Account Details
SteamID64 76561198085892953
SteamID3 [U:1:125627225]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:62813612
Country United States
Signed Up April 21, 2018
Last Posted March 13, 2024 at 8:19 PM
Posts 87 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input  
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech GPro Wirless
Keyboard HyperX Alloy Origins Core
Mousepad 6ft Gamer Pad
Headphones Audio-Technica ATH-M40s
Monitor ASUS VG279QM 27”
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#14 NA Witness Gaming to Copenhagen Games 2022! in LAN Discussion

Update #7
Hello everyone! I hope you've all had a great holiday so far! The contents of this update contain nothing too crazy in terms of any changes to the campaign, but the information is pretty important towards our fundraiser!

Perks and Playoffs
For our NA team, RGL Invite Playoffs is getting underway with us in the #1 seed. In order to play our best and focus and avoid overbearing with the holiday season, the time it takes to resolve some perks might take longer. We apologize for the inconvenience!

COVID-19 Update

For those unaware, the omicron variant of COVID has been making its rounds all over the world. Some countries have already turned to travel bans while organizations like the WHO and the National Institutes of Health work to learn more about the variant.

While the Games are scheduled for April 2022, we will keep our eyes on news developments and make sure to keep the community in the loop!

Thank you all again for your wonderful support!

As always, if you have any questions regarding our fundraiser please don't hesitate to get in contact with me through my personal email (faulkner.ian@gmail.com), or Discord (Witness#3415)

Happy Holidays!

posted about 2 years ago
#12 NA Witness Gaming to Copenhagen Games 2022! in LAN Discussion

$3000 Update!

Hi everyone! I hope you've all been having a wonderful November so far!

We recently passed $3000! It's still a huge shock to me that we managed to make it this far for our fundraiser and we couldn't have done it without your help. There's not a whole bunch to report back on in regards to our fundraiser, COVID status in Denmark, or other things of note regarding our team with LAN so this update will be short and sweet!

Milestone Updates

We recently have met all of our Milestones! While there currently isn't anything listed for 3000/3500/4000, we're brainstorming ideas everyday! If you had an idea and wanted to share it, feel free to email me at faulkner.ian@gmail.com, or DM on Discord @Witness#3415!

Previous Milestones, like the in-house MGE tournament and Game Night are currently being planned and we expect to have those rolling out soon!

Perk Redemption

I would like to close this update by reminding anyone who has not received their non merch perk (jerseys) to please reach out to me. I have a few outstanding names in our database of people who have purchased a perk, but have not gotten into contact with me in order to work out some of the logistical steps needed to fulfill!

This is a really exciting moment for all of us on wG, our fundraiser ends in 28 days so lets really try our best to get in their and make it happen!

posted about 2 years ago
#1 witness lft adv in Recruitment (looking for team)

hi! i can maybe play this next season, depends on my freedoms with school and work but I'm interested in playing pocket scout or pocket soldier in adv either with chill people or friends :D

I main pootis on the weekends, so my Sat/Sunday/Mondays are a lil sketchy sometimes but it hasn't been too much of an issue in the past!

posted about 2 years ago
#41 NA LAN in Los Angeles February 2022, thoughts? in LAN Discussion

potential cu@

I'd imagine this would be at the Anaheim Convention Center for Dreamhack Anaheim? It's the only event in Feb 2022 (11-13) I'm seeing in California with my Google powers that would be TF2-y?

posted about 2 years ago
#11 NA Witness Gaming to Copenhagen Games 2022! in LAN Discussion

Update #3! NA vs EU Showmatch and other details!

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween! I was hoping to continue my trend of weekly updates every Monday leading up to the end of our fundraiser! As noted in the title, this update will include information regarding our NA vs EU showmatch, details about Copenhagen Games, and how we plan to roll out things like Game Night!

Let's get to it!

NA vs EU Showmatch
Thanks to all of our supporters, we managed to raise our fundraiser total to nearly $2500 last week! This means that our wG NA vs EU showmatch is officially on! Here are some bullet points that you NEED to know:

  • The match will be played on November 7th (Sunday) at 3p.m EST (NA), 19:00 (GMT)/21:00(CET)
  • Showmatch production will be provided by RGL, with Dolphin on Camera and a rare international casting duo showcase provided by Jarrett and eepily. Make sure and follow RGL on Twitch so you can be notified when we go live!
    The event will also be uploaded into a VOD form on RGL's Youtube!
  • The showmatch will be done on 3 maps with the ETF2L ruleset and whitelist, a nod towards the expected ruleset to be used in Copenhagen.
  • The map picks and server will alternate between NA and EU, starting with NA.
    The 3rd map will be similar to a PUG/Mix on a NA server, with the two rosters being broken up and repicked by two captains.

