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Signed Up December 15, 2012
Last Posted April 2, 2016 at 10:37 PM
Posts 88 (0 per day)
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#4 scarab LFT open in Recruitment (looking for team)

So good he got paid to play for keys. Get him while he has the urge to play before he goes back to LoL

posted about 8 years ago
#28 Shooting at the Inland Regional Center in Off Topic

They got a black suv pinned down. one suspect is down, one alive inside.


posted about 8 years ago
#5 UGC Highlander Season 17 Week 7 in News

Thanks brooky for these always great write-ups! The quality of them has definitely improved greatly since you started and I'm glad to hear you are going to be working on more great things. Hopefully some sort of summary will continue on the UGC Forums with the end of this series, would be sad to see no more HL coverage anywhere.

posted about 8 years ago
#84 "Masters of Classes" powered by TF2Stadium in Projects
drshdwpuppetPaalsis the site down? all of the lesson pages are giving a 500 error.
They arent for me, can you describe exactly what you are doing?

They work now. I was just following the links from the op. Also this is a great service, thanks to all involved!

posted about 8 years ago
#72 "Masters of Classes" powered by TF2Stadium in Projects

is the site down? all of the lesson pages are giving a 500 error.

posted about 8 years ago
#52 TF2 update for 10/1/15 (10/2/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Changing my hitsound through the menu resets my viewmodel fov.

posted about 9 years ago
#95 Fully Charged! Valve and Competitive TF2 - Episode 42 in Events

Will there be a spectator system implemented similar to Dota or CS:GO? i.e. the ability to just click to watch your friends game with an automated camera and access to casters.
Will we have in-game statistics comparable to those other games as well?

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Paals LFT Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Bump! Gimme a shot at 6's!

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Paals LFT Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hi everyone, my name is Paals and I'm LFT for the next season of ESEA Open. I am willing to play Scout or Soldier. My Soldier is probably stronger due to many hours of mge and ultiduo with friends.

I don't have much 6's experience outside of lobbies and pugs, but I've played UGC HL for many seasons now between Gold and Platinum as heavy. I played in UGC 6's Silver like a year ago as roamer and in CEVO's first return season (season 3) as medic with friends. We got third but there were only four teams playing so... I don't expect to be high or even mid-open due to my lack of prior experience, but I consider myself a decent player with open level dm on the classes I'm looking for.

I am an enthusiastic player who is very friendly and doesn't rage. I am also a full time student with a life outside this game so I'm not going to scrim every night of the week for 3 hours, but I will make every effort to be there.
Add me

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Cities: Skylines in Other Games

This reddit post is very helpful as well

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Cities: Skylines in Other Games

I bought the game release day (never pre-order games even with they hype this was generating) and have played it for 16 hours according to steam. At this time my city is about 39,000 population and I've bought 5 expanding squares but I chose the island map so i got less land to play with. There are numerous great things about it and a couple annoying, easy to fix things that I'm sure modders or the devs themselves will fix.

Public Transport is currently a nightmare. The only way to differentiate between bus lines is to find a bus and click on it to change the line color so you can actually see where the line goes. You can't do this for metro and trains and if you edit your roads after you make bus lines the lines become so chaotic you will probably just have to remake them from scratch. Also buses can cause inordinate amounts of traffic if this happens.

Traffic AI is literally aids. They will no matter what take the shortest route from a to b even if it means they will end up on non-arterial roads. They also will stay in the right hand lane 90% of the time no matter the amount of cars, even with a 4 lane one way road. The amount of traffic in relation to population seems to be extremely unbalanced as well, even with amazing road planning. god i hate transportation.
Crime is currently a non-issue in the game as it never goes above 8% as long as you keep happiness high, so there is really no need for alot of police stations. Hopefully they will adjust the crime algorithm soon so that it actually has impact.

Alot of things are not readily explained or easy to deduce, such as the need for uneducated workers in industrial zones. The only way to get these is to do the opposite of what is logical which is to build houses with low land value near these zones, otherwise the industry abandons buildings non stop. This is an extremely realistic feature but is counter intuitive.

Performance wise the game runs fairly well and looks good considering the amount of stuff you can see on the screen and interact with (you can literally follow every single person to every single place) but with larger cities like mine is becoming the frames do drop a bit to below 60 sometimes. I haven't looked at my gpu performance with the game running but I can definitely hear it sometimes (twin frozr 7970 amd fx8350)

I also played a ton of SC4 as a kid and this game is the next best thing. All it is missing is giant death robots and volcanoes to be a true recreation of SC4. Skylines does not have the inter-city relationships like sc4 did though, which would honestly make it a 10/10 for me if it did. I disagree with KrocketKarma as city sims have nearly infinite replayability with making maps and adjusting your city to new landscapes. There are already people recreating cities in 1 to 1 scale from the real world and with mod support day one this game will be amazing years from now. Also they have end game buildings with tons of different pre-requisites that would take hours to get.
"9/10" -IGN
TL;DR Good game with mods and a few easily fixed issues. Brings back memories of the good old days in SC4
sorry for the long post but I've had a couple friends message me about the game and felt I should just post the best thing i could where most of them could read it

posted about 9 years ago
#27 mumble + spotify in Off Topic

Has anyone found a fix for this? I'm on mumble 1.2.8, win7 and mumble will randomly freeze when im using my push to talk with spotify open and playing music. If the music is paused mumble is fine.

posted about 9 years ago
#225 broeselhud_blue in Customization
playmobotThanks f_blue for the quick update. And Paals according to rays Please be aware however that the TargetID is still very buggy, and sometimes you'll see "%Health%" in place of the actual value! This is a Valve bug, and until they release an update that fixes this, there's nothing that I can do. Thanks! It seems to be a tf2 issue not hud issue.

Thanks man. Didn't recall this being in previous updates but i guess i just got used to it and the new health position brought it back to my attention.

posted about 9 years ago
#223 broeselhud_blue in Customization

The health above spies seems to be broken. Thanks for getting this updated so fast and for your continuing support!

posted about 9 years ago
#24 Let's keep this going. in TF2 General Discussion
MelonCould we have a central or west coast LAN attempt to do what GXL just did for the tf2 community? I'm sure there are a lot of guys from other parts of the country that missed out simply because it was too far or too expensive, myself included. It'd be awesome if we continued having LAN's like this, I'd love to go sometime and meet people.

Seconded. I've been to a few west coast LANS but they have all been very small with under 10 tf2 players attending. East coast lans are to expensive for us normal folk to go to without some extreme dedication.

posted about 10 years ago
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