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Country Belgium
Signed Up May 3, 2015
Last Posted April 16, 2024 at 1:03 PM
Posts 1647 (0.5 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
#5 Lawena problem in Videos

Doubt I'll be able to help you with anything if the advice I've already given doesn't work. I never really encountered any of the issues you've had and I'm not that familiar with Lawena

You can try redownloading Lawena in case you have an outdated version. I doubt redownloading TF2 is necessary

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Lawena problem in Videos

every time Lawena loads its own config it backs up your own config in a zip file in your tf folder. My backup zip files never delete properly, but I haven't had any issues with them still being there and I just delete them when 10 or so pile up. Take a look in your tf folder and remove the zip files if they're still there

Also I'd recommend backing up your own config somewhere else as well before you start TF2. Friend of mine lost his entire config because of Lawena having trouble replacing the configs with the original ones again

Never encountered the 120 seconds issue, but maybe this'll fix that as well.
If not: Maybe it just takes too long to back up your config because it's too big of a file? It usually says so when your cfg files are too big to back up but maybe you don't get the error message for some reason. Try placing your cfg files in Custom elsewhere before starting Lawena. Maybe that helps

posted about 8 years ago
#973 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 8 years ago
#1094 rayshud in Customization
congaitisThe HUD doesn't work when i play comp. I can't see my stats and I don't see the scoreboard after we win games. I don't know what to do!!! :(

the HUD still needs some updating for MM and Valve changes the HUD elements every other day.
I suggest using Improved Default HUD for playing MM until rayshud is updated properly

posted about 8 years ago
#1089 rayshud in Customization
the_tsCan anyone link me a fox text picture that shows up when the game starts?:3Rays has it,but i couldn't find this:(

Ask in his stream. A lot of his viewers use it and there's a pastebin for it which I lost long ago. Maybe his bot even has a command for it. Not sure

You could even just make it yourself:
Google sites that turn images into text
convert raysFox to text
put "echo" in front of every line of text
then put it in your autoexec

posted about 8 years ago
#16 Leverage eSports looking for Visual Designers in TF2 General Discussion
HidiYou just posted a wall of text, then edited it into your first post why

Probably to avoid people from falling for the OP post. He posted the comment first, then edited because he realized it was for the best to edit the OP post and you can't remove comments yourself. he doesn't want anyone to fall for what's looking like something shady if they just so happen to not read the rest of the thread

@ConsoleWarsGamer could you post the steam profile of the owner in the thread again? Just to avoid them doing shit like this again in the future (without making new alts at least) and maybe someone will recognize the profiles and will be able to clear some stuff up. Maybe they've done shady stuff before

posted about 8 years ago
#128 How to Make Videos for TF2 in Videos
domthewhiteguyso im on a really shitty 3 and a half year laptop

its a stock pavilion g6
here are the specs

would i be able to make videos using lawena and such and if so do i need to change settings in lawena? or what do i do in general because im tired of recording frags with fraps

thank you

Works fine. I have an old laptop as well and did a test with random clips from some newbie mix. Quality is fine and I did basically exactly what's written in the thread here except I changed some settings to render in 60 fps in Sony Vegas

But like bearodactyl said it does take longer to record. I have nothing to compare it to so not certain what the difference is, but you'll have time to get a drink while recording (depending on the length of the clip you want), come back and still have plenty of time left before you can stop recording

Also do yourself a favor and don't have your headphones on while recording. It'll keep looping the same bit of audio over and over while it's recording (but the audio WAV it gives you afterwards is fine)

posted about 8 years ago
#22 Let's change some items! in TF2 General Discussion

I started using the cozy camper 99% of the time ever since they removed the extra damage taken. Recent buff was not needed. Reverting that buff and making it always regen 1hp again is okay imo but maybe I'm a bit biased because I use it so much and an extra downside is needed. People weren't complaining about it before the recent buff though so I think that'd be fine with most people

I'd probably give the DDS +15% explosive resist instead of bullet resist. You'd die to other snipers, but you can take a bit more spam when you're peaking for a pick but it's not chargin' targe ridiculous levels.
The logic behind the DDS is the main problem "I can't sniper v sniper so I'm going to use the DDS" and then the other snipers just switch to the DDS as well and it's even again except sniper v sniper is more aids

posted about 8 years ago
#168 what are you listening to right now? in Music, Movies, TV

posted about 8 years ago
#17 TF2 Pub Hackers in TF2 General Discussion found this guy hacking in a pub. He also hacks in centers

Already reported him on skial and on tf2c with a demo i recorded. but he might be playing centers today before he gets banned so be on the lookout for him, I guess

edit: banned on skial now. He played a center today.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 What is the hardest e-sport in Off Topic

there is no ultimate "hardest" e-sport. All genres and all seperate games have gameplay mechanics that can't be compared. Some games require teamwork and communication which other genres don't. For example MOBAs vs fighting games. But fighting games can be much more complex mechanically. You can't compare the two

There is no objective answer to this question

posted about 8 years ago
#8 cheap headset in Hardware

Heard good things about HyperX Cloud as a headset

If headphones + mic is also an option you can try Superlux HD-668B headphones
for mics the most standard thing is the Zalman ZM-MIC 1

posted about 8 years ago
#36 what keys do you use for your weapons? in TF2 General Discussion

mwheelup: slot1
mwheeldown: slot2
e: slot3

j: alias that switches mwheeldown and e in case I switch between pocket/roamer/razorback sniper/smg sniper/etc

Using mousewheel is kinda meh, but I don't feel like changing my binds anymore

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Default hud centered? in Customization

If it's just a couple of elements you want centered you can probably just center them yourself using Improved Default HUD. It's just editing some x and y values until you like how it looks

posted about 8 years ago
#3991 Frag Clips Thread in Videos
Still processing right now but will be better soon!
Yeah, yeah, last music was awful. Hopefully this time's better c:

Hi there. I suggest not posting your frag vids in this particular thread as this thread is used for frag vids from competitive gamemodes 99% of the time. This also explains the dislikes on your videos. Videos from Valve pubs don't really impress people here

However I recommend you keep uploading frag videos as long as you enjoy making them. This just isn't the best place to share them. Perhaps try posting in r/tf2. I think you'll get better feedback there :)

posted about 8 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110