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Last Posted March 2, 2016 at 12:07 AM
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#8 New Pub Server NO CRITS in TF2 General Discussion

Good luck, we could use another no-crit pub out there for old people like me that can't cut it in the world of comp. Hopefully you get a strong community behind it so that it doesn't have trouble populating on a daily basis.

posted about 10 years ago
#13 paper tower in Off Topic

I was just trying to make sure I heard right because 8-9 seemed really tall for a single sheet of paper. Considering you'd need a minimum width per strip if you cut it lengthwise, and each strip could be 11 inches at most.

5-6 seemed more realistic.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 paper tower in Off Topic

Wait, you're aiming for 8-9 feet off a single sheet of A4 paper? I'm assuming you're gonna try to cut the paper lengthwise?

Are you allowed the paste that would be required in paper mache?

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Thanks HRG xD in TF2 General Discussion
defyOr have you just never seen an Asian person's face before?
i watch rr's stream all the time

Okay that was harsh. But that's not an angry face.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Thanks HRG xD in TF2 General Discussion
defywhos the chick, she looks angry

must of been that time of the month

Do you suffer from Social-Emotional Agnosia?

Or have you just never seen an Asian person's face before?

PS: If anything she looks smug.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 ESEA S14 Open Awards in News

*Oscars runner-up applause*

posted about 10 years ago
#59 9-11 Remembrance in Off Topic
HallowI think people (including myself) are venting some frustration about all the talk of 9/11 when really, as has been mentioned, it was some time ago. People aren't necessarily upset with the people in this thread but rather annoyed that America are being treated as a victim in it all 12 years later.

This is precisely why I got so heated in this thread. You're convinced people are just looking to be seen as victims. All you need to do is look at this forum. We all share a common hobby/passion, and I don't know that anybody here is specifically asking to be seen as a victim. In fact the first post in the thread is just a guy remembering family he lost and asking for some remembrance as well. I don't think anybody in the thread has even requested victim-status. All that venting is misdirected. It's VERY likely that the majority of Americans on this forum would agree that pushing the victim angle is mostly only adopted by unscrupulous types now. Pointing fingers in so general a way as constantly referring to America as a homogeneous whole that, as a group decided unanimously to be victims is the biggest problem here.

It's a nation, not a singular organism. There's people inside.

posted about 10 years ago
#55 9-11 Remembrance in Off Topic
KoeitjeAll I say is that a nation that had no qualms about wiping two cities off the face of the earth shouldn't be so strung up about losing close to 3000 civilians during a time of war.

Do you honestly not see the flaw in this statement? "No qualms" is a bit of stretch. I have no doubt those involved probably understood the magnitude of what they'd done, and carried it with them to the end of their days.

Second, it seems weird that you're fixated on equating a national identity with that of the nation several decades ago. Generationally speaking the people making up the United States now do not comprise the people making up the United States in the 1940s by any significant amount, especially if you think about who was making foreign policy at that point.

Do you blame the Japanese today for the atrocities that were inflicted upon the Chinese? Do you blame any number of countries for the forced enslavement of huge swaths of people? Is the nation of Cambodia somehow still liable for the Killing Fields?

I mean if you're fixated on equating the past crimes of a nation with their modern day incarnation, and you're deadset on adopting that as your viewpoint, then I suppose there really is no way to discuss this rationally.

posted about 10 years ago
#53 9-11 Remembrance in Off Topic
KoeitjeA. That was in Japan. I understand that deploying weapons of mass destruction on civilians is not something to be proud of, but still.
B. Not here on the forums.

Given that the average age of TF2 players appears to be less than 25, it seems unlikely that anybody would have been personally affected by the bombings. Given that the playerbase that frequents these forums is largely North American, it stands to reason that there might be more than one person here who lost somebody in the attacks.

Why not post and talk about it, and see if anybody else has had similar experiences, especially in an off-topic forum?

posted about 10 years ago
#49 9-11 Remembrance in Off Topic
mage24365I know I'm going to sound like a dick for saying this, but seriously: No other country cares this much about a terrorist attack 12 years after it occurred. We don't need to forget that it happened. We do need to move on. We sound like that crazy bitch who's still crying over a breakup 12 years later. Yes, the events were tragic. But events like these happen more often or more devastatingly all the time in other countries. Did you see people reading off the names of those lost in, say, Hiroshima 12 years later? Because, quite frankly, that's pretty similar except 36-66 times as many people died.
My point is, we need to move on. Not forget, but move on. My condolences to anyone who lost a loved one in the attack. I do feel sorry.

