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Who will make playoffs in ETF2L Spring 2024?
posted in News
May 7, 2024

As we come into week 7 of ETF2L Spring 2024, only three teams know their fates. MANDEM have guaranteed themselves playoffs by winning 11 out of the 12 maps they have played, while wer das liest ist doof and GLOBAL YETI are too far down the table to have a chance at progressing. That leaves five teams with the opportunity to make playoffs, but for some this is more likely than others…

Graphics by dempsey

Garda Panteri

Garda Panteri come into week 7 with playoffs an almost certainty. The only result combination that causes them to slip to 5th is if they lose 6-0 to /for fence, TLR beat MANDEM 6-0 and SKEDDA win precisely 5-1 against NANDEM.

/for fence

Although a playoffs spot is looking very likely for /for fence, there is still the chance their single point deduction may come back to bite them. Whilst a 2-4 loss or better is enough to guarantee a playoffs spot, they can sneak in with fewer points if other results go their way.

If /for fence lose 5-1, then they still qualify unless TLR win 6-0 and SKEDDA win either 5-1 or 6-0, or TLR win 5-1 and SKEDDA win 4-2.

If instead /for fence lose 6-0, their hopes mostly lie in the hands of MANDEM: if MANDEM tie with or beat TLR, they send /for fence to the playoffs. A 4-2 win for TLR also sends /for fence through, on the condition that the NANDEM vs SKEDDA game does not finish 3-3 or 6-0 to NANDEM. A 5-1 or 6-0 win for TLR would also qualify /for fence, as long as NANDEM win 4-2 or 5-1.


SKEDDA are the lowest team in the division to still have their fate in their own hands. A 6-0 win against NANDEM would secure playoffs for them with no further questions asked, but a 5-1 or 6-0 defeat would eliminate them from contention.

A 5-1 win for SKEDDA is enough to qualify in all scenarios, except where TLR beat MANDEM 6-0 and /for fence score 2 to 5 points against Garda Panteri.

A 4-2 win is enough, as long as either Garda Panteri win 5-1 or 6-0, or MANDEM score at least 2 points against TLR.

A tie is also enough if Garda Panteri beat /for fence 6-0, or MANDEM beat TLR.

Finally, a 4-2 loss can also be enough for SKEDDA if MANDEM beat TLR, but if the MANDEM vs. TLR game is tied then SKEDDA also qualify as long as /for fence and GLOBAL YETI both win their games 6-0.

The Last Resort

Nothing less than of a draw against league leaders MANDEM will be enough for a shot at retaining their ETF2L crown, but unfortunately even if TLR score all six points available, they will still be at the mercy of other results.

Should they tie 3-3 with MANDEM, they can only qualify if NANDEM beat SKEDDA precisely 4-2 and at least one of Garda Panteri and wer das liest ist doof avoids 6-0 defeat in their respective games.

A 4-2 win for TLR is is only enough if NANDEM avoid defeat against SKEDDA.

A 5-1 win for TLR will qualify them, but only if either NANDEM score at least 2 points against SKEDDA or Garda Panteri beat /for fence 6-0.

Finally a 6-0 win would also be enough to qualify unless SKEDDA win 6-0 and /for fence score at least 2 points against Garda Panteri.


NANDEM require at least 5 points from their game against SKEDDA to have a chance at playoffs, and even then it isn't guaranteed.

A 5-1 win will qualify them so long as MANDEM beat TLR by any score.

A 6-0 win will also ensure NANDEM’s qualification in the case that MANDEM beat TLR by any score... but if TLR win 5-1 or 4-2, NANDEM can still qualify as long as Garda Panteri beat /for fence 6-0. However, if TLR win 6-0 NANDEM can still qualify if and only if Garda Panteri win 6-0 and GLOBAL YETI score at least one point against wer das liest ist doof.

Six weeks of intense competition have led us to this maelstrom; tune in to twitch.tv/EssentialsTF to catch the action.

24 Frags +

Cool to see tftv new articles being written again, nice to get a glimpse into things for someone who doesn’t follow the eu scene much these days

Edit: maybe it would be possible to include the rosters for each team as well

Cool to see tftv new articles being written again, nice to get a glimpse into things for someone who doesn’t follow the eu scene much these days

Edit: maybe it would be possible to include the rosters for each team as well
-8 Frags +

Nice article, but a couple things were wrong.

One is that garda were always guaranteed playoffs. This is due to even if TLR get all 6 points, they lose the tiebreaker to garda as they lost the main season offi to them. Both end on 23 points, but garda won 5-1 against TLR in main season. The results for france vs garda are already in, but garda always had playoffs guarantee.

Also to note is the result of germans vs poles doesn't matter at all for playoffs, only for final placings. Germans best case scenario 5th, but that doesn't deny anyone of playoffs since their match is against last place team who cannot get anything but last place.

Nandem vs skedda must result in one team having over 20 points whereas germans can only get 19. (4-2 to nandem puts them at 19 vs skedda 20 and 5-1 to nandem puts them at 20 vs skedda 19 table points, these results leave it up to whether tlr gets their 3 points in their offi to take 4th place, otherwise either nandem or skedda take the fourth place).