We're beyond thankful for everyones support and really excited to make this happen! Make sure you're following Witness Gaming and RGL on Twitter to stay in the loop!

Game Night!

We raised $2436 as of this update, meaning our Game Night stream will be rolled out soon! Essentially, this will be a very casual stream feature team members, friends of the team, and potentially more coming out to play various games and serve as a AMA/Meet and greet for the team! Feel free to stop by, chat, and have a fun night with us as we play games like Golf with Your Friends, Pummel Party, Scribble.io, and more!

Make sure you're following our players Twitch accounts so you don't miss a beat! You can find a hub with all the links at the bottom of our Indiegogo page!

LAN Updates

Per this update, it was mentioned by CG22 organizers that there would not be monitor rentals available this year at the event. Thankfully, we were in their thoughts and we're currently working towards securing us monitors at LAN.

I'd like to personally thank everyone again for all the help and support going into this project. The positivity and contributions have been overwhelming!

If you have not yet received a perk, had questions or issues with perk redemption, or just had questions in general, feel free to reach out and contact me@ faulkner.ian@gmail.com, Discord@ Witness#3415, or our Twitter DMs @WitnessGamingTF

Thanks for reading!

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Witness Gaming gets a shiny new European roster in News


posted about 2 years ago
#9 NA Witness Gaming to Copenhagen Games 2022! in LAN Discussion

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend!

After 6 days of fundraising, we're nearly halfway to our goal is $4000. The support has been incredibly overwhleming and the warmth felt from the community contributions and discussion is so awesome!

Team Game Night
Just as a reminder, our $2000 milestone goal is a streamed Team Game night where the team will sit down with a group and play various PUGs and party games for a few hours! Make sure you're following all of our players on Twitch so you don't miss a thing!

Reminder About Perk Claims
The support and interest in perks has been the driving force behind our campaign, which is fantastic! However, I'd like to encourage ANY donors that claim a perk to please check their email after the purchase of a perk. I always try and make sure to personally send every donation an email thanking you for your contribution and I usually ask questions regrading how we can best service you after the purchase of a perk!

If you have already purchased a perk, are thinking about purchasing a perk and had questions, or just had any questions in general about the fundraiser, my points of contact are always open!

Email: faulkner.ian@gmail.com

Discord: Witness#3415

Twitter: @WitnessGamingTF

I personally cannot thank you guys enough for all the love, support, and confidence you're putting into the project. It means the world to myself and the 6 players who will be attending.



posted about 2 years ago
#1 Witness Gaming EU Preseason Highlights in Videos

Out now! Check it out!


posted about 3 years ago
#8 NA Witness Gaming to Copenhagen Games 2022! in LAN Discussion

I'm speechless and beyond thankful. $1000 raised in less than 24 hours is no easy task and we couldn't have even dreamed of raising this much so quickly with the overwhelming support of our donors or people who have spread the word either on Twitter or with friends.

That being said, with $1000 comes another update!

More (Signed) Jerseys
Our signed jersey perk was the first perk to sell out and many have asked for a rerun so I'm happy to say that we're increasing the TOTAL amount of unsigned jerseys to 20 and running a 2nd signed jersey sale for 15 more! This will be the LAST OPPORTUNITY to claim these jersey, so get em' while they're hot!

wG Young Sanity

Last night we added a $1500 milestone that would allow Young Sanity will replace his idol, ash for a night of scrims on Soldier. ash will stream his pov and give the young man feedback through comms. You can drop ash a follow here for when that happens and there will also be a $1500 update once we reach that point! We're nearly $400 off!

wG vs wG Showmatch
Our milestone for reaching $1000 was crushed, so we will be organizing a wG vs wG showmatch between the NA and EU rosters on a 3 map, server alternating (NA,EU,NA) friendly showmatch between the two teams. No date or time has been set yet, so keep your eyes open on Twitter @WitnessGamingTF and check for an email update from us as more details get ironed out!

FAQ Update
A minor change in perk redemption has made some details slightly confusing regarding how the Raffle and Movie Credit perks are being tied together. I have placed this question into our FAQ to better clarify the change.

"Does claiming a perk also claim any perks below it? For example, does an Item Signing Bundle also come with an Unusual Raffle entry?"

