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Tf2 crash
posted in Q/A Help
0 Frags +

Whenever i re-exec my soldier, heavy and sniper configs I crash what is the cause of this?

Whenever i re-exec my soldier, heavy and sniper configs I crash what is the cause of this?
12 Frags +

if only we had some way to see what is being executed in this files

if only we had some way to see what is being executed in this files
-1 Frags +
hooliif only we had some way to see what is being executed in this files

i'll post them later when I get home

[quote=hooli]if only we had some way to see what is being executed in this files[/quote]
i'll post them later when I get home
0 Frags +

Soldier config:

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// These configs were generated by the tf2mate configuration file generator by compton.
// Create your own tailored configs at: http://clugu.com/tf2mate/
bind p "ds_mark cool soldier play"
exec clear
viewmodel_fov 100
exec crosshairswitcher/switcher; soldier

developer 1
echo "default settings loaded"
developer 0

// viewmodel/combination script binds
bind "0" "slot10"
bind "1" "slot1"
bind "2" "slot2"
bind "3" "slot3"
bind "4" "slot4"
bind "q" "lastinv"

bind "mouse1" "+attack"

bind mwheelup slot1settings
bind mwheeldown slot2settings
bind KP_END slot3settings
alias "slot1settings" "r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias "slot2settings" "r_drawviewmodel 1"
// crosshair script binds
bind "a" "+moveleft"
bind "d" "+moveright"
bind "s" "+back"
bind "w" "+forward"
bind "SPACE" "+jump"
bind "ctrl" "+duck"
alias "soldier" "exec soldier"
r_drawviewmodel 1
tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg 150
tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg 40

// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //
// movement color toggle/flashing xhair example //
// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //

bind "w" +fw
alias +fw "+forward"
alias -fw "-forward"

bind "s" +bw
alias +bw "+back"
alias -bw "-back"

bind "d" +mr
alias +mr "+moveright"
alias -mr "-moveright"

bind "a" +ml
alias +ml "+moveleft"
alias -ml "-moveleft"

unbind "f"
bind "f" "+inspect"
unbind "MOUSE3"

bind "space" "+jump"
//Rocket Jump
alias +rocketjump "+jump;+duck;wait;+attack"
alias -rocketjump "-jump;-attack;wait;wait;wait;-duck"
bind mouse2 "+rocketjump"
cl_crosshair_file "crosshair7
alias +crouchjump "+jump; +duck"
alias -crouchjump "-duck; -jump"
bind "space" "+crouchjump"
echo "Crouch Jump Loaded Properly."
sensivity 3

heavy config

Show Content
// These configs were generated by the tf2mate configuration file generator by compton.
// Create your own tailored configs at: http://clugu.com/tf2mate/

exec clear
viewmodel_fov 100
exec crosshairswitcher/switcher; heavy
developer 1
echo "default settings loaded"
developer 0

// viewmodel/combination script binds
bind "0" "slot10"
bind "1" "slot1"
bind "2" "slot2"
bind "3" "slot3"
bind "4" "slot4"
bind "q" "lastinv"

bind "mouse1" "+attack;r_drawviewmodel 0"
bind "mouse2" "+attack2;r_drawviewmodel 1"

bind mwheelup slot1settings
bind mwheeldown slot2settings
bind KP_END slot3settings
alias "slot1settings" "r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias "slot2settings" "r_drawviewmodel 1"
// crosshair script binds
bind "a" "+moveleft"
bind "d" "+moveright"
bind "s" "+back"
bind "w" "+forward"
bind "SPACE" "+jump"
bind "ctrl" "+duck"
alias "heavy" "exec heavyweapons"
unbind "f"
bind "f" "+inspect"
unbind "MOUSE3"
evec viewmodel default

