i]is[/i] still important and it [i]will[/i] help you going forward. It's a strong foundation that nobody can do without, but many people are forced to.

Things suck right now. But you'll be okay. You won't let it turn you bitter, and you'll come out the other side a better and wiser person. In the meantime, try to stay distracted. Do things you enjoy. Hang out with your friends and maybe meet new people. Don't deny that it hurts, but don't dwell on it either. Things will get better bit by bit.

And don't expect to get over it overnight. That's unrealistic. And [i]definitely[/i] don't beat yourself up for not getting over it immediately.
Spaceship Servers
8 Frags +

this game's anti cheat is a joke

i played 20 games of casual today and 15 of them had blatant cheaters that didn't get kicked

this game's anti cheat is a joke

i played 20 games of casual today and 15 of them had blatant cheaters that didn't get kicked
5 Frags +
thesqrtminus1this game's anti cheat is a joke

i played 20 games of casual today and 15 of them had blatant cheaters that didn't get kicked

The worst part is pubbers are fucking retarded and won't kick them.

You still can't reque as a group in casual MM.
Still no class limits in comp MM
Game runs like absolute trash on a Xeon 2670-v3, R9 390, and 16 GB ram (FPS drops to 70 seemingly completely at random)
My ISP is trash. Ping is incredibly unstable and fluctuates from 25 to 90 with huge choke spikes. This is made even worse by TF2's dogshit netcode. My ISP says "it fine. You are getting the advertised speeds". I tell them the speed isn't the problem. They say "its not our problem :^)". Only other option is Verizon DSL.

[quote=thesqrtminus1]this game's anti cheat is a joke

i played 20 games of casual today and 15 of them had blatant cheaters that didn't get kicked[/quote]
The worst part is pubbers are fucking retarded and won't kick them.

You still can't reque as a group in casual MM.
Still no class limits in comp MM
Game runs like absolute trash on a Xeon 2670-v3, R9 390, and 16 GB ram (FPS drops to 70 seemingly completely at random)
My ISP is trash. Ping is incredibly unstable and fluctuates from 25 to 90 with huge choke spikes. This is made even worse by TF2's dogshit netcode. My ISP says "it fine. You are getting the advertised speeds". I tell them the speed isn't the problem. They say "its not our problem :^)". Only other option is Verizon DSL.
1 Frags +
thesqrtminus1this game's anti cheat is a joke

i played 20 games of casual today and 15 of them had blatant cheaters that didn't get kicked

a while ago i was playing comp mm with my friends and we ran into a 6-group of hackers. they all had similar meme-names and they had a scout, 2 direct hits, 2 snipers, and a lochnload. they had spinbots and projectile aimbot

we got matched against them 3 times in a row and funnily enough we won 1 (or 2? idk) of those games cuz they were terrible players despite hacks and we used vaccinator lol

[quote=thesqrtminus1]this game's anti cheat is a joke

i played 20 games of casual today and 15 of them had blatant cheaters that didn't get kicked[/quote]

a while ago i was playing comp mm with my friends and we ran into a 6-group of hackers. they all had similar meme-names and they had a scout, 2 direct hits, 2 snipers, and a lochnload. they had spinbots and projectile aimbot

we got matched against them 3 times in a row and funnily enough we won 1 (or 2? idk) of those games cuz they were terrible players despite hacks and we used vaccinator lol
-13 Frags +

yes i see this is the thread where i complain about things and sound like a spoiled bitch lol

i'd tell my yemeni and central african brethren about this TFTV thread but they do not have internet unlike us in the "developed world"

yes i see this is the thread where i complain about things and sound like a spoiled bitch lol

i'd tell my yemeni and central african brethren about this TFTV thread but they do not have internet unlike us in the "developed world"
25 Frags +

The idea that you shouldn't ever complain because someone else has it worse is an absurd one. If you follow that line of reasoning to its conclusion, there's only one person in the entire world who ever gets to feel sad or angry, and it's some limbless, starving, friendless kid who's been living in a hole with no human contact all its life.

