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Signed Up May 3, 2015
Last Posted April 16, 2024 at 1:03 PM
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#3985 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 6 years ago
#3975 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Thanking you guys for the lovely games <3 in Videos


posted about 6 years ago
#19 Tip of the Hats: Day 1 in Events

20ish more minutes get hyped friends
Also a reminder it's still subtember so you can have tothLange, tothPotato and others for basically no money!

posted about 6 years ago
#3911 stream highlights in Videos rays is a god

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and he broke the pb after 5 months of no pb
posted about 6 years ago
#12 Worst nightmare you've had? in Off Topic

Had a lot of nightmares as a kid. Happens less these days

Dreams where family/pets die. Usually I'm completely powerless to do anything about it. Still have these every now and then but not much

Dreams where I'm falling to my death. Felt way too real. Probably been like 10 years since I had one of those

Had nightmares as a kid (probably around 8?) where some penguin plush toy I had became a live and evil and a cobra grew out of its beak. Kept biting me over and over. Also felt pretty real and nothing I could do about it.
Locked that penguin in a box the next day in the attic. Had that nightmare like 2 more times afterwards.
Last year I opened that box when cleaning up the attic. The penguin was at the bottom. After having the same nightmare multiple times I had covered it in other toys and objects so it could never get out. I threw it away

posted about 6 years ago
#8 twitch emotes in Off Topic


posted about 6 years ago
#35 Esport United Community Rumble, Lidköping, Sweden in LAN Discussion
maksimovwhy is it happening during weekdays
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November 3rd-5th is Friday, Saturday, Sunday

posted about 6 years ago
#35 is this player cheating in TF2 General Discussion

Definitely wallhacking as well

posted about 6 years ago
#108 SWEDEN????? in LAN Discussion

cu@ hopefully

HiipFireAre there any other dutchies/flemish coming aside from me and Streep? We're interested in trying to form a dutch-speaking team for swelan.

not 100% sure if I can go but I'd be interested

posted about 6 years ago
#9 How Do I Get a Black Outline on My Crosshair in TF2 General Discussion
Included_Middle It's already colored green
Why would he make a vtf crosshair green? One of their best properties is you can make them white and use the ingame commands to colour them. :(

The point of it was so he could just make it white in-game and have a green, purple and yellow dot VTF for slot1/2/3 so he didn't need a crosshair color script either

posted about 6 years ago
#7 How Do I Get a Black Outline on My Crosshair in TF2 General Discussion

here's a download for truktruk's dot crosshair. It has a wider outline. It's already colored green but if you don't want that you can easily edit that. Check out leth's thread on how to make/edit VTF files if you haven't yet

posted about 6 years ago
#4 How Do I Get a Black Outline on My Crosshair in TF2 General Discussion

If you do not see the outline you might be using a low crosshair scale value.
This is most often the case for people who play with lower resolutions like 640x480 and 800x600

Try cl_crosshair_scale 50 in console, the outline should appear even if you're playing on 640x480
Scale down the value until you have a size you're happy with that still shows the outline.

If you are using 640x480 or 800x600 and still want a smaller size while still seeing the outline you will have to use a higher resolution

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Or you aren't using the VTF crosshair. Make sure you are using cl_crosshair_file "" and don't have any HUD crosshairs enabled that might be overlapping the VTF crosshair
posted about 6 years ago
#150 irrational fears in Off Topic

Disappointing people I care about

When I was like 6 to 12 years old I had a fear of dogs.
There's some storytime involved.

I live very close to my old school, where I spent my school years from 2 to 11 years old. Like it's literally next to my house. 10 second walk to get to the gate from my door. The closest part of the school to our house is the part for kids 2-5 years old.

When I was about 4-5 some old lady who lived in the same street as us and the school had a German shepherd. She decided going to a dog park took effort so she went to the school and let her dog shit in the sandpit. And she didn't even clean it up because she's a cunt so the kids would dig a hole in the sand the next day and find dogshit.
Btw the actual dog park was a 5 minute walk past the school/her house.

My dad is the type of person who will go to the end of the world when someone does something that treats others unfairly in any way. So he started taking photos of the dogshit/paw prints in the sand. We lived close so it was easy for him to go on a daily walk and take pictures if she'd been there that day.
My dad was friends with the school's headmaster who agreed to take the pictures to the police.
The police couldn't do much aside from asking her not to do it anymore or something? (If they even did that. Was like 17 years ago so don't remember that well anymore)

She just keeps doing it. The school's playground is accessible to everyone so they can't stop her.
One day my dad has enough. At this point he knew the approximate hour she'd take her dog to the playground and my dad was just going to get pictures of her in the act to go to the police again. I tagged along.
She sees us and starts walking away, heading to the other part of the school for the older kids, further away from us. My dad kinda waited at the playground, having taken the pictures he needed and then told me to go home and tell mom he was going to confront her.
He obviously didn't want me to be there.

15 minutes later he arrives back home with a dog bite on one of his legs. He confronted her and she decided it was best to just order her dog to attack him. Didn't bleed a lot, but it was definitely a pretty deep bite. The wound itself was pretty clean and healed well. The police was contacted, she was never seen on that playground again and kids could play in the sandpit in peace.
The dog wasn't put down because it was only trying to protect its owner. The dog wasn't the issue anyway, the woman was. It was a German shepherd. If it wanted to it could've torn my dad's leg apart, but it didn't.

For the next 6-7 years I had a fear of all dogs. Seeing that dog bite just kinda changed how I looked at dogs.
I'd tense up and start crying whenever a dog even got close to me. Even if I walked past one on the street.
I got over it eventually after being in contact with cool dogs on a daily basis. Shoutout to my friend's dog who I went to school with every day for helping me with that.

The old woman is still alive and still lives in the same house a 30 second walk away from us. Always gives me a smile when I walk past her. I never smile back. Don't think she knows I'm the kid from that day though

Oh yea I'm pretty certain my dad also took pictures right before the dog attacked him. You can see the woman standing about 20 meters away next to the dog with the leash in her hands.
The next picture is taken 5 seconds later. The dog is running towards the camera with her in the background still

posted about 6 years ago
#3834 stream highlights in Videos

intentional ninja because he also frags a scout pretty hard afterwards

posted about 6 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 ⋅⋅ 110