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SteamID64 76561198028977400
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:34355836
Country Czech Republic
Signed Up July 25, 2014
Last Posted November 5, 2023 at 3:00 AM
Posts 796 (0.2 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 48 49 50 51 52 53
#64 Danpixed's MaxFPS compilation in Customization
R4ndomdeguCZCommanglia's Max FPS for High Quality PCs with Explosion changing scripts, surfaceproperties and NoHatsEffects2639 frames 21.047 seconds 125.38 fps ( 7.98 ms/f) 8.578 fps variabilityDanpixed's MaxFrames (everything in packed file)2639 frames 23.210 seconds 113.70 fps ( 8.80 ms/f) 7.181 fps variabilityBoth with sv_pure 2

CPU: AMD FX-6300 @ 4,1 GHz
Graphics Card: GIGABYTE Radeon HD 6850 (OC)
dxlevel 81
1920x900, Windowed

Am i only one getting lower frames with this compilation?
+ the game feels really bad for me

Have you tried setting r_queued_post_processing "1" to "0"


r_queued_post_processing 0
2639 frames 23.237 seconds 113.57 fps ( 8.81 ms/f) 7.303 fps variability
r_queued_post_processing 1
2639 frames 23.383 seconds 112.86 fps ( 8.86 ms/f) 7.141 fps variability

My test in first post was with r_queued_post_processing 0

posted about 8 years ago
#61 Danpixed's MaxFPS compilation in Customization

Commanglia's Max FPS for High Quality PCs with Explosion changing scripts, surfaceproperties and NoHatsEffects

2639 frames 21.047 seconds 125.38 fps ( 7.98 ms/f) 8.578 fps variability

Danpixed's MaxFrames (everything in packed file)

2639 frames 23.210 seconds 113.70 fps ( 8.80 ms/f) 7.181 fps variability

Both with sv_pure 2

CPU: AMD FX-6300 @ 4,1 GHz
Graphics Card: GIGABYTE Radeon HD 6850 (OC)
dxlevel 81
1920x900, Windowed

Am i only one getting lower frames with this compilation?
+ the game feels really bad for me

posted about 8 years ago
#169 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion

CPU and overclock: AMD FX-6300 @ 4,1 GHz
Graphics Card: GIGABYTE Radeon HD 6850

dxlevel (default is 90): 81
Resolution: 1920x900
Full-screen or windowed: Windowed
FPS configs enabled: Comanglia's Max FPS for High Quality PCs
Shadows enabled/disabled: disabled

2639 frames 21.478 seconds 127.87 fps ( 8.14 ms/f) 8.934 fps variability

Additional notes: Win7, Project Lasso (TF2 0-5, rest 1-5), Razer Cortex

Still dropping frames, 30-50 fps on cp_process mid :(

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Can't change mat_filterlightmaps on demo in Q/A Help

mat_filterlightmaps "1"
mat_filtertextures "1"
mat_filtertextures 1;alias mat_filtertextures “”
mat_filterlightmaps 1;alias mat_filterlightmaps “”
mat_filterlightmaps ""
mat_filtertextures ""

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Chris config crashed in Q/A Help


posted about 8 years ago
#4 Custom resolution on fullscreen in Q/A Help
BronanIf you don't feel like using an additional program, you can try steps which I can confirm work:

Thank you very much, it works perfectly!
Btw. isn't here some way to auto-set this resolution after starting TF2?

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Custom resolution on fullscreen in Q/A Help

Hello, I would like to play game on custom resolution (1920x900) in fullscreen, if i have -full -w 1920 -h 900 in my launch options the game sets to native resolution (1920x1080), if windowed, game is in 1920x900.
I have got AMD 6850 GPU and analog monitor.
Anybody got some tip how to play fullscreen on 1920x900 with black bars?
Thanks in advance!

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Script messed up in Q/A Help
KairudeguCZyou change spawn as medic without loosing your uber
Keep in mind this is disallowed in some leagues, check with your league's rule page.


So where is this script? Demoman.cfg? Or is this in an all-class reset.cfg sort of location?

Have you tried just directly binding the keys to the item preset without your intermediary aliases?

TF2 doesn't like quotes within quotes so maybe try re-working a bit to not have "quotes "within quotes"".

Lastly, what is demolp for? Could you not just omit demolp entirely?
alias announce_team_0 "say_team Item Preset 0"
alias announce_team_1 "say_team Item Preset 1"
alias announce_team_2 "say_team Item Preset 2"
alias announce_team_3 "say_team Item Preset 3"

bind kp_end "announce_team_0; load_itempreset 0; alias f_swap load_itempreset 0"
bind kp_downarrow "announce_team_1; load_itempreset 1; alias f_swap load_itempreset 1"
bind kp_pgdn "announce_team_2; load_itempreset 2; alias f_swap load_itempreset 2"
bind kp_leftarrow "announce_team_3; load_itempreset 3; alias f_swap load_itempreset 3"

alias f_swap "load_itempreset 0"
bind f f_swap

Try this. Should function as you want it to. Just remember that aliases cannot retain information after closing the game, so the first time you press F without touching a loadout key it'll be set to preset 0. I also removed your nasty nested binds which can cause issues when changing stuff in the future.

