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Last Posted September 19, 2020 at 11:40 PM
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#36 Particle Limitation Pack in Customization
Rotten_MindRentQNwsorry for bumping this but i just benchmarked using preset 3 (dead particles) and i went from 190 to 210 fps

is there still any potential for this to get updated. if it did it could do wonders

also whats the difference between this and the light particles vtf?

Pretty sure this doesn't work on sv_pure 1/2 servers, right?
it actually does
yttrium doesn't want to share his method, because he is greedy(not really, yttrium 1love)

Is this a different particle mod that works on sv_pure 1/2 servers? Anybody got a link? The one in the OP doesnt seem to work on sv_pure 1 which is pretty expected.

posted about 7 years ago
#136 No Hats Mod in Customization
CollaideStorm Stompers are entirely visible in the headsfeet version @@

Thats the whole point of headsfeet. Doesn't remove cosmetics that cause invisible heads and feet when removed. If you want everything gone use the regular nohats version.

posted about 7 years ago
#134 No Hats Mod in Customization

In both no.hats.v2017.12.22.fix.vpk and headsfeet.v2017.12.22.fix.vpk the file sd_tattoos_scout.dx90.vtx isn't empty like all the other .vtx files.

In headsfeet.v2017.12.22.fix.vpk:

pyro_rocks_mask.dx80.vtx and pyro_rocks_mask.dx90.vtx are causing an invisible pyro head. (Nose Candy - Horrific Style)

bak_fear_monger_s1.dx80.vtx and bak_fear_monger_s1.dx90.vtx files (one of the two Fear Monger styles) can be added to headsfeet as it doesn't cause an invisible head when removed.

The Triclops and Person in the Iron Mask can also be added to headsfeet as they don't cause invisible heads when removed.

SithreisStill a couple things causing missing feet/heads

for scout
Buck Turner All Stars
The Argyle Ace
Teufort Tooth Kicker (fine on soldier, engy, sniper, but broken on demo too)

Mair Mask
Hazmat Headcase

Using headsfeet.v2017.12.22.fix.vpk I didn't have any invisible issues with these cosmetics.


Also for anyone interested in troubleshooting, I made this vpk here to block the new festivizers in addition to the old blockable festives mentioned here. Unfortunately it doesnt work consistently and I dont know why. I've tried 'preloading' my own festives, merging it with nohats, etc. Which weapons end up having the lights blocked is a crapshoot. :(

I figure there is a chance it could be related to the December 21, 2017 patch note "Fixed a bug that prevented already-Festivized weapons from drawing their lights".

posted about 7 years ago
#130 No Hats Mod in Customization

Damn you update fast. The following cosmetics slip through nohats/headsfeet:

Balloonihoodie (all class)
Sledder's Sidekick (all class)
Pocket Yeti (all class)
Pocket Santa (all class)
Trucker's Topper (scout/engineer)

posted about 7 years ago
#903 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Does the exec custom run after the comp preset?

m_limitedcapture_workaround 1 // Workaround for mouse capture issues

Also kind of off topic but can this or a different setting make TF2 mouse capturing better? I still get issues clicking outside of TF2 when playing it full screen with a second monitor enabled.

posted about 7 years ago
#40 - Fixed not being able to detonate stickybombs whe in TF2 General Discussion

If you hold m2 and switch to melee or primary roughly around when the sticky will det you still get noticeable delay, whether it was like that 3 years ago or not I dont know.

posted about 7 years ago
#125 No Hats Mod in Customization

The Pocket Raiders(its 4 styles) are still showing in headsfeet/nohats for some reason.

posted about 7 years ago
#123 No Hats Mod in Customization
xJeebsxIt seems like a few cosmetics aren't being removed from the mods.

Apparently, Valve changed the location of some of the models but left the old ones in the vpk still(according to my GCFscape at least) I noticed this when I got 9 hits for a certain cosmetic .vtx in nohats and 18 hits for the same file in GCFscape.

I looked up a diff of the update and that programmer coding shit is way beyond me tbh. I did see this steamdb breakdown which listed the old model files and their new location(and sometimes new name). I went ahead and ctrl+f'ed the changed model and changed visual entries and made a list of the changed locations then made a vpk with that shit removed. I made the vpk with a lot of copy pasting so hopefully no spelling errors and the vtx files are ctrl+v'd from nohats.


