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LFP Main 6s season 6
0 Frags +

I am creating a team with two of my previous teammates that I played in IM with. We are serious about improvement which is why we chose to step up to main this season.

We need the following classes:

Our scrim times will be 930 and 1030 est Sunday - Thursday. This will not change for the duration of the season and it is imperative all teammates can meet at these times.

We are looking for players who will have good attendance, the ability to provide and receive constructive criticism, and the drive to improve on an individual level (mge, jump maps, solo reviews, mentors, etc.) as well as a team level (team reviews, team dm sessions, scrims).

P Scout: Champ
F Scout: Saint
Pocket: RF
Roamer: Millie

I am creating a team with two of my previous teammates that I played in IM with. We are serious about improvement which is why we chose to step up to main this season.

We need the following classes:

Our scrim times will be 930 and 1030 est Sunday - Thursday. This will not change for the duration of the season and it is imperative all teammates can meet at these times.

We are looking for players who will have good attendance, the ability to provide and receive constructive criticism, and the drive to improve on an individual level (mge, jump maps, solo reviews, mentors, etc.) as well as a team level (team reviews, team dm sessions, scrims).

P Scout: Champ
F Scout: Saint
Pocket: RF
Roamer: Millie
1 Frags +

Who is on ur team

Who is on ur team
0 Frags +

My medic is named Saint. Very dedicated gamer. My pocket is rf. Good fragger and solid drive to improve.

My medic is named Saint. Very dedicated gamer. My pocket is rf. Good fragger and solid drive to improve.
1 Frags +

u should prolly just edit the original post with what players u have so far

u should prolly just edit the original post with what players u have so far
-3 Frags +

Can i tryout

Can i tryout
11 Frags +

can young sanity try out

can young sanity try out
-3 Frags +

if you still need a roamer add me https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198132664273/

if you still need a roamer add me https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198132664273/
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