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Last Posted March 11, 2016 at 10:35 PM
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#37 MAJOR CS:GO update for 5/26/15 (Op. Bloodhound) in CS2 General Discussion

nobody mentioning the biggest part of the new update?


Added trace-based visibility checks to prevent networking invisible enemy players.

brb setting mm_dedicated_search_maxping 40

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Need for Speed 2015 in Other Games

ooh man if this is what it looks like it's going to be (underground 3), gonna be sweet.

posted about 9 years ago
#118 ESEA Client Update - Always On??? in TF2 General Discussion
skimJust found this on reddit. From the court case from 2013.


Source: http://nj.gov/oag/newsreleases13/E-Sports_Complaint_Consent-Judgment.pdf

i'd like to point out that those are only complaints, it doesn't necessarily mean they're true and as you would expect when you're making a complaint, you are going to try and make it sound as nefarious as possible.

"The ESEA Software enabled Defendants to not only monitor end-user computer activity but also view and upload any and all end-users' computer files"
in short, it is in fact an anticheat.

posted about 9 years ago
#112 ESEA Client Update - Always On??? in TF2 General Discussion

i get the bitterness here, a game where the anticheat doesn't actually do anything as far as i'm aware, but I don't get the outrage in the csgo scene. going always on has always been a logical idea for an anticheat, especially when it's going to attract more people to cheat with a million dollar prize pool.

also the people who think that esea will try to bitmine from this are hilarious. i didn't know people seriously thought this until I read #63, then I realized those in the subreddit actually believe it...

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Game of Thrones S5 in Music, Movies, TV
ScarletNot to mention a squad of Unsullied got butchered by a gang of rich boy citizens in masks with knives...Honestly that shouldn't have even been a contest.
Also Ser Barristan deciding to take a walk in the city with no armor on, when he knows there is thinly-veiled revolt going on.

I always figured they were just hiring former soldiers/fighters.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Game of Thrones S5 in Music, Movies, TV

i wish joffrey was still alive. so much more amusing and most importantly not a little bitch.

edit: reminded myself of that glorious video

posted about 9 years ago
#80 fav videos in Off Topic


highly suggest watching the show if you haven't.

posted about 9 years ago
#54 New Overwatch in-game video in Other Games

or you could look at it as they took a lesson from every popular tf2 hud and noticed that people like their targetid somewhat centered, but because it's prealpha they couldn't be bothered to to offset it yet because it's a lot easier to divide something in half, subtract it's length/height to center it than it is to fine tune a good looking offset.

posted about 9 years ago
#44 New Overwatch in-game video in Other Games

i'm disappointed they didn't try to innovate with mercys gun to make it require a bit more skill than tf2s medigun, but they're making up for it by giving her that dash and hover.

posted about 9 years ago
#25 New Overwatch in-game video in Other Games
HeadfulofSandvichI can't be the only one who is reminded of Super Monday Night Combat when I see this game right? Same art style, a lot of the same mechanical choices, the hud is once again a clusterfuck, and the map design feels almost like blizzard just hired uber's map devs that got laid off and told them to continue where they left off. I'm not sure how many people have even heard of SMNC, and in regards to the company that made that game, all the people asked said that all they remember about them is that they made some ridiculous 100 dollar rts that nobody bought because of the price (planetary annihilation). This gameplay trailer along with all the other overwatch stuff I've seen just worries me because as much as I would love this game to be good (and hopefully more balanced than SMNC), I've seen nothing to make me believe that this game won't go down the shitter the same way smnc did except for the fact that blizzard's name is attached to this one, which I'm still not sure whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.
-My 2 cents

balancing a moba (multiple characters with abilities that must interact with other players / mobs / turrets / be balanced with all the other character abilities ect) with FPS mechanics (first third person shooting and movement) and dumb shit like enhancements (character upgrades similar to runes or w.e in LoL) sounds really difficult. most games run into issues keeping the balance in just one of those genres, so it wasn't too surprising to see the game die when some random indie company didn't have the ability to properly balance their game.

blizzard has the budget and skill to do so, not to mention they have heavily supported every game they've made for years after release, I think they can do it if they want.

i do have to say that i'm less excited for the game after watching this video, I don't know why exactly though. weird.

posted about 9 years ago
#40 mayweather v pacquiao in Off Topic
turtsmcgurtsWould be cool if somebody posts a confirmed stream for it when it starts. I have HBO, but i'd rather watch it at my desk with my online friends because none of my RL care to watch boxing.

if I find one i'll be sure to be the coo guy, of course.

https://i.imgur.com/cbzQKbT.jpg p good quality for a stream

download "ace player" http://acestream.org/
load video via stream key acestream://e8f810a29314aaa176d9c0de6d70fe9e301233a0
give it a minute or two, if it continues to buffer follow this page, fixed it for me. http://acestreamguide.com/buffering/

it's p2p, so take the normal precautions you do for torrents (vpn w.e), it's from a private tracker but might as well be safe.

posted about 9 years ago
#33 mayweather v pacquiao in Off Topic

Would be cool if somebody posts a confirmed stream for it when it starts. I have HBO, but i'd rather watch it at my desk with my online friends because none of my RL care to watch boxing.

if I find one i'll be sure to be the coo guy, of course.

posted about 9 years ago
#42 Steam now has paid workshop mods in Off Topic

totalbiscuit's video about this is pretty good and changed my opinion.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 Large, visible, and green overheal particles in Customization

nobody has downloaded these in years, but here are the old noid particles I think. no idea which if any work.


i believe these are included.

posted about 9 years ago
#18 thrones in Off Topic

google "popular torrent sites"
do not download somthing with less than a few hundred seeders unless you recognize the group.

posted about 9 years ago
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