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Signed Up September 13, 2016
Last Posted May 25, 2024 at 11:55 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ⋅⋅ 26
#6 Bank of America Esports LFP in Recruitment (looking for players)

Added to inquire about the Scout slot.

posted about 4 years ago
#5 CS:GO update for 9/30/19 (10/1/19 UTC) in CS2 General Discussion
Spui want a p250 x-ray though

Someone will find a way to trick the system into thinking you're in France, depending on what way CS verifies your location. Could be a VPN, could be changing your region in Steam, i dunno but someone will find out.

posted about 4 years ago
#31 BTSTF2 in LAN Discussion
samifaceThe venue is about 40 miles from LAX

I'm not really an airport expert so please only use my suggestion as a second opinion but LAX isn't your only option! Ontario International Airport (ONT) exists.
It's like a half-hour to generic Covina vs LAXs 45 minutes (not to the actual venue idk the address)
It's smaller so it might be more convenient for you but please don't base your travel plans on my stupid internet post. I cannot be held responsible for you following my advice.

posted about 4 years ago
#31 TF2 community leaders partner with BTS for 2020 event in News

Not the open-spaced spectator event like Rewind II was but I'm excited to see another SoCal event!

posted about 4 years ago
#5 getting into comp tf2 in Q/A Help

I would advise against TF2Center. The format of lobbies allows you to pick which teammates you want to play with, which means all the pros join the same team and it creates a very unfun, very frustrating experience.
Inhouse pugs or joining a league if you have the time and commitment are definitely the way to go. Newbie mixes does some every Friday I think.

posted about 4 years ago
#108 what are ya READING? in Music, Movies, TV

I'm not actively reading anything right now but I'm trying to read more since I've found this great app called Hoopla that lets me legally read just about anything on my phone or computer with my sister's library card.
-I just finished Animal Farm. It was good!

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rip boxer :(((((

-I just finished reading the Vision 2015-2016 comic series (12 issues across two volumes). Honestly, I wanted to like it because I love robots, the pitch was great and the art was gorgeous, but it felt like 12 issues of filler and disconnected plot points.

-If I have downtime in the car I'm usually reading some transformers comic! More Than Meets the Eye (2012-2018) is SO good you guys if you like humor, sci-fi settings, losers on spaceships and things that are good you will like it! It's just about my favorite piece of fiction ever! The first five volumes (which is one complete story arc) are avail on Hoopla, so if you have a library card you can read them for free! It costs you nothing!

posted about 4 years ago
#11 Warfork in Other Games

Played about 2 hours, here's my preliminary weapon tier list.

posted about 4 years ago
#1150 Vent your anger in Off Topic

:-) Y'all play any Trombone Champ?

posted about 4 years ago
#10 favorite fast food place in Off Topic

not to be a california normie but... in-n-out

posted about 4 years ago
#77 1 of the koch brothers died in World Events
Doom1CaptainZidgel, nothing bad will happen out of it. Except the EU telling Poland to shut down coal mines and therefore thousands of jobs because enviroment. Meanwhile Germany mines twice the amont of coal that Poland does, but quotas are quotas hehe. We must destroy weaker economies that can't afford to go green, right?!

I would actually like Germany to stop mining coal as well! I'd like every country to do so! I see you're from Poland. You've made the bizarre assumption that I share the opinion that the way forward is to do whatever happened in your country. Yikes, dude. I'd like countries like the USA and China to pull their big boy pants up, act as a good example, then help tiny countries create renewable resource infrastructure. Not sure about what Germany did to you regarding climate, but I do not endorse climate hypocrisy.

posted about 4 years ago
#75 1 of the koch brothers died in World Events

posted about 4 years ago
#16 favorite pbs show? in Music, Movies, TV
corianderThis Old House!

This Old House viewership rise up

posted about 4 years ago
#3 4th matrix movie in Music, Movies, TV
tonyi cant believe theyre putting john wick in matrix

these fortnite crossovers are getting crazy

posted about 4 years ago
#41 Another mass shooting in El Paso Texas in World Events
Doom1UPDATE: The guy said in his manifesto that his plan existed long before Trump's presidency, but that he knows Trump's thetoric will get the blame anyways.

Picture this: You've wanted to touch the stove top for a long time. A real long time. Then, one day, someone with authority says "some fine people have touched the stovetop" or laughs and smiles when you suggest touching the stove. Yes, your desires predate this guy talking about the stove, but he's the one encouraging you. It's been said in this thread before: Trump is not the cause of the shooting, but he's no hindrance either.

Obviously, the shooter must've spent some time on 8chan if he felt it appropriate to post his manifesto there, so his views were probably reinforced there, and if he watched cable news he'd have found a friend in Tucker Carlson.
The point is there are a lot of nasty people shaping minds in this world, and I'd rather the president fight back against white supremacy, not repeat and reinforce talking points about immigrant invasions (which he also gets from Carlson and Hannity).

So to sum it all up: Trump bears some blame but as Coovoo said he's just a symptom of American nationalism.

posted about 4 years ago
#29 Another mass shooting in El Paso Texas in World Events

some people in this thread have already said it but with a lot of extra words so I'm going to try and sum it up quickly.
El Paso shooter: I have right-wing beliefs about hispanics and I am shooting up a mall because of it.
Dayton shooter: I like leftist politicians, also I'm going to shoot up some people.*
not all violence inherits the ideology of the perpetrator.

(that about sums it up, but ive got an extra paragraph of clarification here)

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Now, see, the Dayton guy liked Elizabeth Warren, right? Warren likes to talk about breaking up big tech. Now, if someone who liked Warren shot up a Google office and left a manifesto about breaking up Google, then you could call them a shooter inspired by Warren/leftism, but for now, it's intellectually dishonest to say the Dayton shooter was inspired by his politics to shoot up a place.

*as of writing, the Dayton shooter's motives are still under investigation.

posted about 4 years ago
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