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Last Posted September 4, 2021 at 10:06 PM
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#8 Kaneco's Recording and Editing Resources in Videos
Kanecowhen you run a POV demo, the demo generally executes the configs/cvars that were used on the source computer, so it can get pretty weird, ex: I had a demo that would change graphical options after changing class, another one that would disable and enable viewmodels every 2 secs (making them blink), every weird script and setting u can imagine I have seen it, these were VERY annoying when recording stuff, messing up entire recordings and even crashing the game a lot.

Maybe someone should start a PSA for people to set their demo_recordcommands to 0. I believe that when you do that the configs dont get recorded into the demo. Would be quite useful for editors and config writers so they dont have to include hundreds of lines of commands just to lock every cvar.

posted about 8 years ago
#133 Worst TF2 Frag Videos? in Videos
Phoenix21pub players trashing on the song/frag quality even though they have no idea what 6s i.

Only 6 kills? I got 10 the other day in a 24/7 2fort server

posted about 8 years ago
#30 dreams by weatherspoon in Videos

Are you fucking serious TF.TV? Whenever someone posts an edit this happens again and AGAIN. This guy clearly put effort into his edit with the intention of making it as good as possible. So your shitposts such as "my eyes", "instantly got a headache" etc. really dont help the editor, the tf2 editing community or the tf2 community as a whole. If you dont like edited clips, it doesnt mean nobody likes them, and unless you have constructive feedback to offer, i suggest you keep your shitposts to yourself.

ulmyxxWhy do you even post here? You know nobody will like it? Like why even post? Are you a troll? i dont understand

Why not? Its a TF2 Videos section. The section description says "editing" as well. Also its interesting you say nobody will like it, because you are using a "i dont like it therefore nobody will like it" logic.

MochaaaaYou need to watch beater

No, Beater makes fragshows which fulfill an entirely different purpose than edits. He has nothing to learn from Beater. If he should watch anything, its other well-made edits, which I assume hes already doing.

This mini-rant doesnt apply to people who actually gave constructive criticism in this thread without shitposting.

As for my opinion on the clip, I actually really like the colours, no they are not "too bright" ffs, however, the glow is too strong in SOME shots. I suggest you tweak your colour settings for each shot separately. What is bright in one clip, might not be in another and such. For example @ 0:22 that process smooth really was too bright, mainly because its main focus is the sky which is generally pretty bright. So to fix the "brightness" you should have only gone to each shot that is bright and fix it there, not change every shot. Tbh the colours in the dreams version are much more interesting than the ones in dark dreams version. Also I noticed youre using probably Edge Softness in MBL, or some other similar thing. You should only apply it to the very edges and make it much more subtle or its gonna make the whole clip blurry and hard to watch. Also, I wouldnt really apply it to POV footage at all as it blurs the killfeed. It works well for smooths though. And about that small segment from 0:34 to 0:38, I dont know, I think you couldve come up with something better there. In the future I also suggest you play around with velocity a bit more, the one you had in this clip was a little too basic, though it worked pretty well nonetheless. Overall, I can see talent for editing, all you need is to edit more to get that polished look. Good luck!

posted about 8 years ago
#36 Infinite Power by Kaneco in Videos

To give you some feedback, I didnt like the inconsistency in editing. In some parts you put in effort to actually sync the shots to music and use smooths for transitions, while in other parts you go full fragshow with zero editing. Either is fine, but I would pick one and stick with it through the entire video. I also found the cc really bland, as far as I can tell you did some brightness & constrast adjustments (and turned up the saturation a tiny bit?) but thats really it. Some of the smooths had kind of unpolished camera movement too.

posted about 8 years ago
#109 What was the best fragmovie you ever watched? in Videos


posted about 8 years ago
#198 Why it’s time to say goodbye to TF2Center in TF2 General Discussion

So thats a lot of posts and I admit that I havent read them all, but wont the need for TF2 lobbies be eradicated with the official matchmaking? Seems like the perfect place to learn competitive TF2 format with people on your skill level. And then there will be like CS:GO has Face-it and whatever and there will be ETF2L and whatnot just as CS:GO has ESEA and whatnot (leagues I mean). There is no TF2Center in this equation. Or at least thats the way I see it.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 TF2 Movie HUD Crashes Game in Videos

Bumperino, anyone has a fixed HUD? I could use it.

posted about 8 years ago
#30 Invasion in TF2 General Discussion

I like how people are speculating whether Valve made the SFM or not, when you could just look at the credits at the end of the video and see that its community-made. More or less the same team that made Lil' Guardian Pyro.

posted about 8 years ago
#185 Gun Mettle Bugs in TF2 General Discussion

That wasnt the point lol. Basically the patch prevents new ones from being created, but those that exist still exist and work. So if you pay enough you can apply it to anything, even items that cant be killstreaked otherwise, for example a saxxy.

posted about 8 years ago
#179 Gun Mettle Bugs in TF2 General Discussion

So, the killstreak related crash has been fixed, and now it turns out you can apply those killstreak kits with no item attached to any item?

I would buy one for my Saxxy as well, but cba to spend 40€

posted about 8 years ago
#14 PLAYOFFS by BraveHeart in Videos

Haha lol at the colour advice in this thread. Well, I think the colours look quite ugly for several reasons - very strong diffusion, colour schemes that dont work. Yeah, Googler tried to come up with something cool, and it kinda works on some maps (with lots of tweaks for each shot), but on others it just doesnt. Especially pushing highlights to green in any exterior seems like an utterly terrible idea to me. When using the 3-way colour wheel, always consider complementary colours, and that doesnt just mean always doing orange-teal. When you add so much green that the shot has a visibly green tint, push another colour wheel in the opposite direction to balance that green out - for example. And even if you come up with something cool, always tweak each shot instead of just copy pasting the same preset all over. Good luck with your colour adventures in the future!

Kaneco- Color correction a bit exaggerated in some frags (too much contrast? or too much on the highlights)

The contrast seems fine to me. Too much what on the highlights? What does that mean?

PhunkI like consistency, so having different color filters all the time is not really my thing, I think just a warm prominent saturation looks the best

It definitely does not look the best.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Experimental Stuff in Videos

Was pretty nice, but I missed the weapon sounds a bit, also tweak your haze/flare settings, less reach, more softness, the lens distortion is also a bit too much imo. Cool music tho haha

posted about 8 years ago
#8 JUSTIFIED in Videos
HerganI think we need a fragmovie thread for CS

Not a bad idea

posted about 8 years ago
#5 JUSTIFIED in Videos

wait, why the downvotes?

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Winding Road by Almie in Videos

I made a medic movie! You might have seen it on eXtv already (many thanks to them!) but in case you didnt, here it is. Enjoy :)

posted about 8 years ago
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