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alias fake_msg say_team "*** FAKE ***"
alias uber_msg say_team "*** UBER READY ***"

alias fake "voicemenu 1 7; fake_msg"

alias +uber "dropitem; +attack2; randomvoice; spec_prev; say_team **I'm using uber GET THE FUCK IN THERE**""
alias -uber "-attack2;"

bind MOUSE1 +attack
bind MOUSE2 +uber
bind c fake
bind v uber_msg

exec clear

exec crosshairswitcher/switcher; medic

I am having the problem with my

alias +uber "dropitem; +attack2; randomvoice; spec_prev; say_team **I'm using uber GET THE FUCK IN THERE**""

Crossing over into other classes. Like when i detonate my stickies that line appears. Does anyone know how to fix this and if you do can you post the line of code?

alias fake_msg say_team "*** FAKE ***"
alias uber_msg say_team "*** UBER READY ***"

alias fake "voicemenu 1 7; fake_msg"

alias +uber "dropitem; +attack2; randomvoice; spec_prev; say_team **I'm using uber GET THE FUCK IN THERE**""
alias -uber "-attack2;"

bind MOUSE1 +attack
bind MOUSE2 +uber
bind c fake
bind v uber_msg

exec clear

exec crosshairswitcher/switcher; medic[/quote]
I am having the problem with my
[quote] alias +uber "dropitem; +attack2; randomvoice; spec_prev; say_team **I'm using uber GET THE FUCK IN THERE**""[/quote]
Crossing over into other classes. Like when i detonate my stickies that line appears. Does anyone know how to fix this and if you do can you post the line of code?
1 Frags +

just put "bind mouse2 +attack2" in the .cfgs for other classes, it's how I keep my mouse2 rotating binds off of demo

just put "bind mouse2 +attack2" in the .cfgs for other classes, it's how I keep my mouse2 rotating binds off of demo
0 Frags +

Basically, for each of the class configs, whenever you switch to that class, it tacks on whatever in that config to your current config (autoexec only if you just launched the game).

If you don't "reset" any binds, they get carried over to whatever other class.

Basically, for each of the class configs, whenever you switch to that class, it tacks on whatever in that config to your current config (autoexec only if you just launched the game).

If you don't "reset" any binds, they get carried over to whatever other class.
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