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Signed Up December 28, 2014
Last Posted June 16, 2018 at 12:04 AM
Posts 158 (0 per day)
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#2469 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
thejar123Do you guys know why my HUD does this? I'm using a custom HUD I made myself. It's kinda in progress but tbh, it's a mix of aHUD files and files from default HUD files. The round timer has . . . after it and it's really inaccurate in game. Halp plis :C http://imgur.com/LVE7pSg

your text box isn't wide enough, try increasing the "wide" value.

posted about 8 years ago
#2451 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
_KermitMochaaaaI need help on changing the target id bg color for teams (blue bg for blue team, red bg for red team). So I want to replace the old target id bg with the new material, but it wont read properly. Any help?
I'm pretty sure they're sv_pure locked.

Also #2447 there's a hudanimations version in scripts called no boxes in aHUD. Delete the normal hudanimations_tf.txt and rename the noboxes from from hudanimations_tf_NOBOX to hudanimations_tf.txt

Target id's backgrounds are not sv_pure locked. Make sure you have the proper path in the vmt and the .res file and that there's no missing texture errors in console.

posted about 8 years ago
#4537 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
Stochast1c#4532 How did you get the console to be that size / position?

Manual resizing, AFAIK there isn't a way to automatically resize console

posted about 8 years ago
#4532 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

some stuff, console/revamped sourcescheme and team select menu



posted about 8 years ago
#2437 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Anchor method: https://teamfortress.tv/thread/22722/vaccinator-resist-icon-fix

I only suggested this because, at least in my experience, moving it via xpos to the right made it disappear (hence "top left" datapanel)

posted about 8 years ago
#2426 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
knikI've been trying for days to change the borders in those button background things in broeselhud from this: http://i.imgur.com/Rnhw5yR.jpg to this http://i.imgur.com/yHIQKgW.jpg. I changed every draw_corner height and width to 0 and the buttons remained the same.

Edit: Whoops.

Try changing "backgroundtype" to 1 or 0

posted about 8 years ago
#2422 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
  • I can't get #WelcomeBack to work, it always shows %playername% instead of the actual alias.

it has to be in the "TopleftDataPanel" panel, at least from what I've experienced.

          "ControlName" "EditablePanel"
          "fieldName" "TopLeftDataPanel"
          "xpos" "0"
          "ypos" "0"
          "zpos" "6"
          "wide" "450"
          "tall" "30"
          "visible" "1"
          "PaintBackgroundType" "2"
          "bgcolor_override" "0 0 0 0"
          "pin_to_sibling" "StatusMenuFix"
			"pin_corner_to_sibling" "1"
			"pin_to_sibling_corner" "1"

             "ControlName" "CExLabel"
             "fieldName" "WelcomeLabel"
             "font" "Menu24"
             "labelText" "#WelcomeBack"
             "textAlignment" "center"
             "xpos" "0"
             "ypos" "0"
             "wide" "450"
             "tall" "30"
             "autoResize" "0"
             "pinCorner" "0"
             "visible" "1"
             "enabled" "1"
			 "fgcolor_override" "233 233 233 255"

and then you position it with the anchor trick because it's really fussy,

posted about 8 years ago
#4509 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

new scoreboard because Tough Break basically broke the old one


posted about 8 years ago
#2316 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
Smesiwhere do you move the numbers when you get a health pack or something like that?

talking about these.


i believe it's hudhealthaccount.res, the positioning is in hudlayout.res as CHealthAccountPanel

posted about 8 years ago
#2299 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

anyone know how to remove ping from the scoreboard after the update? If I set it to a high value like 1000, it makes the name column short and the class/score columns super close together. Also, is there a way to remove the player list background?

before update:



posted about 8 years ago
#2281 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

The new contract drawer animations aren't working for me. I can view the post card-esque front of the contract, but when I click it it doesn't show the actual contract. I'm using a hudanimations_manifest.txt file that has my animations (with contract animations removed) and a copy of the latest update's animations file.

	//load priority goes top to bottom
	//whatever animations gets loaded first stays, things below it in load priority cannot override it

	"file"		"scripts/materialAnimations.txt"
	//"file"		"scripts/materialAnimationsBox.txt"
	"file"		"scripts/hudanimations_tf_20151217.txt"
posted about 8 years ago
#2267 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
SmesiI fucked up somewhere but i don't know where.

So i'm testing how my hud would look without shadows and i've had some problems.

First of all, i tried to get rid of the shadows on the ammo, but even if i put 0s on "visible" and "enabled", the shadows won't go away.


Now, i can easily get rid of the shadow sections, but it fucks up guns with no clip.


Also,I can't change the color of the HP.


Try checking console for any sort of resource errors, it might be that you accidentally deleted a curly brace or quotation mark. That can mess things up quite a bit. If you aren't sure what the error message is, do a hud_reloadscheme and it will be the latest error message in console.

posted about 8 years ago
#4497 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
puoi1Does this hud work in 4:3 resolution? :3 i like the hud!

More or less it does, there are some things that are terribly broken (backpack menu, loadout menu), and some things go off of the screen as it's just been designed in 16:9. I might add full 4:3 after i'm done the hud in 16:9

posted about 8 years ago
#4495 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

some small stuff
-new color schemes/backgrounds & quickplay server list menu
-pretty much done with loadout menu (just need to replace the font)
-done server welcome/info screens
-done class selection menu (basically the class loadout selection screen)






posted about 8 years ago
#2250 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
omni<useful stuff>

Thanks a bunch omni! Just a couple more questions.

1: Is it possible to edit the scrollbar?

2: Can you color images in imagepanels somehow? I want to use different colors but not have to make separate images for different colors.

posted about 8 years ago
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