Shitty things happen short of that, and short of everything in between that and a perfect life. And it's perfectly reasonable to get mad or sad about them.

One of the things that does make me genuinely angry at someone is when they say something as cruel, irrational, and uncompassionate as "there are starving kids in Africa, so suck it up. Your emotions aren't real." Fuck you.

The idea that you shouldn't ever complain because someone else has it worse is an absurd one. If you follow that line of reasoning to its conclusion, there's only one person in the entire world who ever gets to feel sad or angry, and it's some limbless, starving, friendless kid who's been living in a hole with no human contact all its life.

Shitty things happen short of that, and short of everything in between that and a perfect life. And it's perfectly reasonable to get mad or sad about them.

One of the things that does make me genuinely angry at someone is when they say something as cruel, irrational, and uncompassionate as "there are starving kids in Africa, so suck it up. Your emotions aren't real." [b]Fuck you.[/b]
3 Frags +

yeah its a pretty self defeating reason too since by their own logic they shouldnt be getting worked up over someone complaining.

yeah its a pretty self defeating reason too since by their own logic they shouldnt be getting worked up over someone complaining.
3 Frags +

I'm basing my self-worth off of how I, for the life of me, cannot get hired anywhere.

I'm basing my self-worth off of how I, for the life of me, cannot get hired anywhere.
11 Frags +

Who cuts a friend by putting up an LFP thread instead of talking to them? Who can't wait a couple hours to talk to them about it personally first?

Who cuts a friend by putting up an LFP thread instead of talking to them? Who can't wait a couple hours to talk to them about it personally first?
4 Frags +

I'm still bad at the game.

I'm still bad at the game.
0 Frags +


0 Frags +

american politics is shit right now and i'd rather have things like this than whats going on right now

also fuck the cryptocurrency miners that made even a GTX 970 cost like 500 USD

american politics is shit right now and i'd rather have[url=http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02351/monsteraving_2351732k.jpg] things like this[/url] than whats going on right now

also fuck the cryptocurrency miners that made even a GTX 970 cost like 500 USD
0 Frags +
aierai am seriously sick of having to try new meds that never work and have horrible side effects. i honestly understand why no one likes me i am so fucked up and am always a shitty avoidant mess and i cant hold a job, a relationship,or even most friendships unless they are extremely understanding.

i feel you on this one, lifes a bitch

[quote=aiera]i am seriously sick of having to try new meds that never work and have horrible side effects. i honestly understand why no one likes me i am so fucked up and am always a shitty avoidant mess and i cant hold a job, a relationship,or even most friendships unless they are extremely understanding.[/quote]
i feel you on this one, lifes a bitch
2 Frags +

Every time I try to do something for myself I feel like I have to be messing it up somehow. Like if I'm just making scrambled eggs or something and nothing is wrong I'm like,"Oh fuck, something is going wrong and I just don't know what it is." And then I end up messing up because I'm paralyzed by doubt.

Every time I try to do something for myself I feel like I have to be messing it up somehow. Like if I'm just making scrambled eggs or something and nothing is wrong I'm like,"Oh fuck, something is going wrong and I just don't know what it is." And then I end up messing up because I'm paralyzed by doubt.
6 Frags +
SpadesI'm basing my self-worth off of how I, for the life of me, cannot get hired anywhere.

3 months later and nothing has changed.

[quote=Spades]I'm basing my self-worth off of how I, for the life of me, cannot get hired anywhere.[/quote]
3 months later and nothing has changed.
5 Frags +

I spilled water on my mechanical keyboard that I waited weeks for online, and now i have to get a fucking new one.

I spilled water on my mechanical keyboard that I waited weeks for online, and now i have to get a fucking new one.
4 Frags +

shouldn't your keyboard be fine if you just leave it unplugged until the water evaporates?
I've spilled stuff on my keyboard before, no issues after I left it to dry out

shouldn't your keyboard be fine if you just leave it unplugged until the water evaporates?
I've spilled stuff on my keyboard before, no issues after I left it to dry out
1 ⋅⋅ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ⋅⋅ 42
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