Mr_Owlturtsmcgurts1080p anywhere?
i've only seen SD versions
yea ptp and btn only have SD, so I doubt anyone has HD yet.
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SteamID64 | 76561197993403592 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:33137864] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:16568932 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | June 18, 2012 |
Last Posted | March 11, 2016 at 10:35 PM |
Posts | 610 (0.1 per day) |
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Mr_Owlturtsmcgurts1080p anywhere?
i've only seen SD versions
yea ptp and btn only have SD, so I doubt anyone has HD yet.
as much as people like to say the game is dead competitively, it's doing better than pretty much every single FPS other than csgo on PC when it comes to the amount of teams playing and average skill. all it took for me to realize this was to stop playing tf2 and look for the "next big fps".
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you're perfectly fine at anything below 80. my videocard fans don't turn on until it hits 60 by default.
steam in admin mode typically fixes it for me.
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assuming one is available near you, sure why not.
pretty sweet ass game, if it's your type of thing. dozens to potentially hundreds of hours of fun.
i went through the same shit as you, spent a couple days trying to figure out which one I wanted (and waiting for those to come in stock), but then I realized something - none of it matters haha. they're almost all identical in power, speed, cooling and sound, the only thing you need to worry about is whether or not it fits in your case and has a third party fan.
I ended up getting the EVGA. I do not have coil whine and the only time I can hear the fan is if I force it to about 50% speed, but it never reaches that by itself when gaming.
i find that most of the shit talking from competitive players to pubs comes from those new to comp themselves (oh boy i'm in this new exclusive club!) or generally just at lower tiers. higher level players don't really have the need to tell others that they're better because their gameplay shows it. just my experience playing a bunch of random games the past couple years.
yeah I don't really get the hate, people just like jumping on bandwagons I think. i don't think you can name another FPS (or engine rather) that isn't PS2 that can support two hundred man servers with an easy 80 FPS on ultra settings in pre-alpha/alpha aka not fully optimized game. the melee system is pretty fun I think, definitely better than rust but that's not hard to do. the bow feels good, i haven't really touched the weapons yet because of the bow being too much fun, shotgun seems like the overall best from what i've heard and seen. weakest point in the gameplay would be the vehicles I think. poor handling, flip way too easily, blow up on the tiniest obstacle, ect. we've also experienced some items disappearing from our storage crates, which was infuriating because we were about to repair a truck... until the sparkplugs vanished.
they've come out with patches each day so far fixing each of most complained about features, offered a no-questions-asked refund to anyone before Monday (so they're losing money each refund), ect. seems like they're doing a fine job to me.
Bonafide60hz will always be "kind of choppy"
not if he's never used a 120hz monitor, it will just look normal.
edit: unless this is not something new and he has noticed it since he started playing pc games.