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Global whitelist unveiled
posted in News
8 Frags +

I'd agree there SAC - I was jut talking with Bl4nk the other night about how much more willing I'd be to play again if crusader's crossbow were banned and I could go back to using needles and having people die when expected lol.

I'd agree there SAC - I was jut talking with Bl4nk the other night about how much more willing I'd be to play again if crusader's crossbow were banned and I could go back to using needles and having people die when expected lol.
24 Frags +

i've played against the atomizer in hl and it is actually the most retarded thing ever.

one quality that really differentiates between a good and a great scout is movement, and atomizer just fucking removes that entire skill-based aspect. u can have absolutely potato movement but that triple jump still makes you near impossible to hit. it's honestly a god awful and lazy concept that should not be in the game.

[*] pouring one out for anybody who mains a projectile class in esea s23

i've played against the atomizer in hl and it is actually the most retarded thing ever.

one quality that really differentiates between a good and a great scout is movement, and atomizer just fucking removes that entire skill-based aspect. u can have absolutely potato movement but that triple jump still makes you near impossible to hit. it's honestly a god awful and lazy concept that should not be in the game.

[*] pouring one out for anybody who mains a projectile class in esea s23
3 Frags +

Maybe valve will watch us and see the problem, but maybe they wont.

Maybe valve will watch us and see the problem, but maybe they wont.
1 Frags +
springrollsi've played against the atomizer in hl and it is actually the most retarded thing ever.

one quality that really differentiates between a good and a great scout is movement, and atomizer just fucking removes that entire skill-based aspect. u can have absolutely potato movement but that triple jump still makes you near impossible to hit. it's honestly a god awful and lazy concept that should not be in the game.

[*] pouring one out for anybody who mains a projectile class in esea s23

A good scout with the atomizer is going to outdm soldiers and demos like 90% of the time now. You literally can't get juggled by a rocket anymore and it's way easier to evade directs in the air with a triple jump lol. The only way to kill a scout as soldier is directs.

[quote=springrolls]i've played against the atomizer in hl and it is actually the most retarded thing ever.

one quality that really differentiates between a good and a great scout is movement, and atomizer just fucking removes that entire skill-based aspect. u can have absolutely potato movement but that triple jump still makes you near impossible to hit. it's honestly a god awful and lazy concept that should not be in the game.

[*] pouring one out for anybody who mains a projectile class in esea s23[/quote]

A good scout with the atomizer is going to outdm soldiers and demos like 90% of the time now. You literally can't get juggled by a rocket anymore and it's way easier to evade directs in the air with a triple jump lol. The only way to kill a scout as soldier is directs.
11 Frags +

sorry about the double post but i just realized beggars was also unbanned and that's also a really bad decision imo, it was banned in highlander mostly because you can use it to almost instantly win a midfight due to the double wall jump+skyboxing ability, even with shit like heavy/engie/pyro. take a look at the beginning of this clip for example


you go so fast that i'm highly highly doubtful even 2 scouts can stop the soldier from landing on your med with at least 2 rockets loaded and just delete them

not to mention on process specifically you can still fast rollout with bazooka (slightly harder but doable) and land on the enemy demo with 2/3 rockets already loaded.

no unlock should give u this power, not to mention that after the midfight you can just switch back to the stock and all of the drawbacks of the bazooka are gone

should seriously reconsider this one imo

sorry about the double post but i just realized beggars was also unbanned and that's also a really bad decision imo, it was banned in highlander mostly because you can use it to almost instantly win a midfight due to the double wall jump+skyboxing ability, even with shit like heavy/engie/pyro. take a look at the beginning of this clip for example


you go so fast that i'm highly highly doubtful even 2 scouts can stop the soldier from landing on your med with at least 2 rockets loaded and just delete them

not to mention on process specifically you can still fast rollout with bazooka (slightly harder but doable) and land on the enemy demo with 2/3 rockets already loaded.

no unlock should give u this power, not to mention that after the midfight you can just switch back to the stock and all of the drawbacks of the bazooka are gone

should seriously reconsider this one imo
1 Frags +

Here's Metalworks feat. dropdown:

A lot of jumps are with just the winger, so you won't need to waste hp a lot.

Here's Metalworks feat. dropdown:

A lot of jumps are with just the winger, so you won't need to waste hp a lot.
13 Frags +
messiahtaggas if winger & basher jumps weren't dumb enough alreadypeople didnt use those during combat tho...
you can now without switching weapons with the atomizer

Movement out of combat is just as important. Getting to river from the floor of Gully second quickly can mean everything when chasing down a target, running in for a flank, setting up for a push etc

Scouts can hunt down everything on land and do damage at all ranges but still needed to take time to get height control. The winger and basher jumps shattered that balancing limitation and made scouts even more powerful than before. Now you don't even have to spare the brain power to switch weapons to do it

[quote=messiah][quote=tagg]as if winger & basher jumps weren't dumb enough already[/quote]
people didnt use those during combat tho...
you can now without switching weapons with the atomizer[/quote]

Movement out of combat is just as important. Getting to river from the floor of Gully second quickly can mean everything when chasing down a target, running in for a flank, setting up for a push etc

Scouts can hunt down everything on land and do damage at all ranges but still needed to take [b]time[/b] to get height control. The winger and basher jumps shattered that balancing limitation and made scouts even more powerful than before. Now you don't even have to spare the brain power to switch weapons to do it
21 Frags +

Everyone's voiced their opinions on the atomizer, but I don't think a lot of the 6s only players realize just how broken the beggars, air strike, and cow mangler will be.

