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Signed Up September 24, 2016
Last Posted July 26, 2019 at 11:36 PM
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#49 lf socially anxious players in Off Topic
MankyIf only thing you can say to someone that has severe mental problem is some shit you should honestly fucking die.
I've been friends with milky since 2015 and we've dealt with shit we had together. He helped me out so much when i was still in high school, but whenever I hear about issues he has because of his mental state it just freaks me out that somebody would attack him based on that. Ever since I've known him his mental health has been worsening because of the shit he receives for it. I wouldn't go to details about it for milky's privacy sake. Often he would tell me that I'm his only friend and that makes me really sad, he's such a nice guy. I remember him telling me about state of tf2 community about all negativity and circlejerking and I'm so glad people are finally starting to realize that.

Giving someone actual advice to help overcome social anxiety isn't "talking shit." Going out and getting out of your comfort zone actually does help, and having a job to give structure and routine to your day works wonders on having depression. Seems like the only person in this thread talking shit is Milky himself.

posted about 5 years ago
#37 lf socially anxious players in Off Topic

I wanted to try to be nice, but you seem to need more help than some stranger on the Internet can give.

posted about 5 years ago
#44 Valve staff abusing powers in TF2 General Discussion

same valve admin

How little have you played TF2 where you've never seen anyone imitate a basic spinbot?

posted about 5 years ago
#834 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
tojotsarif you read what i just typed and thought "yep this sounds like a fun experience" then i honestly have no words for you.but you could push the enemy's last with 3 ubers and 3 demoman, the games meta would evolve to new heights and it would save the game bcus that's what valve wants!!!!

fuxx u type like people who pretend to be stereotypical neckbeards

Or you could just play a pub server or Valve's official comp mode.

posted about 5 years ago
#81 what are your pet peeves in Off Topic
shotgunwizardwhen i microwave my leftover fries and they become soggy shits and lose all their salt

Stick them in the oven instead.

posted about 5 years ago
#2 Why is white people so evil? in The Dumpster

Go to bed, sage.

posted about 5 years ago
#69 what are your pet peeves in Off Topic
dot_cities/countries that ban pitbulls
denver is stupid no wonder the broncos play here

Don't worry, idiots will move on to backyard breeding a different "aggressive" dog breed that they think makes them look tough when they chain it up in their backyard and only interact with to give it food and water once per day and people will forget all about pit bulls, just like they've already forgotten about rottweilers and the doberman.

posted about 5 years ago
#288 Ban Pred and Degu v2 in Off Topic
goreston Tagg has 77,000 youtube subscribers, and 45,000 twitch followers. Tagg's youtube and twitch channels now rarely broadcast TF2. Can someone please explain how this is good for comp TF2? Do you think Tagg was the only person to leave the community for the reason he did? This idea that it's super important to keep the racists while we ignore the people they push out of the community is fucking stupid.

Edited to fix broken quotes, and explain the edit.

Not going to defend the Jedi or whatever, but those are numbers he gained after he started doing things that aren't TF2 aren't they? it's hard to make an argument for Tagg's numbers since he hasn't played TF2 in years now. You could even argue that those numbers could mean quitting TF2 was a good thing for him since it allowed him to do other things, instead of your presumed(?) point of trying to say that Tagg had such a large audience before he quit. For reference b4nny is at 61k subscribers on Youtube and 86k followers on Twitch.

posted about 5 years ago

I don't think you're going to get very good replies from a forum devoted to playing the competitive format of the hit video game Team Fortress 2.

posted about 5 years ago
#254 Ban Pred and Degu v2 in Off Topic
cryosisjewpoon69he's not wrong now, is he
Majority of people seem to disagree with him and you, so please explain.

posted about 5 years ago
#249 Ban Pred and Degu v2 in Off Topic
dishsoapwtf is wrong with this jedi guy

Too much time on 4chan.

posted about 5 years ago
#53 what are your pet peeves in Off Topic
Linkerwhen you have a conversation with someone and they reply only stuff like "yeah" "lmao" "nice" makes me fucking die can you pls at least try saying something else

Sometimes people just don't have anything to say, but want to show that they are actually paying attention and reading what you type.

posted about 5 years ago
#42 Planet at risk of irreversible hothouse conditions in World Events
Fuxx>Attributing culpability to the negligible damage done by private citizens
>Overlooking, if not downright ignoring the real widescale damage done by unseen titans
>Arguing about fucking straws

Fuck you and your "just be a better human bean :-)" philosophy.

How the fuck do you expect anyone to be held accountable and for actual change to occur if you actively don't do anything about it?

posted about 5 years ago
#40 Planet at risk of irreversible hothouse conditions in World Events
MakyStraws account for 0.01% of plastic pollution, the United States, as a whole accounts for less then 10 percent of all the world's pollution. The United States and its citizens are not at fault for "global warming" or "climate change". Countries like China and India are so filthy that nearly 90% of their water supply is tainted, the problem, if any, are other countries, not the US. Unfortunately alot of the countries that account for pollution are not apart of NATO or any other global system. China, at this point, cares more about turning a profit then the well being if its citizens.

This is the most bizarre logic. "Oh it's only a bit of trash, so it shouldn't matter what I as a private citizen do." This is the same logic that leads to low voter turnout (eh, a single vote doesn't matter) that in turn leads to clueless old guys who don't know what they're talking about being elected year after year. If you as a citizen don't take care of the environment, why should an official that is supposed to be a representative of you as a citizen care? Why should these elected officials place political pressure on countries that produce the most pollution if they're elected by an uncaring citizenry? Why should they work to raise awareness of such issues if you, the citizens they represent, shift the blame to "oh it's India and China and I can't do anything about that." If you aren't doing anything, then why should the government who represents you? Also, just because China is at the top doesn't mean the United States magically produces zero pollution. China may be 2x as much, but the US is ranked second on the top sources of pollution by country, followed by the EU, then India.

posted about 5 years ago
#28 Planet at risk of irreversible hothouse conditions in World Events
Stereomaybe if our leaders would take global warming as a serious issue and won't take meaningless weather changes to prove their non-existent point :):):)

"Our leaders" aren't the only ones with a responsibility to the planet, take a look at your own actions as well before you go start suggesting some unnamed elected officials should take 100% of the blame.

posted about 5 years ago
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