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Signed Up September 13, 2016
Last Posted May 25, 2024 at 11:55 PM
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#87 Med speed buff removal EU DMIXES in TF2 General Discussion
KZThe thing on top of that is that he doesn't want to even talk or discuss things with us, he straight-up called twiikuu a liar when he said he doesn't wish any harm to b4nny (it's in the VOD). He just pretty much declared that if this thing is adopted it somehow will kill TF2, simply because Valve hasn't ordained it.

b4nny is so delusional and coked up on his own ego he somehow thinks twiikuu had anything to do with the deaths of Ep III/BTS (When asked to name the people responsible for the lans demise he mentioned twiikuu's name), and he said "the same people responsible for that are making this promod" as if samiface and dashner are using ghidra to uncover TF2 functions. He also suggested erynn had guilt by association (through pug champ) with TSC for the lans. Or maybe he meant something else, who knows, I certainly can't since he never supported any of his arguments.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 CZL - A frag video in Videos

This is my magnum opus. I wish I could say I spent a lot of time on this but it was edited over the course of maybe 6 hours across 2 days, using clips from the last 2 or 3 months.
I'm very proud of it even if there are a few things off with it (including the transition between part A and part B) but I wanted to have fun with it so I decided not to spend 16 hours obsessing over tiny details. Either way, it's leagues better than my last frag video. Let me know what you think!

posted about 4 years ago
#1485 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

Literal Duck : just cuz u have an australium scattergun doesn't mean you have game sense ok??
Captain Zidgel : ok
Captain Zidgel : gamesense
Captain Zidgel : on turbine
Captain Zidgel : sweet
*DEAD* space_gaming : turbine requires a lot

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Autogenerated TFTV posts in Site Discussion

Using the GPT-2-simple algorithm google colab notebook I trained a bot on 503,547 TFTV posts (I didn't realize when scraping but this probably would have only taken threads that from the forums that are shown to first time visitors, so no dumpster, no LFT/LFP.) I also excluded TFTV CHALLENGE, stream highlights and frag clips thread.
Because I am bad at software design, the actual output from the scraping was formatted very awkward, which translates
into the generated text. The most egregious thing you will see is a lot of repeat text. This is because I thought it would be pretty cool to keep quotes from the original posts included to see what happened. It was not cool. There's still some very readable and entertaining messages, though.
Links: First output, second output .
Everything within one set of equals signs is generated by the algo as one "page" of the entire book.
If I were to retrain, I would run a script to take out all the quotes from the original text.
If I were to rescrape the entire site, I would try and get every possible post, and include all html tags but quote content (I removed that in the last scrape). I don't intend to rescrape though. I might do a tiny scrape+train with griff posts or dumpster posts, though.

Here are some good examples:

In the past few months, I've been having a lot of issues with the game, especially the beta. I'm getting into a lot of issues with the game, including the 'b-mode' bug, which has been bugged in the past, with the new maps, and the changed meta. I've been having these problems for a while now, with the way things work.I've been having issues with the time I've spent playing the game. I'm finding it very frustrating. I just don't know where to start. I'm trying to figure out what's wrong, and what I'm going to do to fix it.<br>I've been working around the issues with the new maps, and the new maps. I've been having fun and getting feedback, but by the end of the week, I'm going to have a lot of work done. And my team has been working around the issues.I guess I'll have to get some extra sleep now that I'm out of the way, but at least I'm feeling good! <q><q>The fact that you're still raging about this is pathetic.<br><br><br>I think you're right, I'm sorry, I thought that was pretty good. I apologize if I was dumb, it's just just the way things are. Also, as a med, I don't think that's funny.<br><br>I don't think that's funny, I think it's just a bit of a joke. I want to be the first in line to get the meds. I won't be doing it, I'm not of the mindset to do it. I just think that I'm just a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit.</q>Sorry, I really don't think you understand, and I apologize if I was dumb. I was thinking that if I was in the right place, I'd be getting the meds, but I was just doing my job and not trying to hide it. I'm not going to tell you that I'm not going to just do it. I'll be making all of my meds publicly available.

