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Youtube being annoying
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So say I'm listening to a song and it's about 2 minutes in, I open a new webpage and youtubes like nope and restarts the whole fucking video again. Is there anyway to fix this? Its considerably annoying

So say I'm listening to a song and it's about 2 minutes in, I open a new webpage and youtubes like nope and restarts the whole fucking video again. Is there anyway to fix this? Its considerably annoying
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use last.fm or some other music thing so you wont have ads every 3 seconds

use last.fm or some other music thing so you wont have ads every 3 seconds
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My Chromecast does this (rarely) so I'd assume its the video failing to load the next chunk from the server and restarting. Seeing as I doubt they have anything else in common.

So could be your internet, could just be YouTube.

My Chromecast does this (rarely) so I'd assume its the video failing to load the next chunk from the server and restarting. Seeing as I doubt they have anything else in common.

So could be your internet, could just be YouTube.
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install that, it replaces yt flash player with an html5 player.


install that, it replaces yt flash player with an html5 player.
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install that, it replaces yt flash player with an html5 player.

http://gyazo.com/e0135f60be985277e99b5761bcca4aa0 Rip


install that, it replaces yt flash player with an html5 player.[/quote]

http://gyazo.com/e0135f60be985277e99b5761bcca4aa0 Rip
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if you're using chrome install tampermonkey first https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo?hl=en

if you're using chrome install tampermonkey first https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo?hl=en
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