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Signed Up April 20, 2013
Last Posted January 21, 2015 at 4:41 PM
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#8 Main/IM Team LF Scout or Pocket in Recruitment (looking for team)

All nice laid back guys. Good group of guys to play with.

posted about 10 years ago
#203 ESEA Quick Fix Ruling in TF2 General Discussion
2sy_morphiendI am totally fine with killing deciding to ban the quick fix unilaterally

If any of this fucking shitstorm has taught us anything it's that 95% of this community is too fucking stupid to form their own opinions and can't even hold a serious discussion. TLR completely reversed his position on the quick fix despite not even playing this season and got +fragged both times.

People in this community will +frag anything a blue name says, and the fact that people still parrot "the meta is stale, robin is right" line is a joke. Blaming the gullywash (still a shit map) match for the QF is reasonable, but the rest of LAN was pretty shit to watch as well.

You weren't exactly the shining beacon of open arms and good communication, though. It's a delicate situation because if you do want to actually have a conversation then you can't just be so easily dismissive of other peoples' opinions (silver HL star or not). If you don't want an actual discussion then there's nothing to post in the first place. If you just want to shake the bee-hive a bit then post a rather confrontational thread and posts. Unfortunately, finding something in between where you get good discussion but only from people you want (by satisfying some criteria) is hoping for the impossible, at least on public forums like these. You'd need to find some fairly charitable people (which you weren't) in that you expect people who come to these boards to be invested in the game, probably watch streams etc. If you can't be charitable and look at the points people are making for their own sake (as opposed to whether they fit your criteria of having a legitimate opinion) then you're the one who can't "hold a serious discussion".

Also I don't understand how you could trust Killing to make this decision unilaterally. It just doesn't make sense to me. You're basically throwing your hands in the air and saying "fuck it just have one person decide".

posted about 10 years ago
#201 ESEA Quick Fix Ruling in TF2 General Discussion

This shouldn't even be happening in the first place. A weapon that gets added mid-season then gets banned without going through the proper process other than "I spoke to people, it would be banned". If that's true, then just go through the fucking process so that you can retain credibility. Or just don't add weapons half-way through the season to begin with to maintain credibility, either or. For fucks sake.. this isn't rocket surgery.

posted about 10 years ago
#9 scout lft high open or low im in Recruitment (looking for team)

Dedicated to doing what the team needs of him and has good DM.

posted about 10 years ago
#21 Medic LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

The times I played with her were fairly unpleasant (pugs as well as a scrim i rang for a team she played on). Has a pretty bad 'tude, condescending when she thinks she has room to be (thinks she's better than you, etc), tries to micromanage beyond anything that could be functional/reasonable in addition to having questionable calls.

Get on your team if you need help quitting tf2.

posted about 10 years ago
#20 scout s15 open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Good DM, seems willing to learn. Unfortunately, I feel that all this praise for his sniper plays against him and is a little too eager to play that role for my liking. I don't think i've seen him go heavy defending last without someone having to tell him as he simply tends towards sniper instinctually, even in questionable situations. With that under wrap, though, he would be a very solid pick up.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 lft scout soldier demo in Recruitment (looking for team)

Played with him for ~a week or 2. Good guy, but randomly didn't show up to scrims and was very unapologetic about it ("it's just a game"). Has the mentality that if you care you're a nerd. Solid DM, very aggro which can be a plus but could be a liability.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Non LFT s15 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Has a hot sister, pick her up. Also (not so) secretly thinks he's black, can be a plus or minus.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Demo looking to backup for mid-high open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Team found.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Demo looking to backup for mid-high open in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 10 years ago
#6 sky_ LFT Pocket s15 in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 10 years ago
#1 Demo looking to backup for mid-high open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Sharpest pipes NA, looking to backup for a team.

posted about 10 years ago
#334 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
Arxthe301stspartanUnpopular=/=Bad. If you got into competitive tf2 for the money and call it "failing" because it doesn't deliver, I'm afraid you went very wrong somewhere.
Correct. I don't mean we have a bad game to play. Obviously we like it enough to stick around for a number of years. If that is the only thing that is important to us, then by all means, change nothing and we can continue as we are!