Any combination of those three on your pocket & roamer will be almost a GUARANTEED force on maps like gully, metalworks, and process; they'll also significantly raise your sac %s on literally every other map.

Imagine stalemating on gully last their roamer jumps in through river with beggars/airstrike and their pocket peeks shutter or balcony with a charged cow mangler. I just don't see any realistic counter play to that. The best move a team can make is to have 2x offclass with engie + heavy/pyro but that just slows down the game even more.

The other team sacs one or possibly two, but now you also have two offclasses that are basically required or else your med dies/forces. Now you can't push out of last unless your scouts switch immediately. It's either going to make breaking stalemates really really offensive sided or make pushing out of last damn near impossible.

Everyone's voiced their opinions on the atomizer, but I don't think a lot of the 6s only players realize just how broken the beggars, air strike, and cow mangler will be.

Any combination of those three on your pocket & roamer will be almost a GUARANTEED force on maps like gully, metalworks, and process; they'll also significantly raise your sac %s on literally every other map.

Imagine stalemating on gully last their roamer jumps in through river with beggars/airstrike and their pocket peeks shutter or balcony with a charged cow mangler. I just don't see any realistic counter play to that. The best move a team can make is to have 2x offclass with engie + heavy/pyro but that just slows down the game even more.

The other team sacs one or possibly two, but now you also have two offclasses that are basically required or else your med dies/forces. Now you can't push out of last unless your scouts switch immediately. It's either going to make breaking stalemates really really offensive sided or make pushing out of last damn near impossible.
-2 Frags +

Ohh i think many people see just how retarded this is going to get but really the solly shit is just a drop in the bucket when it comes to the issues with this list.

Ohh i think many people see just how retarded this is going to get but really the solly shit is just a drop in the bucket when it comes to the issues with this list.
4 Frags +

This has probably been said but the atomizer would be fine if you needed to have the atomizer out to use the 3rd jump.

Muh rockets

This has probably been said but the atomizer would be fine if you needed to have the atomizer out to use the 3rd jump.

Muh rockets
17 Frags +

am i going to wake up tomorrow to 1 class limits next

am i going to wake up tomorrow to 1 class limits next
-6 Frags +

1 scout, 5v5 might speed the game up. who knows.

1 scout, 5v5 might speed the game up. who knows.
0 Frags +
ObiThis has probably been said but the atomizer would be fine if you needed to have the atomizer out to use the 3rd jump.

Muh rockets

in comparison to how it is now, sure. but that extra mobility is still retarded for scout, he doesn't need it

[quote=Obi]This has probably been said but the atomizer would be fine if you needed to have the atomizer out to use the 3rd jump.

Muh rockets[/quote]

in comparison to how it is now, sure. but that extra mobility is still retarded for scout, he doesn't need it
28 Frags +
greenrab1 scout, 5v5 might speed the game up. who knows.

After like, nine years we finally got Valve to embrace 6v6. Now is not the time to switch formats.

[quote=greenrab]1 scout, 5v5 might speed the game up. who knows.[/quote]

After like, nine years we finally got Valve to embrace 6v6. Now is not the time to switch formats.
21 Frags +

okay I usually say this game is dying as a shit post but the atomizer will make every soldier main quit or kill themselves by week 2

okay I usually say this game is dying as a shit post but the atomizer will make every soldier main quit or kill themselves by week 2
-15 Frags +


not really sure if this will mean anything but here's a 6s product lobby I played about an hour ago. almost full time gunslinger engineer

K/A/D = 42/15/23

3rd top dmg, 2nd top frag.

i'm not gonna lie i had a kick-ass time but i dont know if the same went for all the other players. Maybe this is something to keep in mind? idk


not really sure if this will mean anything but here's a 6s product lobby I played about an hour ago. almost full time gunslinger engineer

K/A/D = 42/15/23

3rd top dmg, 2nd top frag.

i'm not gonna lie i had a kick-ass time but i dont know if the same went for all the other players. Maybe this is something to keep in mind? idk
16 Frags +

Lobbies dont count. Might as well use MM stats.

Lobbies dont count. Might as well use MM stats.
-15 Frags +

Honestly I think most of you are being bitch babies. We have had bad unlocks before (quickfix) and once we get a serious trial of them we will ban them again. Yeah next season will be whacky but the season after that will be improved.

