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yikes part 2
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52 Frags +

honestly half the people in this thread i've heard say much worse shit in a mumble channel and i'm sure they would be greatly offended if I were to even suggest that what they said was offensive because of the context. Dreamboat said something he shouldn't have, literally the only reason this is a big deal is cause the company threw him under the bus and blamed him for their business failing.

If everyone in this thread that's saying dreamboat is a pos or whatever genuinely has made it their whole life without fucking up you're literally a god and should start investing in stocks

ofc dreamboat types first and ninjas me

i still luv u hope to cu@ <3

edit: ya no way this was to "hundreds of people" https://sullygnome.com/channel/CSGM_Official

honestly half the people in this thread i've heard say much worse shit in a mumble channel and i'm sure they would be greatly offended if I were to even suggest that what they said was offensive because of the context. Dreamboat said something he shouldn't have, literally the only reason this is a big deal is cause the company threw him under the bus and blamed him for their business failing.

If everyone in this thread that's saying dreamboat is a pos or whatever genuinely has made it their whole life without fucking up you're literally a god and should start investing in stocks

ofc dreamboat types first and ninjas me

i still luv u hope to cu@ <3

edit: ya no way this was to "hundreds of people" https://sullygnome.com/channel/CSGM_Official
9 Frags +
DreamboatFirst of all, I'm incredibly sorry both for saying it in the first place, but for all the people I've offended because of what I said. It was completely tasteless, too far, off color, too soon and an all around appalling comment. I genuinely do not know what I was thinking when I said that line in a cast 2.5 weeks ago, and the big thing is I really wasn't. I regretted saying it legitimately the second it came out of my mouth. It's a type of comment that will not happen again.

I do want to add that the comment its self from CSGM that I cost them 2 clients is categorically false and an attempt from Izan to defame me after I left his company due to his horrific actions. I have confirmation from Chaz that the line did not cause any clients to leave. (As well, that Izan thought it was hilarious). I'm glad to be out of the toxic atmosphere of CSGM, happy to be getting a new opportunity with both ThunderpickTV and Sizzle, and will work to move forward from this. I don't expect your forgiveness, but I hope that ultimately this great community can forgive me in the end.

If you want to talk more about this, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

You're a kind guy and been helpful/a face of our community in the past, how could we not forgive you? <3 just hope you don't do this again cause next time it will really bite you in the ass

[quote=Dreamboat]First of all, I'm incredibly sorry both for saying it in the first place, but for all the people I've offended because of what I said. It was completely tasteless, too far, off color, too soon and an all around appalling comment. I genuinely do not know what I was thinking when I said that line in a cast 2.5 weeks ago, and the big thing is I really wasn't. I regretted saying it legitimately the second it came out of my mouth. It's a type of comment that will not happen again.

I do want to add that the comment its self from CSGM that I cost them 2 clients is categorically false and an attempt from Izan to defame me after I left his company due to his horrific actions. I have confirmation from Chaz that the line did not cause any clients to leave. (As well, that Izan thought it was hilarious). I'm glad to be out of the toxic atmosphere of CSGM, happy to be getting a new opportunity with both ThunderpickTV and Sizzle, and will work to move forward from this. I don't expect your forgiveness, but I hope that ultimately this great community can forgive me in the end.

If you want to talk more about this, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.[/quote]

You're a kind guy and been helpful/a face of our community in the past, how could we not forgive you? <3 just hope you don't do this again cause next time it will really bite you in the ass
6 Frags +

yea but saying controversial shit to ur boys in a mumble channel isnt anything like broadcasting it to hundreds of people
you know maybe you just arent a good commentator if you dont know how to think before speaking aka the most BASIC skill of being a commentator
noone is saying hes a bad person, just that hes a dumbass for not thinking at all DESPITE knowing that hes broadcasting every word hes speaking

yea but saying controversial shit to ur boys in a mumble channel isnt anything like broadcasting it to hundreds of people
you know maybe you just arent a good commentator if you dont know how to think before speaking aka the most BASIC skill of being a commentator
noone is saying hes a bad person, just that hes a dumbass for not thinking at all DESPITE knowing that hes broadcasting every word hes speaking
57 Frags +

Sorry, how many hard R's have been dropped from TF2 streamers with like 200+ viewers again?

Oh right, the counter got stuck at 999 and wont go any further.

Sorry, how many hard R's have been dropped from TF2 streamers with like 200+ viewers again?

