Account Details
SteamID64 76561198039582753
SteamID3 [U:1:79317025]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:39658512
Country United States
Signed Up August 20, 2012
Last Posted February 14, 2024 at 9:39 AM
Posts 630 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.1
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech g400s
Keyboard Razer Black Widow Ultimate
Mousepad QCK+
Headphones Shure SRH440
Monitor HP piece o shit
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#10 Update Thursday, 31 Oct in TF2 General Discussion

Is this a bad time to ask if anyone else uses the date format seen in this threads title.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Update Thursday, 31 Oct in TF2 General Discussion
nixnytethese are today's notes:

- Fixed a client crash caused by low detail skeletons
- Fixed a dedicated server crash related to gamestats
- Fixed a dedicated server crash caused by the payload carts getting stuck
- Fixed green zombies not spawning on Linux dedicated servers
- Fixed broken melee animations for some all-class weapons
- Fixed players being able to issue the "boo" command when they are not ghosts
- Fixed cloaked Spies losing their spells if they attempted to cast them while cloaked
- Fixed the stealth spell only lasting for 2 seconds instead of 8 seconds
- Fixed players keeping their spells if they were rolling for them while leaving hell
- Fixed not switching back to the normal weapon if a spell was cast while standing on another spell
- Updated spells so they cannot be deflected

Thank you

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Update Thursday, 31 Oct in TF2 General Discussion

See post #4

posted about 10 years ago
#50 broeselhud 2.7 is out!! in Customization
BenroadsHave you watched any demos recently? I know there's some weird shit with configs and POV demos that causes all sorts of messes.

Nope. This started happening when I launched tf2 after the halloween update.

posted about 10 years ago
#44 broeselhud 2.7 is out!! in Customization

Okay so I'm adding a post because I found something really strange and interesting. This might be useful information though, because what I'm seeing means that these errors might not be caused by the hud [broeselhud].

So let me just give you a comprehensive example of my observations.

launch tf2
join any server
for this example, say I join an mge server.
mge spawns you as scout in most arenas when you first add up
firing any gun as scout yields no errors in console
switch to soldier
fire a rocket = a large (but one time only) page(s) of console errors appears.
-so it appears that firing a projectile makes the errors pop up

but here's the weird part

So by default, my rocket launcher is bound to q, and when I press q, it turns off viewmodels.

If I press mwheeldown, it will toggle my viewmodel on

If my viewmodel is on, the console does not stop producing the multitude of errors.

    As soon as I toggle the viewmodel back on, the flood of errors only appears for a moment -- what seems to be roughly aligned with the duration of the rocket launcher's animation/sound when +attack is returned.

Hope that wasn't too boring and long.

posted about 10 years ago
#43 broeselhud 2.7 is out!! in Customization
n00pecrespianyone else getting this error nonstop like crazy barrage of console pages?
CTexture::GetTextureHandle(): nFrame is < 0!
CTexture::GetTextureHandle(): nFrame is < 0!
CTexture::GetTextureHandle(): nFrame is < 0!
CTexture::GetTextureHandle(): nFrame is < 0!
CTexture::GetTextureHandle(): nFrame is < 0!
CTexture::GetTextureHandle(): nFrame is < 0!
CTexture::GetTextureHandle(): nFrame is < 0!
CTexture::GetTextureHandle(): nFrame is < 0!
Yes. I wonder if something like this actually affects performance of the game itself (nonstop spam basically)

That was causing my game to crash. I had to turn phong on

I'm not getting the best performance since seeing these errors but I'm not sure that it's more than placebo.

I would really prefer to keep phong on. Hopefully there is a better fix.

EDIT: I turned phong back on, and the errors are still occurring just as much.

posted about 10 years ago
#39 broeselhud 2.7 is out!! in Customization

anyone else getting this error nonstop like crazy barrage of console pages?

CTexture::GetTextureHandle(): nFrame is < 0!
CTexture::GetTextureHandle(): nFrame is < 0!
CTexture::GetTextureHandle(): nFrame is < 0!
CTexture::GetTextureHandle(): nFrame is < 0!
CTexture::GetTextureHandle(): nFrame is < 0!
CTexture::GetTextureHandle(): nFrame is < 0!
CTexture::GetTextureHandle(): nFrame is < 0!
CTexture::GetTextureHandle(): nFrame is < 0!
posted about 10 years ago
#18 TF2 Update just hit in TF2 General Discussion

Wait a second. Valve actually added passive reload for medic.

