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Last Posted August 9, 2022 at 8:55 PM
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#6879 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization


posted about a year ago
#6878 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

what does "s.xx" do in BluePlayerList

						"ControlName"	"TFSectionedListPanel"
						"fieldName"		"BluePlayerList"
						"xpos"			"0"
						"ypos"			"0"
						"zpos"			"1"
						"wide"			"p.465"
						"tall"			"205"
						"visible"		"1"
						"enabled"		"1"
						"tabPosition"	"0"
						"autoresize"	"0"
						"linespacing"	"26"
						"linegap"		"4"
						//"show_columns"	"1"

						"medal_width"	"s.03"
						"avatar_width"	"s.03"
						"spacer"	"s.01"
						"name_width"	"s.10"
						"class_width"	"s.03"
						"award_width"	"s.03"
						"stats_width"	"s.05"
						"horiz_inset"	"5"

Can't find documentation on doodlestuff or jarateking.

posted about a year ago
#6877 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Or alternatively, could anyone direct me to a hud with a custom hudmatchsummary.res that has hardcoded 16:9 (or smaller) dimensions instead of the fullscreen options that seem to be default

posted about a year ago
#6876 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

question... I'm sure this is just wishful thinking but... if i just paste the hudmatchsummary.res file from someone who has the game installed on a a 16:9 system in to my custom folder... will that do the trick?

posted about a year ago
#6875 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Thanks! I found hudmatchsummary.res buried in tf2_misc_dir.vpk... It is quite the file!'

Given my previous failures with editing hudmatchstatus.res, I'm not really sure where to get started with this... previous I just tried halving all of the "width" values, reasoning that I want the scoreboard to be about half as wide.... silly I know. Looking for any tips to edit this thing...

posted about a year ago
#6873 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

I have an ultrawide monitor, but I'd like the end of round "MatchSummary" to display in a smaller aspect ratio, like 16:9. I'm using E.V.E. hud, which I installed with the updater. I eventually figured out that the end of round is controlled by "MatchSummary" in "hudlayout.res" (tf/custom/eve hud/scripts). Unfortunately simply changing "wide" from "f0" to "853" doesn't actually resize the match summary, it just cuts off half of the summary table and displays only one team in the same ultrawide "spaced out" format that E.V.E defaults to on install. Please help if you can, thanks!

Also, for some reason, my tf/custom/eve hud/resource/ui folder is completely missing a "hudmatchsummary.res" file, which is exactly the file I need according to JarateKing / TF2-Hud-Reference. However, a well-formed and formatted (albeit ultrawide) scoreboard does display at the end of every match... How is the table that is displayed at the game's conclusion being constructed with hudmatchsummary.res missing? The "MatchSummary" block in "hudlayout.res" is way too simple to be formatting everything on its own...

		"fieldName" "MatchSummary"
		"visible" "0"
		"enabled" "1"
		"xpos"	"0"
		"ypos"	"0"
		"wide"	"f0"
		"tall"	"f0"

In hudanimations_evehud.txt I found

event HudMatchSummary_SlideInPanels

	Animate BlueTeamPanel xpos 0 Accel 0.25 0.25
	Animate RedTeamPanel xpos 0 Accel 0.25 0.25

which references "BlueTeamPanel" and "RedTeamPanel" ... Though I couldn't find any definitions for these panels inside hudanimations_evehud.txt, I was able to find further reference to these panels inside "hudmatchstatus.res" ... but JarateKing / TF2-Hud-Reference says that these entries control: "Round Timer and Red & Blue team players status also contains the casual and competitive prematch doors animation" ... I tried fiddling with the "width" entries just to see if it had any effect, and the end of round match summary was completely unaffected. I did succeed in destroying the preround scoreboard though...

Can't believe the one file I want to modify is the only resource file E.V.E didn't install, and yet something that was clearly formatted with some effort is displayed at the end of every game ??

Here is the entry for the "RedTeamPanel" from "hudmatchstatus.res" that I tried messing with to no avail...

		"ControlName"		"EditablePanel"
		"fieldName"		"RedTeamPanel"
		"xpos"			"r-5"
		"ypos"			"125"
		"zpos"			"50"
		"wide"			"150"
		"tall"			"260"
		"visible"		"0"
		"enabled"		"1"

			"ypos"			"65"
			"tall"			"385"

			"ControlName"		"EditablePanel"
			"fieldName"		"RedTeamBG"
			"xpos"			"0"
			"ypos"			"10"
			"zpos"			"2"
			"wide"			"147"
			"tall"			"36"
			"autoResize"	"0"
			"pinCorner"		"0"
			"visible"		"1"
			"enabled"		"1"
			"border"		"TFFatLineBorderRedBGOpaque"
			"ControlName"		"ImagePanel"
			"fieldName"		"RedTeamImage"
			"xpos"			"84"
			"ypos"			"-9"
			"zpos"			"5"
			"wide"			"70"
			"tall"			"70"
			"visible"		"1"
			"enabled"		"1"
			"image"			"../hud/team_Red"
			"scaleImage"		"1"
			"ControlName"		"CExLabel"
			"fieldName"		"RedTeamLabel"
			"font"			"CompMatchStartTeamNames"
			"labelText"		"%redteamname%"
			"textAlignment"		"center"
			"xpos"			"5"
			"ypos"			"13"
			"zpos"			"20"
			"wide"			"95"
			"tall"			"30"
			"autoResize"		"0"
			"pinCorner"		"0"
			"visible"		"1"
			"enabled"		"1"
			"centerwrap"	"1"
			"ControlName"		"CAvatarImagePanel"
			"fieldName"		"RedLeaderAvatar"
			"xpos"			"102"
			"ypos"			"10"
			"zpos"			"5"
			"wide"			"35"
			"tall"			"35"
			"visible"		"1"
			"enabled"		"1"
			"image"			""
			"scaleImage"	"1"	
			"color_outline"	"52 48 45 255"
			"ControlName"	"EditablePanel"
			"fieldName"		"RedLeaderAvatarBG"
			"xpos"			"100"
			"ypos"			"8"
			"zpos"			"4"
			"wide"			"39"
			"tall"			"39"
			"visible"		"1"
			"PaintBackgroundType"	"2"
			"bgcolor_override"	"117 107 94 255"
			"ControlName"	"SectionedListPanel"
			"fieldName"		"RedPlayerList"
			"xpos"			"6"
			"ypos"			"38"
			"zpos"			"1"
			"wide"			"136"
			"tall"			"205"
			"pinCorner"		"0"
			"visible"		"1"
			"enabled"		"1"
			"tabPosition"	"0"
			"autoresize"	"3"
			"linespacing"	"26"
			"linegap"		"4"
			//"show_columns"	"1"

				"tall"			"315"
			"ControlName"		"EditablePanel"
			"fieldName"		"RedPlayerListBG"
			"xpos"			"4"
			"ypos"			"30"
			"zpos"			"0"
			"wide"			"139"
			"tall"			"215"
			"autoResize"	"0"
			"pinCorner"		"0"
			"visible"		"1"
			"enabled"		"1"
			"border"		"TFFatLineBorderClearBG"

				"tall"			"325"
posted about a year ago