Oh right, the counter got stuck at 999 and wont go any further.
15 Frags +

i dont even feel bad that they lost orgs for this anymore fuck these retards

if ur trying to be professional maybe u shouldnt spout 4chan memes like a dumb fucking downie

god that shit just pisses me off, just speak like a human being you literal manchild

fuck csgo

btw tino i dont think anyone has ever said nigger in a tf2 cast before and dont try to compare a cast to a personal stream

i dont even feel bad that they lost orgs for this anymore fuck these retards

if ur trying to be professional maybe u shouldnt spout 4chan memes like a dumb fucking downie

god that shit just pisses me off, just speak like a human being you literal manchild

fuck csgo

btw tino i dont think anyone has ever said nigger in a tf2 cast before and dont try to compare a cast to a personal stream
30 Frags +

Ohh I know for a fact that we have had player-casters drop it in casted matches before AND at LAN as well, and some of those lan vids have like 30K views, compared to the like 30 this CS stream had.

Lets be serious, this is like a 3/10 on a scale of 1- (What the actual fuck are you doing), we have done way worse in the past and as already said, 99% of the people in this thread have personally said way worse either in mumble or into irc/chats/discords etc.

Ohh I know for a fact that we have had player-casters drop it in casted matches before AND at LAN as well, and some of those lan vids have like 30K views, compared to the like 30 this CS stream had.

Lets be serious, this is like a 3/10 on a scale of 1- (What the actual fuck are you doing), we have done way worse in the past and as already said, 99% of the people in this thread have personally said way worse either in mumble or into irc/chats/discords etc.
37 Frags +

does harb yelling nigger at lan count

does harb yelling nigger at lan count
16 Frags +

Also, why are there like 4 alts in this thread? Lmao, bunch of pussies.

Also, why are there like 4 alts in this thread? Lmao, bunch of pussies.
12 Frags +

dont derail bro i j ust dont wanna get my phone to log into my main

dont derail bro i j ust dont wanna get my phone to log into my main
-20 Frags +

Yeah we have invite players use "the nigger" to make calls reffering to the demoman.

Dont act like this community is appalled.

Yeah we have invite players use "the nigger" to make calls reffering to the demoman.

Dont act like this community is appalled.
-30 Frags +
Tino_Also, why are there like 4 alts in this thread? Lmao, bunch of pussies.

Everyone grows up at different speeds I guess

[quote=Tino_]Also, why are there like 4 alts in this thread? Lmao, bunch of pussies.[/quote]

Everyone grows up at different speeds I guess
33 Frags +
artacuno53Yeah we have invite players use "the nigger" to make calls reffering to the demoman.

Dont act like this community is appalled.

I have legitimately never heard a single invite player ever specifically refer to the demo class as that. From top players in every game, though, I've heard players say "kill this n.." or something of that nature, moreso referring to the actual player, not a black (fictional) character with intention of being racist, as you make it sound

[quote=artacuno53]Yeah we have invite players use "the nigger" to make calls reffering to the demoman.

Dont act like this community is appalled.[/quote]

I have legitimately never heard a single invite player ever specifically refer to the demo class as that. From top players in every game, though, I've heard players say "kill this n.." or something of that nature, moreso referring to the actual player, not a black (fictional) character with intention of being racist, as you make it sound
15 Frags +

die whites

die whites
-5 Frags +

y did he even think this was funny

y did he even think this was funny
20 Frags +
zanay did he even think this was funny

u read the thread BRO

[quote=zana]y did he even think this was funny[/quote]
u read the thread BRO
4 Frags +
Funszanay did he even think this was funnyu read the thread BRO

oh sjit i didnt see his response


[quote=Funs][quote=zana]y did he even think this was funny[/quote]
u read the thread BRO[/quote]

oh sjit i didnt see his response

33 Frags +
ruriidont derail bro i j ust dont wanna get my phone to log into my main


[quote=rurii]dont derail bro i j ust dont wanna get my phone to log into my main[/quote]

20 Frags +

pretty good joke, just about 6 months too soon

you'll get em next time dreamboat

pretty good joke, just about 6 months too soon

you'll get em next time dreamboat
-1 Frags +

yeah people gotta chill out a bit. Inappropriate joke, especially in a live cast? Yes. Wanting to bury a dude's career over it? Come on... if someone told me that one in private I would have laughed. He's admitted the mistake and is ready to move on, so hope that everyone else is.

