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Signed Up May 3, 2015
Last Posted April 16, 2024 at 1:03 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 ⋅⋅ 110
#5591 stream highlights in Videos

was posted already. my bad :)

posted about 6 years ago
#2 koth_clearcut_pre_b4_2 in Map Discussion

Hi, I played this map in a test mix with beater. You can find the VOD here: (starts at 15:00 but sadly Beater wasn't streaming with audio so feedback during the stream was lost)

I'm by no means an experienced player (2 seasons of being on the lower half of ETF2L Mid) but here's some main things I noticed + remember from what was discussed during the stream. The version we played was koth_clearcut_b4. Screenshots used in this thread are from the most recent version.

The first thing that's hard not to notice in the VOD is the length of the mid fight. The first mid fight lasted over a minute.
I think there's 3 main reasons for this:
- Very open point
- Easy to disengage and wait for an arrow behind cover
- Hard for soldiers to engage with a jump due to lack of walls/objects to jump from
The open point is fine imo (unless sniper turns out to be problematic, we didn't run sniper at any point). It's mostly the other 2 things that need to be dealt with.

The strat for this mid seemed to be spamming and hoping for 2 picks so your scouts can bot across point. The soldiers tended to sit on the sloped roofs and spam because jumping in on such an open map would more than likely result in a feed. Scouts have an easier time denying, medic/demo can spread out across the open area easily to avoid damage and spot your bomb easily.
Sitting on the roofs and spamming also seemed to be pretty effective due to the cover that is provided on your side of the map. The most common example seemed to be soldiers sitting on right roof and then just backing off to the end of the sloped roof, using it as cover to wait for an arrow (first picture)
It didn't seem worth to commit to hurt people because you'd have to fully commit to clean them up and they probably get arrowed before you reach them
Proposed solution: Make right roof less sloped. The other 2 spots didn't seem too problematic (Blue in 2nd picture)

The other reason for the slow mid ties into this as well. There's few places where soldiers can get a good bomb going. The right roof has a wall for a fast horizontal jump to get in the medic's face but that seems to be about it
proposed solution: Add more walls/objects for easier and varied bombs
One example would be the wall on right roof. Another would be the rock on left side (Red in 2nd and 3rd picture)

A couple of other things I remember from the VOD that got muted:
-There seemed to be no need to forward hold. Getting into position for it takes quite long and you don't gain that much from it since holding high ground on mid seemed quite strong already. This is also why I can't really offer any feedback on anything that isn't the mid point. We were basically never there. Hopefully more test games can be held where sniper/forward holds are tested
-You can get stuck walking up left side logs on 2 spots (imgur album 4th picture)

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Petition to ban nutshiny and telephone_fan in The Dumpster

They're annoying, but someone else will take their place even if they get banned. Just like they filled the spot of other shitposters that came and left. People like them are just part of being on an internet forum. Even if you get 1000 perfectly normal people on a forum there'll still be some people that stand out as being more annoying than the others.

I use this
I just downvote the hidden post and move on. Only thing it's missing is hiding the threads where they are the OP

Also nutshiny if you're reading this: You said you were going to do something about your behavior. When are you planning on starting that?

posted about 6 years ago
#4 cl_crosshair_file "" in .cfg file? in Customization
Bucakei think the workaround was making a cfg file with the line cl_crosshair_file "" in it, and then execing the file in your bind/alias

correct. for example you can make a cfg file called xhair.cfg. which would contain:

xhair.cfgcl_crosshair_file ""

Doesn't really matter where you place the file. i'd just place it in whatever folder in Custom your autoexec, class cfgs, comanglia, etc are for simplicity

Then you make the new bind:

line"d; viewmodel_fov 85; exec xhair; cl_crosshair_green 255"
posted about 6 years ago
#4 Se7en shuffles roster, says goodbye to three players in News

Sad to see the boys go, but excited to see seeds pwning in high prem

posted about 6 years ago
#5516 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 6 years ago
#5503 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 6 years ago
#10 Copenhagen Games adysky fundraiser in LAN Discussion

cu@ :)

posted about 6 years ago
#5454 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 6 years ago
#5445 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 6 years ago
#2 i want to make my own hud in Q/A Help

posted about 6 years ago
#32 Unpopular video game opinions in Other Games

All Supergiant Games gameplay sucks ass. Story/Music makes up for it, but it wasn't enough to make me enjoy Bastion or Pyre enough to complete the story modes. Transistor was the best when it comes to gameplay

posted about 6 years ago
#12 TF2 custom crosshair placement? in Customization
lethty my ambassador aim is so GOOD now! thansk!

Always glad to help, leth :)

posted about 6 years ago
#10 TF2 custom crosshair placement? in Customization
noelthomas292TobsnipI'll see if this works so did u put his crosshair on to a vtf is that the download?
Also does this work in sv_pure 1 servers like official valve servers and skial servers

Yes to both questions. I used the download from the video and the crosshair works on every single server out there. No exceptions.
I'll be going to bed now so can't be tech support for a bit. PM me on TFTV if you have questions so this thread doesn't get bumped every hour

posted about 6 years ago
#6 TF2 custom crosshair placement? in Customization

Did not test in-game first but here it is as VTF file instead of HUD file. This means there is no hud editing whatsoever. It's a seperate folder
Will contain smaller explosions mod because I'm too lazy to remove them and I just put this crosshair in a random crosshair folder I have lying around for moments like this. If you want me to change the explosions, pm me on TFTV during the weekend. Today was a busy day so I don't feel like it atm.

1) download
2) Put folder called crosshairs_512 in Custom. No need to merge it with anything
3) Start TF2
4) use cl_crosshair_file "" in console. Or change crosshair to None in options. Same thing.
5) change size with cl_crosshair_scale, color with cl_crosshair_blue/red/green

1) If crosshairs don't work on rocket launcher/grenade launcher/etc it's because you're using a second smaller explosion mod. Remove that one from custom if this is the case.
2) Like I already said I didn't test this in-game. If something about the crosshair's position is really messed up it's because i had to change the dimensions of the txt files (mine are 64x64, the one you want is 512x512 so I had to change every single coordinate for every single weapon in the game seperately)
3) This crosshair will replace the in-game crosshair. So unlike a HUD crosshair it will change size when you shoot the ambassador and can be changed through color/crosshair switch scripts

posted about 6 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 ⋅⋅ 110