Sniper config

Show Content
// These configs were generated by the tf2mate configuration file generator by compton.
// Create your own tailored configs at: http://clugu.com/tf2mate/
exec viewmodel default
exec clear

exec crosshairswitcher/switcher; sniper
developer 1
echo "default settings loaded"
developer 0
echo Sniper config loaded reday for the cancerous gameplay!
// viewmodel/combination script binds
bind "0" "slot10"
bind "1" "slot1"
bind "2" "slot2"
bind "3" "slot3"
bind "4" "slot4"
bind "q" "lastinv"
sensitivity 2.5
bind "mouse1" "+attack"
bind "mouse2" "+attack2"cl_crosshair_file "Crosshair6"
// crosshair script binds
bind "a" "+moveleft"
bind "d" "+moveright"
bind "s" "+back"
bind "w" "+forward"
bind "SPACE" "+jump"
bind "ctrl" "+duck"
alias "sniper "exec sniper"
r_drawviewmodel 0
// Null-cancelling movement script
// (prevents you from pressing two opposing directions, which causes you to stop moving)

bind w +mfwd
bind s +mback
bind a +mleft
bind d +mright

alias +mfwd "-back;+forward;alias checkfwd +forward;dotxhaircolor"
alias +mback "-forward;+back;alias checkback +back;dotxhaircolor"
alias +mleft "-moveright;+moveleft;alias checkleft +moveleft;dotxhaircolor"
alias +mright "-moveleft;+moveright;alias checkright +moveright;dotxhaircolor"
alias -mfwd "-forward;checkback;alias checkfwd none;dotxhaircolor"
alias -mback "-back;checkfwd;alias checkback none;dotxhaircolor"
alias -mleft "-moveleft;checkright;alias checkleft none;dotxhaircolor"
alias -mright "-moveright;checkleft;alias checkright none;dotxhaircolor"
alias checkfwd none
alias checkback none
alias checkleft none
alias checkright none
alias none ""
tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg 150
tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg 50
unbind "f"
bind "f" "+inspect"
unbind "MOUSE3"
cl_crosshair_file "Crosshair6"
cl_crosshair_scale "33"
alias "sniper" "exec sniper"
viewmodel_fov 100
// color toggler
alias dotxhaircolor "dotxhaircolorb"
alias dotxhaircolorb "cl_crosshair_blue 0; cl_crosshair_green 255; cl_crosshair_red 0;alias dotxhaircolor dotxhaircolorc"
alias dotxhaircolorc "cl_crosshair_blue 255; cl_crosshair_green 0; cl_crosshair_red 255;alias dotxhaircolor dotxhaircolord"
alias dotxhaircolord "cl_crosshair_blue 240; cl_crosshair_green 255; cl_crosshair_red 0;alias dotxhaircolor dotxhaircolorb"
bind mwheelup slot1settings
bind mwheeldown slot2settings
bind KP_END slot3settings
alias "slot1settings" "r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias "slot2settings" "r_drawviewmodel 1"


Show Content
glow_outline_effect_enable 1
exec gfx.cfg
cl_autoreload 1
// Advanced Scoreboard (shows scoreboard, toggles filterlightmaps off, toggles "net_graph 4" on)
cL_showfps 2

bind tab "+scoreboard"
alias +scoreboard "+showscores;net_graph 4;developer 1;cl_showerror 1;mat_filterlightmaps 1;mat_filtertextures 1;cl_detailfade 1;cl_detaildist 1"
alias -scoreboard "-showscores;net_graph 0;developer 0;cl_showerror 0;mat_filterlightmaps 0;mat_filtertextures 0"
alias "walk" "map tr_walkway_rc2"
//fast weapon switch
hud_combattext "1" //damage text
cl_use_tournament_specgui "1" //enabled SpecHUD
cl_spec_carrieditems "0" //hides itempanel while spectating
"tf_hud_show_servertimelimit 1" //full time panel

tf_hud_target_id_alpha 255
tf_hud_target_id_disable_floating_health 1
zoom_sensitivity_ratio 0.8333333
bind "l" "-forward"
bind "i" "killbind"
alias "killbind" "kill"
bind "c" "voice_menu_3"