yeah people gotta chill out a bit. Inappropriate joke, especially in a live cast? Yes. Wanting to bury a dude's career over it? Come on... if someone told me that one in private I would have laughed. He's admitted the mistake and is ready to move on, so hope that everyone else is.
27 Frags +

izan is nazi backwards

izan is nazi backwards
14 Frags +

ok sorry that the stream wasn't to hundreds of people but I assumed the vods would get uploaded to utube where ppl will watch it
also wtf is with the insane strawmanning in this thread
nobody is claiming tf2 players are saints
and please don't try to push some narrative that invite players are racist because you heard harb plat and showstopper call people niggers 3 years ago

ok sorry that the stream wasn't to hundreds of people but I assumed the vods would get uploaded to utube where ppl will watch it
also wtf is with the insane strawmanning in this thread
nobody is claiming tf2 players are saints
and please don't try to push some narrative that invite players are racist because you heard harb plat and showstopper call people niggers 3 years ago
17 Frags +
mmrarkteand please don't try to push some narrative that invite players are racist because you heard harb plat and showstopper call people niggers 3 years ago

Sad to say this is not exclusively an NA problem..... A top EU player called me a n*ggerf*ggot not 3 weeks ago #MeToo

[quote=mmrarkte]and please don't try to push some narrative that invite players are racist because you heard harb plat and showstopper call people niggers 3 years ago[/quote]

Sad to say this is not exclusively an NA problem..... A top EU player called me a n*ggerf*ggot not 3 weeks ago #MeToo
-4 Frags +
scrabmmrarkteand please don't try to push some narrative that invite players are racist because you heard harb plat and showstopper call people niggers 3 years ago
Sad to say this is not exclusively an NA problem..... A top EU player called me a n*ggerf*ggot not 3 weeks ago #MeToo

what a faggot

[quote=scrab][quote=mmrarkte]and please don't try to push some narrative that invite players are racist because you heard harb plat and showstopper call people niggers 3 years ago[/quote]

Sad to say this is not exclusively an NA problem..... A top EU player called me a n*ggerf*ggot not 3 weeks ago #MeToo[/quote]

what a faggot
33 Frags +
corsaI have legitimately never heard a single invite player ever specifically refer to the demo class as that.


[quote=corsa]I have legitimately never heard a single invite player ever specifically refer to the demo class as that.[/quote]

9 Frags +

I got called "old" a few nights ago. I am fucking offended

I got called "old" a few nights ago. I am fucking offended
6 Frags +

everyone has said something they regret. people r acting like they've never said something that if public would get them fired or shunned or something rofl (im looking at u market LOL). obviously this dreamboat thing was a little over the top but i think he's learned his lesson

everyone has said something they regret. people r acting like they've never said something that if public would get them fired or shunned or something rofl (im looking at u market LOL). obviously this dreamboat thing was a little over the top but i think he's learned his lesson
16 Frags +


13 Frags +
corsaartacuno53Yeah we have invite players use "the nigger" to make calls reffering to the demoman.

Dont act like this community is appalled.

I have legitimately never heard a single invite player ever specifically refer to the demo class as that. From top players in every game, though, I've heard players say "kill this n.." or something of that nature, moreso referring to the actual player, not a black (fictional) character with intention of being racist, as you make it sound

isnt it worse to call a real person the n word over a fictional character tho?????

[quote=corsa][quote=artacuno53]Yeah we have invite players use "the nigger" to make calls reffering to the demoman.

Dont act like this community is appalled.[/quote]

I have legitimately never heard a single invite player ever specifically refer to the demo class as that. From top players in every game, though, I've heard players say "kill this n.." or something of that nature, moreso referring to the actual player, not a black (fictional) character with intention of being racist, as you make it sound[/quote]
isnt it worse to call a real person the n word over a fictional character tho?????
18 Frags +

kevs vocabulary consists mostly of variations of the n word

kevs vocabulary consists mostly of variations of the n word
2 Frags +

honestly idk why im still responding to this thread because I really don't care that much that he made a stupid joke
i was saying that making a mass shooting joke on a cast isnt the same as people in a private mumble calling each other niggers or whatever people say like how people were implying
i never claimed to be a morally upstanding person, I just like to think I'm smart enough to think about what I'm saying when I'm casting a match

honestly idk why im still responding to this thread because I really don't care that much that he made a stupid joke
i was saying that making a mass shooting joke on a cast isnt the same as people in a private mumble calling each other niggers or whatever people say like how people were implying
i never claimed to be a morally upstanding person, I just like to think I'm smart enough to think about what I'm saying when I'm casting a match
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