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Last Posted September 14, 2018 at 10:46 PM
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#35 Using stats/logs to disparage other players in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 10 years ago
#1 How "into" the holidays are you? in Off Topic

I think now is the appropriate starting point for avatar hats & Christmas music. I like the atmosphere even though I'm not a particularly spirited person and don't add to it.

Too early, however, and it gets on my nerves. I don't wanna hear about the holidays until I'm almost done for the year, you know?

How about you guys?

posted about 10 years ago
#155 Impeach ElenaMorning in TF2 General Discussion
mobe constantly crossing into the "dangerously feminist" area of debate


posted about 10 years ago
#152 Impeach ElenaMorning in TF2 General Discussion
downpourholograsmwhat is it about tf2 that attracts shitty admins?its more that power corrupts and no matter what kind of person you are it will have that effect to some point.

and no matter how much good you do, people will only bring up the bad

posted about 10 years ago
#7 UGC Community Donation Drive in News

Hate to say it, but try not to over-donate. We'll create this ridiculous prize pool for Season 12 that will never be matched in a following season, as each subsequent drive will probably get less and less interest. I can't imagine these $100+ donations are going to be repeated.

posted about 10 years ago
#100 Impeach ElenaMorning in TF2 General Discussion
SoapI know several people who were banned or crestricted permanently because the team they picked was "too good." I will pull up chat logs if I can find the pastebins.

That's because the admins are inconsistent with their own policies and the rules change every 2 weeks.

posted about 10 years ago
#96 Impeach ElenaMorning in TF2 General Discussion
GrImpartialSo the losing team technically wins? O.O

No, the goal of both captains is to pick a fair game based on the average skill level of those added. So if 3 platinum HL players are added, picking all 3 of them would be frowned upon, but if the other captain starts to pick them, you're supposed to know enough about everyone's skill level to know that you should pick a competitive team.

If you mess up, you might get restricted temporarily from captaining, but you won't be banned. It's really complicated and I'm not really a fan. It puts too much pressure on the captain, when it should be up to the players to know their placement.

What actually ends up happening is that both captains just pick as many plat players as possible and everyone looks the other way as long as nobody is fatkidded too many times in a row.

posted about 10 years ago
#86 Impeach ElenaMorning in TF2 General Discussion
marmadukeGRYLLSsmoboThe backburner pyros i know nothing about the elite level pyro play in HL but whats wrong with backburner? that shit has crits built into it... ?

Pyro usually can't do a whole lot of damage in engagements because of heavies/sentries/scouts tearing him up if he tries to close the distance, so he's delegated to a defensive role that tries to support the demo/medic centerpiece, deny bombers, and spycheck. He really can't do that if he's constantly out of ammo from the backburner's downside, or if he's constantly dead from chasing frags.

posted about 10 years ago
#80 Impeach ElenaMorning in TF2 General Discussion

LMAO. Thanks.

posted about 10 years ago
#77 Impeach ElenaMorning in TF2 General Discussion

It's hyperbole for sure, but you've gotta admit someone who posts as abrasively as you do couldn't do so in a lot of places.

posted about 10 years ago
#72 Impeach ElenaMorning in TF2 General Discussion
DavyCI don't think they mix for ego boosting but maybe for fun. How dumb right?

If you want to fuck around for fun, you can get the same experience in pubs or lobbies, where nobody has an expectation of serious competition. It's also easier to stack teams with your friends.

If you want the competition, there's always pugscrimming, pug.nahl, or whatever. Just try not to pugscrim and berate steel level players and call them racial slurs, this time.

edit: If neither of these sounds good, my guess is that you want to mess around while everyone else is competitive, which sorta implies you're only interested in annoying other people.

posted about 10 years ago
#69 Impeach ElenaMorning in TF2 General Discussion

First, way to -frag Lange for trying to guide this community toward something almost respectable. Shame on him. I know TF.TV is supposed to be our wild-west where the vigilante justice of -frags is the only law of the land, but it's really creating this toxicity and socio-centric idea where everyone outside your clique deserves no respect, and openly insulting/shaming other people is somehow OK. People have no way to defend themselves from shame threads like this, because our community tends to latch on to whatever the most popular person said first.

Please read the post and take me seriously even if there's a gray number next to it. SteveC, Decoy, and others that are banned/whatever usually have a long history of being rude and demeaning and annoying in the channel or in the community. These tiny excerpts are selectively chosen to make their point, just as any biased news source will try to make you think as they do. Critical reading, identifying bias, and common decency should've been taught to most of us by now.

Elena has been a reasonable person in my experience, and has been pretty damn responsive to legitimate apologies and suggestions. If you go talk to her rather than shaming her on a forum, you'll probably have better results. But regardless of that, let's say she's literally Hitler and is trying to kill competitive TF2 because she's jealous of how big SteveC's wiener is. That's okay, we all have our own theories.

Here's what you can do about it:
Play in pug.nahl instead. She has no authority there. Think of it as a pug system in which she has already been impeached. You already have what you're asking for.

The backburner pyros, the constant overextending demos, the medics running quick-fix and pocketing scouts the whole game, they're making really lame pugs for everyone but the people messing around. Everyone is so proud of you for getting a lot of kills by overextending and running dumb loadouts against low-level players. We really are. But when that happens, both teams are given a negative experience because one or two people are altering the flow of the game so that it's no longer any legitimate practice.

tl;dr: they should quit fucking around in low level pugs to boost their ego and populate the dead channel they blame their behavior on

posted about 10 years ago
#4 DAYZ ON STEAM in Other Games

If they can ever make it feel like a semi-polished experience, I'll give it another go.

posted about 10 years ago
#12 CEVO Update in TF2 General Discussion

Let any team member pay for any amount they choose for the team fee. like one team member can't pay so someone else pays his part, or the team leader l/sponsor can cover it all.

I'd like the idea of free backups, but organizing a way to split the cost if it has to be paid in one chunk is not going to be fun. please make the system flexible.

posted about 10 years ago
#31 What do we need to do to make TF2 E-Sports bigger? in Esports

water and lots of sunlight

posted about 10 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 ⋅⋅ 67