The tiebreaks will be for 5th place against germans if they 6-0 poles, which skedda will win and nandem will lose due to their individual scores against the germans.

So whilst it's nice to think the offi means something, unfortunately for both the 7th and 8th place teams it is just a match for honor, as the 5th place tiebreaks mean nothing for playoffs, and in my experience coming 5th isn't different to 6th or 7th in a close season like this.

It will be interesting to see if mandem tryhard to attempt to secure nandem in playoffs as their sister team or if they will relax a bit to try to get TLR over skedda as skedda was the only team so far to take a map off them in the main season. Keeping in mind, skedda still has complete control as a 6-0 against nandem guarantees playoffs no matter what.

Nice article, but a couple things were wrong.

One is that garda were always guaranteed playoffs. This is due to even if TLR get all 6 points, they lose the tiebreaker to garda as they lost the main season offi to them. Both end on 23 points, but garda won 5-1 against TLR in main season. The results for france vs garda are already in, but garda always had playoffs guarantee.

Also to note is the result of germans vs poles doesn't matter at all for playoffs, only for final placings. Germans best case scenario 5th, but that doesn't deny anyone of playoffs since their match is against last place team who cannot get anything but last place.

Nandem vs skedda must result in one team having over 20 points whereas germans can only get 19. (4-2 to nandem puts them at 19 vs skedda 20 and 5-1 to nandem puts them at 20 vs skedda 19 table points, these results leave it up to whether tlr gets their 3 points in their offi to take 4th place, otherwise either nandem or skedda take the fourth place).

The tiebreaks will be for 5th place against germans if they 6-0 poles, which skedda will win and nandem will lose due to their individual scores against the germans.

So whilst it's nice to think the offi means something, unfortunately for both the 7th and 8th place teams it is just a match for honor, as the 5th place tiebreaks mean nothing for playoffs, and in my experience coming 5th isn't different to 6th or 7th in a close season like this.

It will be interesting to see if mandem tryhard to attempt to secure nandem in playoffs as their sister team or if they will relax a bit to try to get TLR over skedda as skedda was the only team so far to take a map off them in the main season. Keeping in mind, skedda still has complete control as a 6-0 against nandem guarantees playoffs no matter what.
4 Frags +

Garda could have been eliminated on 23 points if there was a 3 way tie between them, TLR and SKEDDA, since their SB tiebreaker score was the worst of the three. That's why for Garda to go out, SKEDDA would have had to win 5-1 exactly (because as you say, Garda win the h2h tiebreaker in the event of a 2 way tie vs TLR because of week 1). But regardless this doesn't matter anymore since Garda got the 1 point they needed to qualify last night.

The WDLID vs GLOBAL YETI game barely matters to be honest, except in a couple of niche scenarios where it changes other teams' tiebreaker scores enough to alter who makes playoffs.

Garda could have been eliminated on 23 points if there was a 3 way tie between them, TLR and SKEDDA, since their SB tiebreaker score was the worst of the three. That's why for Garda to go out, SKEDDA would have had to win 5-1 exactly (because as you say, Garda win the h2h tiebreaker in the event of a 2 way tie vs TLR because of week 1). But regardless this doesn't matter anymore since Garda got the 1 point they needed to qualify last night.

The WDLID vs GLOBAL YETI game barely matters to be honest, except in a couple of niche scenarios where it changes other teams' tiebreaker scores enough to alter who makes playoffs.
14 Frags +

well atleast we denied TLR playoffs

well atleast we denied TLR playoffs
-6 Frags +
BenplGarda could have been eliminated on 23 points if there was a 3 way tie between them, TLR and SKEDDA, since their SB tiebreaker score was the worst of the three. That's why for Garda to go out, SKEDDA would have had to win 5-1 exactly (because as you say, Garda win the h2h tiebreaker in the event of a 2 way tie vs TLR because of week 1). But regardless this doesn't matter anymore since Garda got the 1 point they needed to qualify last night.

The WDLID vs GLOBAL YETI game barely matters to be honest, except in a couple of niche scenarios where it changes other teams' tiebreaker scores enough to alter who makes playoffs.

Garda beat both TLR and Skedda in the main season so they would have no problem getting through in third place in case of a 3 way tie. The SB tiebreaker isn't needed.

[quote=Benpl]Garda could have been eliminated on 23 points if there was a 3 way tie between them, TLR and SKEDDA, since their SB tiebreaker score was the worst of the three. That's why for Garda to go out, SKEDDA would have had to win 5-1 exactly (because as you say, Garda win the h2h tiebreaker in the event of a 2 way tie vs TLR because of week 1). But regardless this doesn't matter anymore since Garda got the 1 point they needed to qualify last night.

The WDLID vs GLOBAL YETI game barely matters to be honest, except in a couple of niche scenarios where it changes other teams' tiebreaker scores enough to alter who makes playoffs.[/quote]

Garda beat both TLR and Skedda in the main season so they would have no problem getting through in third place in case of a 3 way tie. The SB tiebreaker isn't needed.
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