What I'm getting at, is we have a bad product if we want to have larger tournaments, more players, largest prizes, more frequent events, more viewers, more discussions, communities, fan art, global recognition, and even.... future versions of the game!

If we want all of that, the product needs changing pronto. If we just want to enjoy ourselves playing the game as it is for the last few years of it's life, we can do that too! I like the game, but I'd personally want to see how big we could get it to become. I'd love to see how intense a TF2 tournament with a $100,000 prize fund would be. Imagine the nerves in the final! I'd shit the bed even watching that game, let alone being one of the 12 players actually competing in it. If that's what you want, we need to change.

So yeah... you're correct. The game isn't bad and it isn't failing as such, if this is where we want to keep it.

You've yet to make a convincing case for why we have a bad product. You say we have a bad product if we want larger tournaments, but we'll get larger tournaments if we get more viewers which is the same as equating a bad product with an unpopular one, which you just agreed isn't the case. Which is it?

posted about 10 years ago
#327 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
ArxfrknArxI'm excited about this. Robin is completely right about the current state of competitive TF2. It is the same stuff over and over again. Only the existing competitive players really enjoy consistently watching 6vs6 matches because we notice the tiny little differences in play and we appreciate those things.
Why does everybody keep acting like this is a problem? This is inherent to almost all competition. Ever watched a soccer game? How often do you see new never before seen plays? Hardly ever. It's all about execution. Same with all sports. Football probably has the most "new" plays, due to the nature of running a specific play every down, but even then they are few and far between, much like tf2. How much of CS:GO is crazy new strats instead of just fine tuning execution?

You're right. Those sports have been played the same way for ages but they didn't always have a static rule set. In soccer the offside rule was added at a later date to prevent people from sitting around the opponent's goal waiting for a long ball to put in the back of the net. That was an adaptation on what was still a successful sport, simply to make the game better. It does happen.

There might be a way that we can make small(ish) changes to the game, and make it a LOT more appealing to people outside of our competitive community. If that means having a few extra unlocks, or changing a few rules / formats here and there, and results in us having more frequent, high stakes tournaments with more viewers and global recognition... then that's something I'd be willing to sacrifice; and who knows... maybe they game might end up better anyway!

The game is fine how it is (to play) but if we want it to grow, simply put... changes NEED to be made whether you like it or not. Going from 3000 viewers for a league final to 4000 viewers for a league final in the space of 2 years is not the kind of growth that large sponsors care about. We need to change our product, or be content with that we have now (as it's only going to get slightly bigger over a long period of time). Either way works with me.

For one you'd have to look at the lengths of time these games have been in existence. Change in meta is always slow in any field (whether it be sports or academic fields). At play is a lot more than "some people find this fun and others don't". I'm no sociologist but behind football is a lot of history, hype, identity formation through a team, etc. I honestly don't like Dota 2, I find it slow and boring. But there's a shit-ton more hype around it (and anything else associated with hype like money, time, ads) than tf2. Moreover, tf2 is way older. Even if you started seeing ads now for competitive tf2, the population at large probably wouldn't care much - "isn't that the game that came out 7 years ago?".

My bigger problem is that 6s is already hard enough to follow as it is (I get a lot more out of watching a demo by myself than streams in 1st person. I'd rather watch from the top to see how things develop and go in 1st person if i'm looking at what this person did in this specific situation). HL just has too much happening that makes it too hard to follow. Behind football are huge crews of camera-men and guys telling which camera they're going to be on etc. If you want to have HL be taken seriously you'd need more than 1 camera guy focusing on specific players. For me, the limited amount of information bombarded at you makes 6s much more bearable than HL.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Mid-open demo looking for mentor. in Mentoring

Found one!

posted about 10 years ago
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