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Signed Up April 13, 2013
Last Posted March 2, 2016 at 12:07 AM
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#7 Sound in demo playback low in Q/A Help

In case you actually care, if somebody questions a -Frag, they're going to get a bunch more -Frags on that second post.

Why even draw attention to it, is what I want to know. Do you care that much about frags?

posted about 10 years ago
#12 caverns in Off Topic

What kind of hours is this place open?

posted about 10 years ago
#19 What does the fox say? in Off Topic

I can't figure out why this was -Fragged, it's so absurd in such a european way

posted about 10 years ago
#9 demo tips with MightyMe in Mentoring

What country gives free haircuts??

posted about 10 years ago
#100 What headset are you using right now? in Hardware

Razer carchcahch my old pair of these broke after only a year, but that's actually typical for headsets for me (I don't know why they break so easily). I only got the same pair as a replacement because I had warranty. This one is about due to shatter into a million pieces or something.

SPEAKING OF WHICH can somebody help me with this fucking problem? My headset cords always start to twist up like some goddamn pull-off twizzlers. Why the fuck do they keep doing this? I straight them, I don't spin my headset on the cord or anything, and it still does this. Help me. Please.

posted about 10 years ago
#23 Siberia Elite in TF2 General Discussion
Goat_They are round and small, I have normal sized ears.
That's not over ear design

I don't know if your head is abnormally large or what but I don't have especially small ears and they fit really nicely.

posted about 10 years ago
#15 Siberia Elite in TF2 General Discussion

I had Siberias, they were extremely comfortable, probably the most comfortable pair of sub100 dollar headphones I've ever worn (they don't beat better ones but it's pretty close). Unfortunately they broke in 6 months super easily.

posted about 10 years ago
#249 Open to HRG: Legend of Indust in TF2 General Discussion
randoSorry man, I thought after playing with me for three seasons you would realize that I just shit talk everyone. If I actually hated you I just wouldn't interact with you, like how I don't interact with squid because that guy is a genuine cunt. I hope I didn't actually hurt your feelings and your relationship with the gf improves.

When did having a shitty attitude or shitty human interaction skills start to be passed off as "just having a sense of humor/I just shit talk people man, no biggie"?

posted about 10 years ago
#2 What is this box and how do I get rid of it? in Customization

I think that's an artifact from your HUD and your files not playing together nicely. I used to have my configs read-only (still do) but for some reason it stopped my game from recognizing that I'd played a certain map type 50 times. (I think if you've played less than around 50 times on a certain map type, it tells you how to play the map when you load into it/tells you the objectives)

posted about 10 years ago
#28 ESEA S15 NA Main Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion
ScholarParagonAt least top two seeds in open confirmed for main as well.
so 12 new industs? why not earn your spot by playing IM?

AFAIK at least a few of the upper open teams are already scrimming IM teams, I'm not entirely convinced that the top of open is that far below at least some of the IM teams

posted about 10 years ago
#28 I feel it's time to address the pistol. in TF2 General Discussion

What exactly is your idea for a fix, anyway. Make it a tighter cone? People will just complain that it's still random, only now people will complain that at mid-ranges the decent scouts are finishing off even more targets that would have gotten away before. Make it rail-gun accurate for the entire clip? Okay. Make it rail-gun accurate and reduce the damage? How exactly is that going to work in the world of regular pubs where people can't track their left hand to make a Thanksgiving hand turkey?

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Anyone experienced selling art merch at cons? in Off Topic

use those booleans

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Every popular smashbros website got DDoS'd. in Off Topic

I played on a macbook pro for the first 2-3 years I played. It was an old one, and with the right settings it ran fine. I even ran the game off an old external HD, so.

Your mileage my vary, but as poorly optimized as TF2 is, you can definitely tweak settings to make it playable.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Panda Scout/Soldier in Recruitment (looking for team)

Season's officially over and I still want to play TF2. Had a few tryouts but nobody has gotten back to me in a few days so I have to assume they've found another player to go with.

So, still looking :D

posted about 10 years ago
#22 Nintendo 2DS in Off Topic

The 2DS looks like a brick you carry around with you in case somebody tries to mug you in a parking structure

but I like DS games so okay

posted about 10 years ago
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