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Last Posted May 24, 2024 at 11:13 AM
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#3 Old cp_snakewater_final download in Q/A Help

Im going to record some clips this weekend so thanks for this!

Also for anyone finding this thread for a similar purpose, I did a quick look on where to replace the file:
steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps

posted about 2 years ago
#94 in Customization

I still point people to to provide them w base files for VTF crosshairs and a preview of their possibilities
And I still use it myself every now and then
good site

gl with whatever projects you're working on these days :)

posted about 2 years ago
#11831 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 2 years ago
#11828 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 2 years ago
#13 What's wrong with my posts? (Esp. my perf guide) in Off Topic

Performance guides are just a rather unfortunate thing to make here. Like once every other month some random dude just shows up and makes one of these as their first ever post. It happens often enough that people are really tired of seeing it

You often join threads talking about technical stuff. From your POV you're just trying to contribute in a meaningful way, but for others it sometimes seems like you're just trying to flex. I vaguely remember you also being called out in the past on giving misinformation which very quickly makes people lose faith in your posts.

I genuinely believe you have good intentions. The issue is you fail on the delivery.
Requires learning how to read the room better, how/when/why you participate in threads and how you structure your comments. Really that's just a general thing communicating anywhere. Both online and irl.

Also some people on TFTV are just gonna be mean regardless. Most of it is shitposting and trying to farm upfrags. Understandably, it's frustrating. Though if you genuinely try to do better, over time people see that effort and most will get off your back

Hope this helps

posted about 2 years ago
#11816 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 2 years ago
#2 Viewmodel Offset Customizer in Customization

this is actually huge

posted about 2 years ago
#14 What would you change about staple comp maps? in Map Discussion

higher walls and skyboxes on each point so soldiers can high bomb more
offers something for everyone:
soldiers can discover new ways to make space or go for bombs!
demomen/soldiers can throw their holds by going for airshots (think of the clips though!)
scouts suffer! (so do medics but honestly that's a worthwhile sacrifice)

Less sniper sightlines. I feel like snipers should have to put more thought in the angles they peek.
The risk is currently too low for the potentially high reward.
Stuff like beefing a last push on cp_process, spawning sniper and getting 1-2 safe shots from sewer to rollout/spire stairs is ridiculous imo. Same w snakewater saw window to lobby/batts.

posted about 3 years ago
#24 rahThread: The story behind your alias in Off Topic

old machinima(?) video of some dude w the alias bot1 on xbox 360 pretending to be a recruit bot on modern warfare 2.
started as bot1 when i first got steam, mirrored it to 1tob after a while, removed the 1 at some point. A couple people in pubs still call me bot1 if they recognize me from like 2013-2014

Something I find kinda funny is Tobs actually started out similarly. He was shazbot/sexbot at first and mirrored it later on. He's still ishazbot on twitch

posted about 3 years ago
#13 konr/clockwork/yz50 Wings REDUX: Modern VTF Wings! in Customization
jetzCan someone make them have an outline plz
should all work. let me know if anything's off. didn't test in-game so idk how good they'll look.
just duplicated a new layer, inverted white to black, fragment blurred, copied that layer 6 times, saved files
(didn't change the image previews in that folder. only the VTFs. you'll have to try them in-game)

posted about 3 years ago
#11758 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 3 years ago
#11754 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 3 years ago
#11745 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 3 years ago
#34 Monthly RGL Is Bad Thread in TF2 General Discussion
Tobcomment #17

actually nvm after reading comments i was convinced
it was an accident + had no impact because of deadtime (an important thing I glossed over at first)
ban reason being "ghosting" makes no sense
doesn't deserve a ban, minor warning at the most

posted about 3 years ago
#17 Monthly RGL Is Bad Thread in TF2 General Discussion

Accident? yes
Ban justified? Also yes considering how long it took to rejoin. Really that's just on you

If the ban lasts an extra official because admins didn't bother to come to a conclusion for 5 days then that's bs though and I'd appeal to shorten the ban by 5 days


Perhaps a better metaphor is causing a car accident. It not being intentional doesn't mean you didn't make mistakes. And it'd be understandable to lose your driver's license/fine/whatever if it's concluded your actions were out of line

posted about 3 years ago
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