(if it looks like it is having a conversation with itself, it is. That is it's recognition of conversations within the actual posts I scraped, both quotes included in singular posts and when posts are layed one after the other. Unfortunately, it was not able to intuitively format its arguments within quote tags, however this next one captures the quotes quite nicely so I've replaced the <q> tags with quote bbs:

<br> best parts of tf2
<br> I'm glad that this guy is back, he's been a constant stream of shit for the past month. He's one of the best and most consistent TF2 players, and I'm glad that he's finally back.
<br> I'm glad that this guy is back, he's been a constant stream of shit for the past month. He's one of the best and most consistent TF2 players, and I'm glad that he's finally back.You see, he's just a nice guy, one of the few people I've spoken to who gives a shit about tf2 and works really hard to improve it.He's also a pretty good person as well, and you
<br> <q>I think this is just the beginning of the way to the peace process.</q>I'm really happy that there's a group of people who genuinely care about the situation in Syria and want to join the peace process. I'm also pretty disappointed that the Syrian regime is not on the same level as our own parties, but I hope that the more we have to work on the more that we can reach a conclusion. <br> The big thing that should be done is to get the peace process started, because we have to have a political process, or at least one that has a legitimate process in place. If you are ready to join the process, then just pick up a few friends and get out of here. I would really like to see the peace process from a political point of view, but there's also the fact that there are now a lot of people who think that the peace process is a waste of time.The list of people who really want to join the peace process is pretty long. If you are interested in participating, you can check out the U.S. and EU forums. Then you can do your research at home.]

ok im not gonna keep editing this with snippets because then who would need to read the actual output BUT I am having a coughing fit from laughing at this so:

Holy shit. I can't believe I'm wearing a sweatshirt for the first time ever. I feel like a ******* idiot for not wearing a sweatshirt. How can you be stupid when you have a backpack full of tf2 gear? I felt like a second-rate idiot for wearing a sweatshirt.Well, because TF2 is so fucking huge at this point. The only people who are really going to be wearing a sweatshirt are people who have played for a long time.
posted about 4 years ago
#16 why not disable scout speed buff in TF2 General Discussion

don't worry guys im a Pro Grammer I just gotta compile this real quick

if (healingScout)
posted about 4 years ago
#2 Mumble Issue in Q/A Help

What browser do you use? What likely happened is that you clicked a link, had a pop up ask you if you want to open mumble, and you clicked no while accidentally setting it to remember that choice.
You'll have to ruffle around your browser's settings for a bit, I've looked in firefox but I honestly don't know what this setting would be under. Closest I could find is this but I don't have any spare mumble links for me to test it with but it seems about right:

If you're using firefox, try searching for that and changing the setting.

posted about 4 years ago
#5 Copenhagen Games 2020 Cancelled in News

Maybe if I schedule my insecurities as a TF2 lan they'll go away too

posted about 4 years ago
#39 Do you regret all the hours you've spent on tf2 in Off Topic

I wish I spent the time between when I graduated and now working towards some sort of degree or at least bettering myself in any way.

posted about 4 years ago
#16 TFTV minecraft server in TF2 General Discussion

:-) Y'all play Trombone Champ?

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Something we can unite over during RGL scandals in The Dumpster
Please, I admin pugs.
Please keep in mind everyone on my team is verified but me.
I have been targeted by an admin.

posted about 4 years ago
#94 RGL Ban Wave in TF2 General Discussion

Can the league fees forfeited by the banned users be deferred to users in need? PM me admins we can talk.

posted about 4 years ago
#19 iranian war in Off Topic

I heard Radeon is a defense contractor, so if you see me buying loads of graphic cards it's because I support our troops

posted about 4 years ago
#6 Captain Zidgel LFT RGL O/IM in Recruitment (looking for team)

Bump, edited OP

posted about 4 years ago
#15 tr_turner in Map Discussion

Really fun but the surf section breaks the momentum.
At the beginning you give a simple explanation of air strafing and it's really intuitive to understand "step on orange triangle go fast wheeee! around corners!" but surfing is so extremely nonintuitive and there is no form of tutorial that its downright impossible for someone being introduced to it.
If I were to recommend an addition, there should be a true mastery section that involves achieving jumps as simple as the one at the start but you have to do your own jumps without the catapults, although that would break the "any class can play this" ethos.

posted about 4 years ago
#60 Donald Trump Impeach in World Events
KikiThe positions he's taken on immigration, media, war, and trade, whether you agree with them or not, are all in direct opposition to the interests of the financial and industrial powers that be.

Yeah, him continuing abusive immigration control, ramping up the drone strikes, continuing the Afghanistan war of Bush and Obama are opposed to the financial and industrial powers that be. Sure buddy. Oh, and I don't think the media really minds his attacks.

Our rulers are attempting to veto the "will of the people" as expressed in 2016.

A minority of voters voted for Trump in 2016. The congress is more or less democratically elected (well, not the Senate) so their actions can be said to at least represent some portion of the people's wills. Oh, and if Trump is removed his vice president becomes president, which doesn't really sound like it's vetoing an election, does it?

posted about 4 years ago
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