Yes it's different for each class.
Yes, I tried, result was the same.
Demolp (scoutlp...) is "demoman last preset", so after executing class config it will load last preset loaded with script. And if I choose for example preset 1 as demo, I won't have iteam preset 1 as scout, but I'll have 0 as last time I played scout. (after forward spawning with F)

I turned on half of my brain and made this:

alias loadout_pres_0 "say_team "Item preset 0"; alias "demo_lp" "load_itempreset 0"; demo_lp"
alias loadout_pres_1 "say_team "Item preset 1"; alias "demo_lp" "load_itempreset 1"; demo_lp"
alias loadout_pres_2 "say_team "Item preset 2"; alias "demo_lp" "load_itempreset 2"; demo_lp"
alias loadout_pres_3 "say_team "Item preset 3"; alias "demo_lp" "load_itempreset 3"; demo_lp"

bind f demo_lp

bind kp_end loadout_pres_0
bind kp_downarrow loadout_pres_1
bind kp_pgdn loadout_pres_2
bind kp_leftarrow loadout_pres_3

in class confings

bind alt "+joinclass"
alias +joinclass "bind 1 scout1; bind 2 soldier1; bind 3 pyro1; bind 4 demoman1; bind 5 heavy1; bind 6 engineer1; bind 7 medic1; bind 8 sniper1; bind 9 spy1"
alias -joinclass "bind 1 "aslot1"; bind 2 "aslot2"; bind 3 "aslot3"; bind 4 "aslot4"; bind 5 "clear"; bind 6 "clear"; bind 7 "clear"; bind 8 "clear"; bind 9 "clear""
alias scout1 "join_class scout; exec scout; scout_lp"
alias soldier1 "join_class soldier; exec soldier; solly_lp"
alias pyro1 "join_class pyro; exec pyro; pyro_lp"
alias demoman1 "join_class demoman; exec demoman; demo_lp"
alias heavy1 "join_class heavyweapons; exec heavyweapons; heavy_lp"
alias engineer1 "join_class engineer; exec engineer; engie_lp"
alias medic1 "join_class medic; exec medic; medic_lp"
alias sniper1 "join_class sniper; exec sniper; sniper_lp"
alias spy1 "join_class spy; exec spy; spy_lp"

in my autoexec

it seems working

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Script messed up in Q/A Help

well, it's loadout changing that also allows you to change to forward/backward spawns, with stuff like keeping your uber without must having 2 presets with the same loadout, only one hat changed
i found it very confortable and useful, so i'd like to get back 100% fuction

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Script messed up in Q/A Help
HerganYou can't switch spawns or resupply by changing loadouts now, at least from what I heard and witnessed

yes you can

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Script messed up in Q/A Help

Hello guys, I made this script:

alias loadout_pres_0 "say_team "Item preset 0"; bind f demolp_0; alias demo_lp load_itempreset 0; demo_lp"
alias loadout_pres_1 "say_team "Item preset 1"; bind f demolp_1; alias demo_lp load_itempreset 1; demo_lp"
alias loadout_pres_2 "say_team "Item preset 2"; bind f demolp_2; alias demo_lp load_itempreset 2; demo_lp"
alias loadout_pres_3 "say_team "Item preset 3"; bind f demolp_3; alias demo_lp load_itempreset 3; demo_lp"

alias demolp_0 "load_itempreset 0"
alias demolp_1 "load_itempreset 1"
alias demolp_2 "load_itempreset 2"
alias demolp_3 "load_itempreset 3"

bind kp_end loadout_pres_0
bind kp_downarrow loadout_pres_1
bind kp_pgdn loadout_pres_2
bind kp_leftarrow loadout_pres_3


(this script is for demoman, for other classes is only every word demo changed to another class)

It's for forward respawning, for supplementing ammo and health without touching a cabin or while playing ultiduo, it let you change spawn as medic without loosing your uber and it remebers the last preset on every class.

So the problem is: after you choose a class and spawn, after 0.5 sec you will move (the same like when ur changing item presets), yes i know according to script it should do this, but problem is - it didnt do it. I went on vacation, came back and now this. When i was on vacation TF2 was updated (July 15, 2015) but i can see nothing that could relate to my script.

Anybody knows why is this now happening and how to fix it?

Thanks in advance

I recorded videos explaining where is my problem:
This is short video from demo, showing how it was working:
This is what is happening now after changing class:

posted about 8 years ago
#607 post your desktop in Off Topic

humble little desktop

posted about 8 years ago
#3 [Stream] degu in Requests
MR_SLINYou're already added under the name Degu with URL

yep that was original twitch of me and few friends (and twitch doesnt allow changing names), i removed that account from twitch

posted about 8 years ago
#4099 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
PigbyMessed around with various new spectator HUD configurations for HL. Quick, dirty, and unpolished.

I like the first one because it's easy to compare classes to classes, but the second one blocks less important things, so I'm somewhat torn between both.


posted about 8 years ago
#1 [Stream] degu in Requests

Sidebar name: degu
Country: czechia

I stream mostly scrims, mixes, pickups and more stuff

posted about 8 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 48 49 50 51 52 53