I simply can't believe this. Unpossible.

must test now.

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Cyanogenmod? in Off Topic

Having a custom rom is an amazing, incredible thing.

For one, almost every carrier includes a crap load of bloatware apps and bullshit that you will never use or need, and makes it impossible to get rid of. For me, this alone is enough to want my own custom rom.

But you also have the benefits of being able to completely customize your phone to your liking. From the UI itself, to how the hardware performs, you have control of everything.

Google has removed a lot of nice apps from the market, like adaway for example. But with a rooted phone, you can easily sideload the app and then install adaway to get all ads off your phone. That means that even when you have a FREE version of an app that comes with ads - you get the benefits of the PAID version of the app (no ads.)

That's just one example of the benefits of rooting.

Rooting/ removing security, and installing a new rom isn't the most fun process, but the thing is, you do it one time, then you're done. Once you've done it one time, it's like riding a bike if you ever need to do it again.

Now to answer your question: "is it worth it." This is only something you can answer. Honestly I don't see why anyone who has an android wouldn't want to. Sure you MIGHT void your warranty, sure you MIGHT have to learn a few new things about your phone, but IMO, the benefits outweigh the cost.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 how to fix chris's config in TF2 General Discussion

Just use notepad++ it's the best global file editor.

posted about 10 years ago
#252 mge alts eXposed in TF2 General Discussion
downpourbecause you can strafe when you spawn.
Contrary to popular belief you can create momentum from nothing in tf2 because of airstrafing, and since there are 4 spots you can spawn at, its impossible for them to kill you instantly every time.
That and bots will never have human-like movement. You can pre-program their movement but they won't ever have reactionary movement.


If you want to be a super try hard you can spam rockets up in the air before you even see the other person spawn, or you can fire almost 4 rockets and hope that one of them hits. But shooting one rocket at someone spawning is really not that "bad."

Every time I hear someone say "you are defenseless/can't strafe after spawning" I cringe. You CAN. To me, part of the fun of endif is avoiding getting killed after I spawn. It's actually fun to me. But then again I love to surf.

Also, some games take soooooo long to finish in endif if you and your opponent are both very good at maintaining air control after you get juggled up. Spawn killing makes the games go by faster.

But, at the end of the day, if someone asks me to not spawn kill, I will apologize and respect their request. If someone really doesn't want you to spawn kill, I think it's rude to try and shove your opinion down their throat if they don't agree with you.

I used to be that guy though. I would spawn kill every time and when someone said something to me I would be a total dick about it and troll them. Eventually I realized how lame that was and stoppe.d

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Shrugger spotted? in Off Topic
Do you work at subway 'cause you just gave me a footlong

I've never heard that one. It made me burst out laughing.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 How do you stop an aggressive team? in Q/A Help

Pick one of your scouts to be the tank. When the mid is officially started, you're gonna get this scout 185, and +fwd with the heals on him.

Or, everyone, minus you and your demo, gets aggressive and goes into them (coordinate though, using communication and timing.) Then you and your demo push up behind them, and then you try to heal anyone who is about to die, trying to keep your team alive and hoping the other team is too hurt to fight anymore, or dead.

Those are a couple of things that came to my mind.

Could always get a good mentor to spectate your scrims and listen to comms. That's a good way for teams to get better at certain things like this.

posted about 10 years ago
#203 mge alts eXposed in TF2 General Discussion
sildeezyWhile people who mindlessly vertical-surf rockets are annoying to play against, I find it far more annoying to play against people who hold S the entire time and try to maintain as much distance as possible.

At times, I am guilty of this :/

posted about 10 years ago
#144 mge alts eXposed in TF2 General Discussion

I laughed and said a smartass comment because he joined ammomod, surfed every rocket, and then removed when I started winning. I said "later idiot." He then raped me on gullywash and I said gg. I said that I make an effort to care as little as possible. I was much worse not that long ago. I've made some progress but I'm not absolved.

posted about 10 years ago
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