Honestly I think most of you are being bitch babies. We have had bad unlocks before (quickfix) and once we get a serious trial of them we will ban them again. Yeah next season will be whacky but the season after that will be improved.
3 Frags +
Cornpop16greenrab1 scout, 5v5 might speed the game up. who knows.
After like, nine years we finally got Valve to embrace 6v6. Now is not the time to switch formats.

True, actually implementing it is a poor idea. However with a whole couple of minutes thought I feel it would give soldiers more space to work with and open up opportunities for aggression on the flank.

Also would be giving up a larger portion of your team if you wish to run a sniper mid game. A team would have a lot more space to punish a much weaker flank/combo.

[quote=Cornpop16][quote=greenrab]1 scout, 5v5 might speed the game up. who knows.[/quote]

After like, nine years we finally got Valve to embrace 6v6. Now is not the time to switch formats.[/quote]
True, actually implementing it is a poor idea. However with a whole couple of minutes thought I feel it would give soldiers more space to work with and open up opportunities for aggression on the flank.

Also would be giving up a larger portion of your team if you wish to run a sniper mid game. A team would have a lot more space to punish a much weaker flank/combo.
2 Frags +

Since WhitelistTF doesn't have this up yet, I decided to generate it and post if someone wants to download it without needing to configure it.

Edit: I'm dumb didnt see OP's link b/c colorblindness :P

Since [url=whitelist.tf]WhitelistTF[/url] doesn't have this up yet, I decided to generate it and post if someone wants to download it without needing to configure it.

Edit: I'm dumb didnt see OP's link b/c colorblindness :P
1 Frags +
flufHonestly I think most of you are being bitch babies. We have had bad unlocks before (quickfix) and once we get a serious trial of them we will ban them again. Yeah next season will be whacky but the season after that will be improved.

most of the time it's just been 1 unlock though..

this whitelist pretty much opened the floodgates of aids

[quote=fluf]Honestly I think most of you are being bitch babies. We have had bad unlocks before (quickfix) and once we get a serious trial of them we will ban them again. Yeah next season will be whacky but the season after that will be improved.[/quote]

most of the time it's just been 1 unlock though..

this whitelist pretty much opened the floodgates of aids
1 Frags +
slamBergam i going to wake up tomorrow to 1 class limits next

that might be the only thing that could make this not total aids

[quote=slamBerg]am i going to wake up tomorrow to 1 class limits next[/quote]
that might be the only thing that could make this not total aids
1 Frags +
flufHonestly I think most of you are being bitch babies. We have had bad unlocks before (quickfix) and once we get a serious trial of them we will ban them again. Yeah next season will be whacky but the season after that will be improved.

Must be a scout main

[quote=fluf]Honestly I think most of you are being bitch babies. We have had bad unlocks before (quickfix) and once we get a serious trial of them we will ban them again. Yeah next season will be whacky but the season after that will be improved.[/quote]
Must be a scout main
20 Frags +



Have fun.


Have fun.
13 Frags +

I miss old medlocks + soldierlocks

Show Content
Or actually allow kritz, ubersaw, xbow
Escape plan, gunboats, maybe banners and black box
Pain train
Winger, Boston basher
flaregun, degreaser, Powerjack?
Don't play shooty tooty so probably forgot some

Rest only pointlessly complicate and slow down game, pls ban tyvm
Also nerf xbow ty
I miss old medlocks + soldierlocks

[spoiler]Or actually allow kritz, ubersaw, xbow
Escape plan, gunboats, maybe banners and black box
Pain train
Winger, Boston basher
flaregun, degreaser, Powerjack?
Don't play shooty tooty so probably forgot some

Rest only pointlessly complicate and slow down game, pls ban tyvm
Also nerf xbow ty[/spoiler]
25 Frags +

Thank god they buffed scout more, they were getting too easy to kill

Thank god they buffed scout more, they were getting too easy to kill
35 Frags +

hhey gaben im waring a parachute can u give me money now please take off your vr headset and validate my existence as a top tf2 player gaben u motherfucker im wearing the parachute what more do u want

hhey gaben im waring a parachute can u give me money now please take off your vr headset and validate my existence as a top tf2 player gaben u motherfucker im wearing the parachute what more do u want
-1 Frags +

why are they even changing the whitelist, it was fine before
the game is actually so unfun and stupid now that i want to quit

why are they even changing the whitelist, it was fine before
the game is actually so unfun and stupid now that i want to quit
10 Frags +

valve needsthe data
you know valve, they are hounds for that data. they love it

valve needsthe data
you know valve, they are hounds for that data. they love it
11 Frags +

in what time line is having cowmangler soldiers, atomizer/bfb scouts or loch n load demo fine at all

in what time line is having cowmangler soldiers, atomizer/bfb scouts or loch n load demo fine at all
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