The whole point is that we have moved on though. You're acting like proportionally the number of people who ask for remembrance is extremely high when in fact it's probably tiny at this point. I think as a nation we recovered many years ago from it. The event itself hasn't significantly crippled us in any way. Few people will mention it throughout the year, and even then a large number of those (relatively few) mentions are probably shitty jokes like Mewtwo told. It's actually wholly pointless to tell people to move on. People like you or me, who didn't have any personal stake in the matter, already don't give enough of a shit 364 days of the year to think about it. People who have lost loved ones will probably never just spend the day in a completely ordinary fashion without at least once reflecting on their loss. And assholes seeking to use 9/11 for personal profit are going to be assholes.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish by A: telling us to move on and B: drawing a weird analogy to a breakup?

Anyway, there are many other nations that hold remembrance events for disasters or tragedies.

posted about 10 years ago
#43 9-11 Remembrance in Off Topic
kirbyThis thread has turned into one big shitfest. Thanks a lot, thundercunts.

Man I'm sorry, I really am. I knew in my head that I shouldn't argue on the internet instead of going to bed but my heart screamed that idiocy had to be met with reason. Obviously my heart was in the wrong here.

posted about 10 years ago
#39 9-11 Remembrance in Off Topic
AdmirableI've watched a a few of those 9/11 documentaries on Channel 4 recently. Still sends a chill down the spine. I find it quite paralyzing to watch a lot of the footage.

This "argument" that 9/11 was some how deserved by America or justified by their past actions is a total fallacy. How many of the thousands that died in the towers and planes had been involved in enacting American foreign policy in the last century? No justification whatsoever.

The janitor working the middle 20 floors probably planned some warcrimes for lunch and then murdered innocent people in another country in the name of Being American.

Edit: Okay the above is clearly too sarcastic. I apologize. It's far too late for me to be awake.

posted about 10 years ago
#252 ESEA S15 NA Invite Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion
MaxHaxyukirr-jesus christ, i knew i bounced off harbleu, but i didn't know i got destroyed that badly lol. ns ns.

But back to yuki and his complaining. Lansky was dead 6 more times then me, most of the time i was alive going back to indust. I did what i was supposed to do at the time. I wonder why I got so many heals from indust, it doesn't make sense does it yuki? ._.

The real question is why did lansky die more than you then? Was he doing 'roamer stuff' while u were not? Doesn't make sense, does it rr? ._.

Don't know where you're getting that I'm complaining from, when I'm just commenting based on what I see. I couldn't give a fuck if you got pocket level heals, though it'd be pretty funny.

Am I the only person who thinks that Yuki is going extremely hard on these stats for no reason? Still a huge Yuki fan, but what's the deal man?

I think what happened was he made what was originally an off-hand comment or not particularly heated. When people started challenging him, he began to get more defensive and aggressive in defending his stance.

posted about 10 years ago
#35 9-11 Remembrance in Off Topic
MewtwowafflebI really don't care, what with the thousands of innocents the american military has killed recently. If it were truly an eye for an eye, there would be a lot more collapsed buildings around the USA. (which obviously shouldn't be done, mind)
Word. And i love how there is only US people being butthurt.

Okay, a few points.

First of all, I don't understand why you insist on using butthurt as an adjective to describe any of us when you are clearly one of the most defensive and least insightful people I have ever known.

Second, I spent what I would consider my formative years outside of the United States, and while my citizenship and residence is of this country, I would hardly call myself a patriot, and just barely an American culturally. My concern isn't with identifying people by a country of origin or tagging them as "Americans" vs "Others", my concern here was that you were taking so many human (human, whether they're from the states or from another country) elements out of this equation, and instead focusing on something as petty as an "us vs. them" mentality.

posted about 10 years ago
#32 9-11 Remembrance in Off Topic

There is certainly a degree of cognitive dissonance going on here. I again urge you not to lump all Americans together or focus only on the loudest majority of them though. I think it's wholly possible to understand that some people join the military with the intention of defending one's country, and that service can be a very difficult experience both physically and emotionally, while also understanding that the military's movements are largely dictated by politics. There's a lot of things that people should answer for and never will.

posted about 10 years ago
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