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Signed Up September 13, 2016
Last Posted May 25, 2024 at 11:55 PM
Posts 378 (0.1 per day)
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#2 Zidgel's Gizmos in Projects

Alright here's the other thing I was excited to show and the reason this is called "Zidgel's Gizmos" instead of "Demo Sorter program". Wanted this to spend more time in the oven but decided that might just overcook it.
Often times playing games, I hear people lament "Ah, I got a cool kill but wasn't recording a demo. Was anyone recording a demo?" Forgetting 1) the server probably had STV recording 2) Player recorded demos can't change perspective. However, if you don't remember to track down your STV demo on near the actual event, you might never find it, especially if you play a whole lot of pugs and scrims every day.
I don't know if this will be useful to anyone, (certainly won't be to me), but this tool will find the STV equivalents of your POV demos on
No binaries here, you'll need Python >= 3.8 and a compiled binary of icewind's rust demo parser (link on github repo).
This is experimental and won't work great in wonky situations, but if you only record as soon as matches start (like with PREC), I anticipate a very high success rate.
I have five demos I have tested it with and tweaked the program to specifically get good results for each one. Problem is I can't test every case. If you try it out, I would appreciate hearing about the results.

posted about 4 years ago
#93 RGL Division Restructure in TF2 General Discussion

Never said boxcar isn't childish and in your team's case she obviously wanted to correct what she thought was some injustice (obviously she was biased and isn't a main admin so she shouldn't have had that convo with Patrick), but accusing her of making the division restructure SPECIFICALLY to screw you over was pretty childish too, especially when your own conversation with patrick shows him saying "boxcar didn't know you had approval from Makka, carry on." Now show me the screenshot of the discord conversation where boxcar says "can't believe they're still trying to get playmo in main, lets do a division restructure lol" and I will write a "boxcar bad, upfrag me" post.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Zidgel's Gizmos in Projects

(I have named this Zidgel's Gizmos in anticipation of future projects I hope to come to fruition)
I am Zidgel and I have an interest in scripting.

Big Project A: Degroot Sort, sort your demos into folders based on information like map, date, etc.

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I also just finished writing v1 of Degroot Sort, a sorter for your demos. You can also "probe" to get basic information or "flatten" to reset your sorts back to one folder, for resorting. You can read more about it on Github.
You can sort by a few kinds of categories, here's an example tree after sorting by map, "date"(not really, its the first 7 characters of the filename), and server group (read more about sever group aliasing on the github repo or I can answer your questions here).

There is an "eventfulness" category to sort by (`eventful`) but it only supports the in-game recorder style of documenting events, via a matching json for each demo file. I'd be happy to support other event doc types if someone can provide me samples of whatever tool they use (say, PREC)
Comes in your preferred flavor of UI or CLI, downloads for Windows here
If you can, I recommend building it yourself.

Big Project B: StraightToVDM - Turn your bookmarks into vdm files usable by Lawena!

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This program takes bookmarks and creates vdms usable by Lawena - it will automatically skip between demos to your events and record them, nothing needs to be done in Lawena to create/load these. Just open TF2 through lawena like normally, then playdemo <starting demo>.
Download the latest release! Just look for the .zip that isn't called 'source code', unzip it, open the folder, double click the exe
Supports in-game demo support and PREC.

Big Project C: TF2KillstreakFinder (No cool name :( ) - create vdm files from a directory of demos

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ok gamers here's something based and poggerspilled:
an exe that takes a directory of demos, searches them for killstreaks according to your custom parameters (how many kills count, how long between them) and creates VDFs (the format used to semi-automate recording with lawena) of these streaks
Be prepared with your Steam3 ID and the directory where your demos are.
Two caveats:
1. if the allowable space between kills in a streak is sufficiently long, it is possible it will record 'killstreaks' that happen over multiple lives. i would program a solution to this but i am working fulltime and doing school every other breathing moment so i cant
2. doesnt add custom bookmarks from prec or whatever into the VDFs. I would want to code this too but... yeah

That's all for now, I hope to bring more things of questionable usefulness to you soon.

posted about 4 years ago
#63 RGL Division Restructure in TF2 General Discussion
playmodid I really just piss boxcar off that fucking bad just for beating her in a single night of scrims.1jayynot to mention that one of the teams has an admins and/or opinions from admins playing in the affected divisions were taken into consideration. I do believe there is some bias and inconsistent ruling on some of the placements but then again, i couldn't be an admin cause i had a ban on rgl (EVEN tho daf asked me to apply).