bind "o" "+taunt"
alias "minmode" "cl_hud_minmode 1"
alias "regmode" "cl_hud_minmode 0"
viewmodel_fov 70

cc_lang "clovervidiar"
closecaption 1
cc_subtitles 0
// Prism Settings (for refract)
// Prism Settings (for refract)

mat_motion_blur_enabled 1 //afaik the only sure-fire way to keep refract masking on
mat_motion_blur_strength 0 //effectively disables motion blur, personal choice + motion blur gets masked and looks bad with refract masking
mat_disable_bloom 1 //disables bloom so refract masking doesn't create a dark rectangle over light materials
mat_hdr_level 0
mat_colcorrection_disableentities 1
mat_colorcorrection 0
bind mwheelup slot1settings
bind mwheeldown slot2settings
bind KP_END slot3settings
alias "slot1settings" "r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias "slot2settings" "r_drawviewmodel 1"
bind "p" "say ( ?° ?? ?°)"\

tf_scoreboard_ping_as_text 1
tf_use_min_viewmodels 1
bind "f1" "load_itempreset 0"
bind "f2" "load_itempreset 1"

bind "space" "+fjump"

alias +fjump "-duck;+jump;alias checkjump +jump"
alias -fjump "-jump;alias checkcrouch;alias checkjump none"
alias checkjump none
alias checkcrouch none
alias none ""


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cowmaglias config
Soldier config:[spoiler]// These configs were generated by the tf2mate configuration file generator by compton.
// Create your own tailored configs at: http://clugu.com/tf2mate/
bind p "ds_mark cool soldier play"
exec clear
viewmodel_fov 100
exec crosshairswitcher/switcher; soldier

developer 1
echo "default settings loaded"
developer 0

// viewmodel/combination script binds
bind "0" "slot10"
bind "1" "slot1"
bind "2" "slot2"
bind "3" "slot3"
bind "4" "slot4"
bind "q" "lastinv"

bind "mouse1" "+attack"

bind mwheelup slot1settings
bind mwheeldown slot2settings
bind KP_END slot3settings
alias "slot1settings" "r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias "slot2settings" "r_drawviewmodel 1"
// crosshair script binds
bind "a" "+moveleft"
bind "d" "+moveright"
bind "s" "+back"
bind "w" "+forward"
bind "SPACE" "+jump"
bind "ctrl" "+duck"
alias "soldier" "exec soldier"
r_drawviewmodel 1
tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg 150
tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg 40

// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //
// movement color toggle/flashing xhair example //
// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //

bind "w" +fw
alias +fw "+forward"
alias -fw "-forward"

bind "s" +bw
alias +bw "+back"
alias -bw "-back"

bind "d" +mr
alias +mr "+moveright"
alias -mr "-moveright"

bind "a" +ml
alias +ml "+moveleft"
alias -ml "-moveleft"

unbind "f"
bind "f" "+inspect"
unbind "MOUSE3"

bind "space" "+jump"
//Rocket Jump
alias +rocketjump "+jump;+duck;wait;+attack"
alias -rocketjump "-jump;-attack;wait;wait;wait;-duck"
bind mouse2 "+rocketjump"
cl_crosshair_file "crosshair7
alias +crouchjump "+jump; +duck"
alias -crouchjump "-duck; -jump"
bind "space" "+crouchjump"
echo "Crouch Jump Loaded Properly."
sensivity 3[/spoiler]
heavy config [spoiler]// These configs were generated by the tf2mate configuration file generator by compton.
// Create your own tailored configs at: http://clugu.com/tf2mate/

exec clear
viewmodel_fov 100
exec crosshairswitcher/switcher; heavy
developer 1
echo "default settings loaded"
developer 0

