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SteamID64 76561198001693793
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:20714032
Country Northern Mariana Islands
Signed Up August 21, 2012
Last Posted May 6, 2021 at 9:16 PM
Posts 565 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity -frags don't matter
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
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Mouse micro$oft intellimouse 3.0
1 ⋅⋅ 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ⋅⋅ 38
#88 Rap you like in Off Topic
Mr_OwlIf tupac hadn't got killed he'd be a mediocre rapper today

big had it tho

but tupac is alive in israel dude...

posted about 9 years ago
#87 Rap you like in Off Topic

tech n9ne - going bad
particularly the part at 2:02 for me

posted about 9 years ago
#17 Has a team ever tried to pocket soldiers? in TF2 General Discussion

some teams used to do this before gunboats, like not really having a set pocket but rotating. if the soldier with 300hp wanted to go aggressive the other soldier took over pocketing. I remember both soldiers playing around the medic a lot as well. I dont think its worth it now since gunboats exist.

posted about 9 years ago
#56 Quake Live rumored gameplay changes in Other Games

im trying so hard not to write an incoherent nerdrage essay but I'm failing. cause id is just a fuckup. its the wasted potential =( quakelive couldve been so much bigger and better.

Dave_can they remove the paymodel and allow us to change the map? rofl

The reason I don't play QuakeLive is their stupid pay model. Even when I have premium, I still play on free servers often because they are more populated (because not everyone wants to buy prem etc). And there is no map vote so you get stuck playing awful maps. And then I'm trying to justify paying monthly to play <insert shit map here> in a game that is essentially Quake 3 which was free in 1999 with any map you wanted including custom.

I used to think id was intentionally trying to stop everyone from playing QuakeLive so they could just shut it down. There are so many decisions that make no sense. I mean I understand that they are greedy fucks but at least do it in a smart way because this subscription model is just awful. No voting in public games, 10 second ads. They made so many mistakes. PQL as optional physics instead of CPM. Free for all changed to 8 player max (the one place noobs could have fun, now get remorselessly slammed by some guy controlling all armors and quad so FFA is now dead) No black names or clan tags (theres just no good reason for the random stuff they do =( ), The random changes like the scoreboard which is pointless at best, quite annoying at worst (shows 1 weapon accuracy instead of overall), campgrounds which was the most popular map by far being deleted from the game and replaced with campgrounds intel which gives everyone eye cancer.

The most popular game mode is CA by a large amount. And its just sad cause CA sucks with VQL physics. I mean it's okay.. but so much more fun with CPM. If quakelive had CPM physics as default awww it would be so godly...

Honestly I think the only thing Quake has left is it's reputation as a hardcore fps and id is just about to kill that. They will finish alienating their hardcore playerbase (they started with no personal servers, no mods, no custom maps, no cpm physics (pql took years and also its NOT CPM)). Splitting the playerbase with a newb ruleset isn't helping and lets face it newbs are still going to get slammed. Timing the jump button is really easy in Quake, the difficult part is mouse movement and pressing/timing the correct keys, circle jumping etc. This bhop feature sounds just retarded. Same for running with gauntlet out. The 5 teamsize limit (no callvoting teamsize) is just id making more pointless limitations. Loadouts sound retarded, like is this a troll? I want to say these patch notes are BS to make people like me angry. id cant possibly be this stupid right? RIGHT??

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Firefall in Other Games
Maplemilou dont honestly expect someone to read all that right
Not really, but if someone does I'd be pleasantly surprised.

I read every single word dont worry bro.
also, I read a book yesterday. *gasp*

posted about 9 years ago
#26 Roll Out Practice Server in TF2 General Discussion

its not the worst idea. you get to practice with latency. even if you use net_fakelag on local its not really the same

posted about 9 years ago
#27 Post your QL setups in Other Games
nullpls gib <3 (cfg also)

this is it, hud+config. im going to clean it up later when I have some time tho

posted about 9 years ago
#127 The Mouse/Mousepad Thread (last updated Sep. 9, 2013) in Hardware

steelseries has not made a good mouse in the history of the company unless you count the microsoft intellimouse 1.1/3.0 'steelseries edition'

posted about 9 years ago
#22 Post your QL setups in Other Games


posted about 9 years ago
#147 Why that class? in TF2 General Discussion

soldier because its good all around. 6s, pubs, bball, mge, and jump.

scout would've been a lot easier from my fps background, but it felt like the same old thing that I'd been playing in cod2/every generic fps and I was bored. I mained sniper for awhile but it was really shallow compared to mohaa.

soldier felt like it had more depth with various rocket jumps, prediction/juggling/airshots, projectile+hitscan weapons.

posted about 9 years ago
#47 The Razer mousewheel problem. in Hardware

honestly its logitechs fault and its pretty funny because the same problem keeps coming up. my old mx518 from 2006 broke in the same way. g400 was broken out of the box. its bad design.

the solution, ironically, is to take a death adder cord and put it in.

g400 is like the worst mouse to use as an example of quality. probably more of them break than work.

ComangliaBy a mouse cable holder (don't know the technical name)

mouse bungee. may prevent the problem, or not and it still breaks

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Server: Won't change maps in Q/A Help

mp_match_end_at_timelimit 1

posted about 9 years ago
#11 The default crosshair in Q/A Help

afaik youre going to need to make a new cfg file
eg: crosshair.cfg
inside it write: cl_crosshair_file ""

then in your spy cfg put: exec crosshair.cfg

if you just put the command it wont work.

posted about 10 years ago
#36 driving test tips in Off Topic

-don't be nervous cause its a waste of your energy. failing a driving test is not a big deal, the whole thing is a joke.
-do exaggerated head movements for anal driving instructors.
-when you're in the parking lot walking to your car and he asks you is this your first time taking the test? LIE so he doesn't fail you on principle. "No sir, its my second time" :>

took a driving test in my supra for the lols once. jdm, manual, slammed on the stiffest suspension in the world, 6pt harness, no traction control turbo'd on bald summer tires in pouring rain.
with a broken horn.
"Please press the horn for me"
needless to say I failed HAHA

-actual tips = drive with 2 hands (dont leave your hand on gearshift like me, even better use an automatic), do full FULL stops I was trying to and I still got rolling stops, shoulder check when you turn right even if you KNOW theres no one there cause you just drove past it. shoulder check all lane changes. scan intersections like an ostrich. don't let him trick you, like pulling over in a bus lane.
playgrounds/school zones, turn the wheel in the correct direction when you park on slopes, reverse stall parking. I didn't have to parallel in any of my tests but you may have to. might as well learn it and tbh its pretty easy if its a reasonably sized spot. use turn signals everywhere including cul de sac and reverse stall park and pulling over. speed limits obviously. but accelerate smoothly if merging onto a highway. calm cautious the rest of the time just make the instructor feel safe I guess.

good chance you won't get these but in my test they made me pretend I was getting out of the car when it was parked at the side of the road (shoulder check before you open the door). also had to list potential hazards.. just name anything you see, crosswalks, wildlife, pedestrians, bus lanes, cars, construction, "the glare from the sun on the wet road reflecting into my occulus" and there is no wrong answer so just keep going till hes bored af and makes you stop.

posted about 10 years ago
#20 I need clothes in Off Topic

urban outfitters

online if you cba shopping

posted about 10 years ago
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