How TFTV thinks RGL works

Just because someone has a bias doesn't mean that this was some giant conspiracy by admins to have easier matches, and we don't even know which admins had the most sway over this discussion. Although it would be easier to discount this idea if there had been a more open dialogue from the admins before the change.

posted about 4 years ago
#24 Captain Zidgel LFT RGL O/IM in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 4 years ago
#2 Weenie Hut Junior Pugs by Nut City in TF2 General Discussion

FYI the actual intended time for these pugs is 6pm eastern, tonight's 2am pug was pure serendipity.

posted about 4 years ago
#5 open fortress (team fortress 2 classic 2) in Other Games

Quake -> Quake Team Fortress -> Team Fortress Classic -> Team Fortress 2 -> Team Fortress Quake

The circle is complete

posted about 4 years ago
#10421 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 4 years ago
#14 RGL Traditional Sixes Season 3 announced in News
ScrewBKrempaskyclearcut is a god awful mapCan the comunity at large just acknowledge koth as a terrible game mode? There has not been a single koth map without MAJOR issues. I am not exactly a fan of the "scouts get to be god for no reason" and "lets run a full time sniper" meta that every koth map devolves into. I challenge anyone to show me a koth map that doesn't.

hey maybe if we gave koth maps room to grow in a real competitive environment as opposed to once in a blue moon map test cups / random pugs, we might find the formula for ideal new koth maps.
But if only a league were willing to include new maps.. :/

posted about 4 years ago
#1493 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

(playing pubcomp)
mints : nooooo not 5cp
mints : lol
An uncrustable is a ravioli : would you rather comp turbine
*DEAD* Contraceptive : yes
◢Luna☽◤ but Brokering : yes
mints : honestly ea

posted about 4 years ago
#6 TF2 update for 4/27/20 (4/28/20 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

You're welcome, everybody.

posted about 4 years ago
#22 Captain Zidgel LFT RGL O/IM in Recruitment (looking for team)

bump, edited op. interested in playing scrim team for the off season.

posted about 4 years ago
#19 dave2 lft + RGB in Recruitment (looking for team)

Dave's a funny guy to have in the mumble and really good at the game. Don't think I would ever want to play on a team with him ever again but you should pick him up.

posted about 4 years ago
#12 Video editing software tips for TF2 video in Off Topic
NightfaulDaVinci Resolve 16 is free, but can be intimidating at first glance. There's tons of tutorials out there for it, even for more simple tasks.

+1 on this, but it requires a hefty computer.
I'm still on 15 because lazy but version 16 has a new tab called cut for streamlined editing. Should be what you need if you want to stitch together shadowplay clips.
The only other 2 tabs you will need are media (import clips) and deliver (export video).
I just watched this video to see if it was a good tutorial and it is all you need for basic editing.

posted about 4 years ago
#137 Med speed buff removal EU DMIXES in TF2 General Discussion
BooopI know testing the plugin and deciding whether or not to implement it is another thing, but I think the people who created the plugin should consider a name change. In the past, there has been criticism aimed at the competitive community, more specifically 6's, for promoting elitism. The name kind of adds unnecessary fuel to the fire when people inevitably say how entitled the community must be. "They're so sensitive they have to jump over the developers by creating a special plugin to play the game exactly the way they want to" etc. Same bs lines about elitism happens in the smash community with project m, 4xm, and to some extent ultimate and claims about how it can alienate people in the playerbase.

I think promod kind of accidentally became the name used by some of the people running the servers with it/talking in this thread because the dev of it actually just calls the collection of plugins "tf2-comp-fixes" on github.

posted about 4 years ago
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