// viewmodel/combination script binds
bind "0" "slot10"
bind "1" "slot1"
bind "2" "slot2"
bind "3" "slot3"
bind "4" "slot4"
bind "q" "lastinv"

bind "mouse1" "+attack;r_drawviewmodel 0"
bind "mouse2" "+attack2;r_drawviewmodel 1"

bind mwheelup slot1settings
bind mwheeldown slot2settings
bind KP_END slot3settings
alias "slot1settings" "r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias "slot2settings" "r_drawviewmodel 1"
// crosshair script binds
bind "a" "+moveleft"
bind "d" "+moveright"
bind "s" "+back"
bind "w" "+forward"
bind "SPACE" "+jump"
bind "ctrl" "+duck"
alias "heavy" "exec heavyweapons"
unbind "f"
bind "f" "+inspect"
unbind "MOUSE3"
evec viewmodel default

Sniper config [spoiler]// These configs were generated by the tf2mate configuration file generator by compton.
// Create your own tailored configs at: http://clugu.com/tf2mate/
exec viewmodel default
exec clear

exec crosshairswitcher/switcher; sniper
developer 1
echo "default settings loaded"
developer 0
echo Sniper config loaded reday for the cancerous gameplay!
// viewmodel/combination script binds
bind "0" "slot10"
bind "1" "slot1"
bind "2" "slot2"
bind "3" "slot3"
bind "4" "slot4"
bind "q" "lastinv"
sensitivity 2.5
bind "mouse1" "+attack"
bind "mouse2" "+attack2"cl_crosshair_file "Crosshair6"
// crosshair script binds
bind "a" "+moveleft"
bind "d" "+moveright"
bind "s" "+back"
bind "w" "+forward"
bind "SPACE" "+jump"
bind "ctrl" "+duck"
alias "sniper "exec sniper"
r_drawviewmodel 0
// Null-cancelling movement script
// (prevents you from pressing two opposing directions, which causes you to stop moving)

bind w +mfwd
bind s +mback
bind a +mleft
bind d +mright

alias +mfwd "-back;+forward;alias checkfwd +forward;dotxhaircolor"
alias +mback "-forward;+back;alias checkback +back;dotxhaircolor"
alias +mleft "-moveright;+moveleft;alias checkleft +moveleft;dotxhaircolor"
alias +mright "-moveleft;+moveright;alias checkright +moveright;dotxhaircolor"
alias -mfwd "-forward;checkback;alias checkfwd none;dotxhaircolor"
alias -mback "-back;checkfwd;alias checkback none;dotxhaircolor"
alias -mleft "-moveleft;checkright;alias checkleft none;dotxhaircolor"
alias -mright "-moveright;checkleft;alias checkright none;dotxhaircolor"
alias checkfwd none
alias checkback none
alias checkleft none
alias checkright none
alias none ""
tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg 150
tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg 50
unbind "f"
bind "f" "+inspect"
unbind "MOUSE3"
cl_crosshair_file "Crosshair6"
cl_crosshair_scale "33"
alias "sniper" "exec sniper"
viewmodel_fov 100
// color toggler
alias dotxhaircolor "dotxhaircolorb"
alias dotxhaircolorb "cl_crosshair_blue 0; cl_crosshair_green 255; cl_crosshair_red 0;alias dotxhaircolor dotxhaircolorc"
alias dotxhaircolorc "cl_crosshair_blue 255; cl_crosshair_green 0; cl_crosshair_red 255;alias dotxhaircolor dotxhaircolord"
alias dotxhaircolord "cl_crosshair_blue 240; cl_crosshair_green 255; cl_crosshair_red 0;alias dotxhaircolor dotxhaircolorb"
bind mwheelup slot1settings
bind mwheeldown slot2settings
bind KP_END slot3settings
alias "slot1settings" "r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias "slot2settings" "r_drawviewmodel 1"[/spoiler]
autoexec[spoiler]glow_outline_effect_enable 1
exec gfx.cfg
cl_autoreload 1
// Advanced Scoreboard (shows scoreboard, toggles filterlightmaps off, toggles "net_graph 4" on)
cL_showfps 2