*This only contains the cosmetics that were slipping through nohats since Jungle Inferno, this isnt the entire nohats repackaged.

I tested the items in itemtest minus alternate styles(which itemtest cant do) and TF2Maps Charitable Heart which I didnt see in the list and they all were invisible. Hopefully this can be easily integrated into the exisitng nohats/headsfeet. This worked without the old location model entries so they can be deleted I guess.

The following cause invisible bodygroups need to be removed from the above vpk for headsfeet:
models\workshop_partner\player\items\scout\fm2012_cleats\fm2012_cleats (Ball-Kicking Boots)
models\workshop_partner\player\items\scout\scout_henchboy\scout_henchboy_belt (Flunkyware)
models\workshop_partner\player\items\pyro\as_pyro_cleansuit\as_pyro_cleansuit (Breather Bag)
models\workshop_partner\player\items\scout\tw2_cheetah_robe\tw2_cheetah_robe (Cheet Sheet)
models\workshop_partner\player\items\scout\ai_legs\ai_legs (Xeno Suit)
models\workshop_partner\player\items\scout\tr_bootenkhamuns\tr_bootenkhamuns (Bootenkhamuns)

These need to be deleted from the already existing headsfeet vpk:

posted about 7 years ago
#883 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Is there any benefit to the vpks beside tf2 possibly booting up faster? I really prefer the configurable text files, so I guess I just download the Source code (zip) from the assets section of the release?

posted about 7 years ago
#2 No Unusual Effects Mod in Customization
i thought casual and lan by default use sv_pure 1

Casual servers use sv_pure 1. Listen servers use whatever your client is set to. For instance I have sv_pure 0 in my autoexec so if start the game and type map itemtest in the console its going to be sv_pure 0. If I d/c then type sv_pure 1 into the console and reload itemtest it will be on sv_pure 2. I guessing this is because I dont have a custom sv_pure 1 whitelist configured so its functionally the same as sv_pure 2.

The old noeffects mod works just fine in every server I have tried it on

Does it though? I have never seen this mod work outside of sv_pure 0 and I have at least 2 different .vpks for it. Literally today I used the nohat-effects.vpk linked in the OP and I saw a Burning Federal Casemaker in Casual. Likewise trying it locally using itemtest the burning effect was only invisible on sv_pure 0 and visible on sv_pure 1.

A lot of people say it removes the old effects but I dont think it does that anymore, at least nothing I've tried has gotten it to work even once. I attempted to remove a specific 'new' unusual effect I posses in this post and ran into the same sv_pure issue. I couldnt get a response of anyone confirming it works at all. Nohats alone removes some unusual effects so that could be mistakenly attributed to the unusual removers.

posted about 7 years ago
#121 No Hats Mod in Customization
headsfeet.v2017.10.21.vpk still causes invisible bodygroups with the following:

hwn_scout_misc2.dx80.vtx (Futankhamun)
bak_fear_monger.dx80.vtx (The other s1 fear monger style is fine)

The above and also
Forest Footwear causes invisible scout feet.
Himalayan Hair Shirt causes invisible heavy hands. Don't know if this one is worth fixing.

pics: https://imgur.com/a/tFI8d

posted about 7 years ago
#7 Pyro melee crouch animation isn't working properly in TF2 General Discussion
JunkHow do the hitboxes look?

They still match the model's uncrouched appearance according to sv_showlagcompensation 1.

posted about 7 years ago
#117 No Hats Mod in Customization
tonyp2121How would I go about editing the vpk files to allow festive weapons that dont have a unique model and botkiller weapons?

Festive weapons are not blocked by default.

If you want botkillers to be visible drag and drop nohats.vpk or headsfeet.vpk on to Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\bin\vpk.exe. In the resulting models folder search using the phrase fob_* and delete the resulting files. Then drag and drop the folder that got extracted from vpk.exe back onto vpk.exe.

posted about 7 years ago
#12 Blinded by the muzzle flash on the new pyro weapon in TF2 General Discussion
viewmodel_fov 0
viewmodel_fov 0.1
viewmodel_fov -360

None of these work possibly because the fireball is being treated like a projectile and not like normal flame particles. Hopefully someone bitches at Valve to tone this down because its incredibly obnoxious. If anyone knows a setting or something to lessen it in the meantime that would be great.

posted about 7 years ago
#114 No Hats Mod in Customization

woops double post

posted about 7 years ago
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