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SteamID64 76561198039582753
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Country United States
Signed Up August 20, 2012
Last Posted February 14, 2024 at 9:39 AM
Posts 630 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.1
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech g400s
Keyboard Razer Black Widow Ultimate
Mousepad QCK+
Headphones Shure SRH440
Monitor HP piece o shit
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#8 Help with OBS local recording in Hardware
WithADanceNumberuse prec, and record your mumble comms. Then use bandicam or lawena/vdub to make a video.

The whole reason that I decided to the local recording thing is because syncing up a pov with mumble comms and making a video out of it is a -huge- pain in the rear. Call me lazy but I just want the convenience of a local recording.

I'm wondering if overclocking my gpu would help with this at all, even though it's most likely my cpu that can't take the load. My gpu happens to be oc'able and at the same time run cooler.

If my last sentence didn't make sense, check out the following link.

Maybe i'll try the msi thing that jp recommended, but it seems like more of a pain.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Game is skipping in Q/A Help

have you seen this

I packed my hud into vpk files as well and I don't have this problem.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Game is skipping in Q/A Help

do you use an fps cap? (fps_max xx)

posted about 11 years ago
#198 yahud in Customization

but I have this relentless urge to download this hud and try it right nowwwwwwwww :(

edit: it works now, yay!

posted about 11 years ago
#196 yahud in Customization

I can't download the zip from any of the links. I get: "502: failure"

posted about 11 years ago
#34 With ads like these I'm going to keep Adblock on in Site Discussion
Devonyou google how to tie a shoe

Rick#27 has to be trolling with those tabs open

nice try though
posted about 11 years ago
#13 Shitty laptop + summer in Hardware
DrPloxoThe absolute best solution is figure out temporary, at budget solutions for the time being. Save some money, work a few extra hours and get a desktop. It might take a while, but it'll be worth it.

Giving the laptop a good thorough cleaning will most likely restore the performance he wants, and if that works and he's happy then he doesn't need to get a desktop.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Help with OBS local recording in Hardware

I've only used game capture.

I tried lowering the quality all the way down to 7, and tried lowering the max bit rate, but I still get lower fps. I guess I'm either gonna have to make it look like crap or just forget about it period. :(

Thanks for the help anyway.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Shitty laptop + summer in Hardware
ibexI'm no expert with computers at all so I didn't tamper with it just to be safe.

I highly recommend that you take some time to research your computer model, and learn how to open it up properly. With a little perseverance, and the right tools, I guarantee that you could become proficient enough to open your baby up and get a good look inside.

The suggestion to create an airflow under the laptop with a fan is good, and should be done. However, if you have dust bunnies living inside your portable, you'll never get the performance you want out of it.

Check out this picture below. This is what I found in my computer before I replaced my thermal paste. I cleaned out this dust days before the thermal paste repair, and with that alone I had a significant increase in performance. Just saying, I know it's scary diving into the unknown with electronics you don't want to ruin, but the ends justify the means.

posted about 11 years ago
#62 Random FPS drops recently in TF2 General Discussion

Hey Kirby, I read this whole thread and I know that this is a really deep issue that probably won't be fixed by anything short and simple, but I just wanted to say a couple of things that have helped me recently.

Besides cleaning out my computer and putting new thermal paste on my cpu and gpu, I've also started using an fps cap via MSI afterburner.

It may sound silly but capping my fps at 132 makes my cpu more consistent and keeps my frames right where they need to be. The tf2 fps cap sucks and that's why I started using the MSI one.

This is a long shot I know, but I also know how desperate you are at this point. Maybe you'll give it a shot. Good luck anyhow.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Help with OBS local recording in Hardware

I'm trying to do local recordings with obs (internet too shitty to stream) to record my pov and comms during scrims.

I found a guide on youtube from last year that showed how to set up local recordings, and set it up that way. I've tried a few common sense tweaks here and there but nothing seems to make too big of a difference.

My problem is that in game, my frames stay around 70-90 instead of the normal 132 (I use msi afterburner fps cap)

I did some research and I couldn't find any comprehensive guides on how to make this better, and I'm not well versed in OBS.

Here are my obs settings:

Quality: 10
Max bit rate: 5000
Base res: Custom (my ext monitors native res of 1600x900)
Res downscale: 1.25 (720p)
FPS: 30
Filter: Bilinear

My Computer Specs

cpu: i7-2820qm @2.1>3.1
gpu: AMD radeon 6750m 1gb
8gb ram
windows 7 64bit

Yes, I play on a laptop and I know it sucks, but I think that I should be able to squeeze out enough juice to not drop frames with just local recordings.

This may sound stupid, but I was wondering if recording pov demos at the same time as local recording has any effect on this, since all I have is a crappy HDD.

If anyone could help me I would appreciate it.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 can't launch steam in Off Topic

I could be wrong, but when you reset your modem (hold the reset button down for xx seconds) doesn't that also flush your dns?

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Macbook Pro's and overheating fix success in Hardware
Root_60 fps? on my macbook pro i get like 250 easy...

Did you read the thread?

brahApple is really dumb with thermal paste.

This is from an Apple service manual.


posted about 11 years ago
#9 Macbook Pro's and overheating fix success in Hardware
YankeeI've been wanting to repaste my Asus G73 for a few months now, but honestly my biggest reservation is not knowing which thermal paste compound I should go with. They're all relatively cheap, but so many people recommend so many different brands that it gets a little confusing.

I highly recommend Arctic mx-4, check out the link in my post #6

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Macbook Pro's and overheating fix success in Hardware
Dave_The thermal paste solution makes sense. Usually, factory thermal paste blows. If you can still find it, pick up some OCZ Freeze; your temps will drop even more from the Arctic Silver (AS also has a long break-in period). Or, even better, pick up some diamond-based compound.

I used OCZ freeze on my brother's Gateway FX-p7805u and fixed the overheating issues on the gpu and CPU because the default paste was so fucking terrible.

Good advice; a lot of people don't realize that thermal compound has terrible conductivity compared to metal-to-metal and that stock thermal compound is even worse.

I used Arctic MX-4 which is considerably better than Arctic Silver

Also, I'm sure the factory paste they used on mine wasn't great, but what is really concerning for this particular situation, is the terrible job they did applying my thermal paste.

Those pics show how I found my heat sink. Notice that the cores surface is shiny because there is hardly any paste on them; notice the copper on the heat sink, it's almost bare. Notice all the hard, crusty, excess and build-up around the copper on the heat sink and around the processor cores. It's like then just squirted a huge blob of paste on the cores, and then screwed the heatsink back on as tight as they could.

posted about 11 years ago
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