bind tab "+scoreboard"
alias +scoreboard "+showscores;net_graph 4;developer 1;cl_showerror 1;mat_filterlightmaps 1;mat_filtertextures 1;cl_detailfade 1;cl_detaildist 1"
alias -scoreboard "-showscores;net_graph 0;developer 0;cl_showerror 0;mat_filterlightmaps 0;mat_filtertextures 0"
alias "walk" "map tr_walkway_rc2"
//fast weapon switch
hud_combattext "1" //damage text
cl_use_tournament_specgui "1" //enabled SpecHUD
cl_spec_carrieditems "0" //hides itempanel while spectating
"tf_hud_show_servertimelimit 1" //full time panel

tf_hud_target_id_alpha 255
tf_hud_target_id_disable_floating_health 1
zoom_sensitivity_ratio 0.8333333
bind "l" "-forward"
bind "i" "killbind"
alias "killbind" "kill"
bind "c" "voice_menu_3"

bind "o" "+taunt"
alias "minmode" "cl_hud_minmode 1"
alias "regmode" "cl_hud_minmode 0"
viewmodel_fov 70

cc_lang "clovervidiar"
closecaption 1
cc_subtitles 0
// Prism Settings (for refract)
// Prism Settings (for refract)

mat_motion_blur_enabled 1 //afaik the only sure-fire way to keep refract masking on
mat_motion_blur_strength 0 //effectively disables motion blur, personal choice + motion blur gets masked and looks bad with refract masking
mat_disable_bloom 1 //disables bloom so refract masking doesn't create a dark rectangle over light materials
mat_hdr_level 0
mat_colcorrection_disableentities 1
mat_colorcorrection 0
bind mwheelup slot1settings
bind mwheeldown slot2settings
bind KP_END slot3settings
alias "slot1settings" "r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias "slot2settings" "r_drawviewmodel 1"
bind "p" "say ( ?° ?? ?°)"\

tf_scoreboard_ping_as_text 1
tf_use_min_viewmodels 1
bind "f1" "load_itempreset 0"
bind "f2" "load_itempreset 1"

bind "space" "+fjump"

alias +fjump "-duck;+jump;alias checkjump +jump"
alias -fjump "-jump;alias checkcrouch;alias checkjump none"
alias checkjump none
alias checkcrouch none
alias none ""

gfx.cfg [spoiler]/
cowmaglias config
0 Frags +
DrdeathtfWhenever i re-exec my soldier, heavy and sniper configs I crash what is the cause of this?

Odd that it's only these 3 classes

[quote=Drdeathtf]Whenever i re-exec my soldier, heavy and sniper configs I crash what is the cause of this?[/quote]

Odd that it's only these 3 classes
0 Frags +

we are going to need everything referenced

we are going to need everything referenced
1 Frags +


0 Frags +

exec crosshairswitcher/switcher; heavy
alias "heavy" "exec heavyweapons"

exec crosshairswitcher/switcher; sniper
alias "sniper" "exec sniper"

exec crosshairswitcher/switcher; soldier
alias "soldier" "exec soldier"

you're looping through your class configs which makes your game crash

exec crosshairswitcher/switcher; heavy
alias "heavy" "exec heavyweapons"

exec crosshairswitcher/switcher; sniper
alias "sniper" "exec sniper"

exec crosshairswitcher/switcher; soldier
alias "soldier" "exec soldier"

you're looping through your class configs which makes your game crash
0 Frags +
quintoshexec crosshairswitcher/switcher; heavy
alias "heavy" "exec heavyweapons"

exec crosshairswitcher/switcher; sniper
alias "sniper" "exec sniper"

exec crosshairswitcher/switcher; soldier
alias "soldier" "exec soldier"

you're looping through your class configs which makes your game crash

Going to remove them tell you if it helps later.

[quote=quintosh]exec crosshairswitcher/switcher; heavy
alias "heavy" "exec heavyweapons"

exec crosshairswitcher/switcher; sniper
alias "sniper" "exec sniper"

exec crosshairswitcher/switcher; soldier
alias "soldier" "exec soldier"

you're looping through your class configs which makes your game crash[/quote]
Going to remove them tell you if it helps later.
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