Sadly, the only bundle that includes other bundles (like the Movie credit included with the Raffle) is exclusive to that bundle. I made this decision after announcing the fundraiser so people could contribute, get a reward and not have a complete loss when buying a Raffle ticket!

Bundles like Mentoring, Jersey Sales, and Item Signings are standalone and do not include a Raffle Ticket or Movie Credit at this time.

To Conclude,

Once again, I cannot thank you all enough for the support and confidence over these past 24 hours. If you have any questions, concerns, or need help with perk fulfilment please don't hesitate to contact me through my personal email @ faulkner.ian@gmail.com, on Discord @ Witness#3415, or send us a DM on Twitter @WitnessGamingTF



posted about 3 years ago
#1 NA Witness Gaming to Copenhagen Games 2022! in LAN Discussion

Hi everyone!

On May 27th, 2021, Copenhagen Games 2022 was announced. An Esport and Gaming festival event organized in Copenhagen, Denmark. Soon after, it was announced that Team Fortress 2 would be among the games featured at this event. After confirming with our ETF2L team that they would be in attendance, I had the idea to try and get our North American team over as well. There has not been an international TF2 LAN in nearly 2 years (the last being Insomnia65 on 8/23/2020) and having regional representation is important in open tournaments like this. I have a deep passion for this game, seeing improvements, and watching lifelong memories unfold.

For those unfamiliar with our team's roles, allow me to introduce the current NA Witness Gaming Roster:

Pocket Scout: branslam
Flank Scout: yight
Pocket Soldier: ash
Roamer: laz
Demoman: artist

As stands, this Witness Gaming roster (winners of RGL Traditional Season 6 Sixes) will be planning to be in attendance, representing North American Team Fortress 2. We’re bringing an incredible mix of talent, with three of our players (yight, ash, laz) already being internationally LAN proven and the other three (branslam, artist, LOLGUY) looking for their first taste of victory both on LAN and overseas.

Hopefully, with the help of gracious contributions, we can recoup some of the losses in paying for this trip and play our very best for North America.

Expenses and Fundraising

To summarize, a full 6 person trip to Denmark isn't exactly the cheapest venture when compared to traveling domestically. Here are the major areas where donations and contributions will be applied and most appreciated!

  • Flights
  • Room and Board
  • PC Rentals

In addition, the team will travel to Copenhagen three days in advance and run Boot Camp from a LAN center in Copenhagen. All additional costs such as transport around the city, food, etc will be covered by the players. Please note that if we exceed our donation goal, any extra funds raised will be used to reimburse the player's own costs, or saved for future Team Fortress 2 events. We will be offering lots of perks and milestones to help incentivize donations! You can view the full list of perks on our full fundraiser page here! This fundraiser will only be lasting 60 day and is set to end on January 3rd, 2022!

30% of revenue generated from ANY Witness Gaming merch sales will contribute towards our goal. You can select from a wonderful selection of merch from t-shirts, hoodies, sweatpants, and even socks over on RGL's merch at https://shop.rgl.gg/!

COVID-19 and Refunds

COVID-19 has made organizing a full TF2 LAN extremely difficult. With borders risking shutdown and international travel becoming difficult. That being said, should the event be canceled at ANY point, we will honor any request donors make for a refund. We deeply appreciate your support, but understand that sometimes the unthinkable can occur.

You can learn more about Indiegogos' refund policy here!

Our concerns with COVID-19, and how it will affect our travel plans will require consistent and constant monitoring of what's happening in the world around us. Above all else, I would like to ensure that player and personal safety is upheld first and foremost. I will personally be keeping an eye on the situation and be posting more as information comes along, should any developments be made that hamper our plans to attend in the "Updates" tab of this specific campaign, along with steps you can take as a donor to seek a refund should you so choose.

Thank you guys for reading, this is an exciting opportunity for us! You can view the full fundraiser here:

NA Witness Gaming to CG22 Fundraiser

As of 12-19-21, the Indiegogo campaign has been closed and we have successfully raised $4000! More information can be found under post #19 in this thread!

posted about 3 years ago
#21 NHL Megathread in Off Topic

Play Gloria

posted about 3 years ago
#16 Copenhagen Games 2022: LAN is back! in LAN Discussion


posted about 3 years ago
#2 ETF2L Season 40 and Preseason Cup announced in News

glhf, happy to take the very large international step with wG :D everyone has been overwhelmingly supportive in the decision and I'm really excited to see all of the great things this specific group will achieve :)

posted about 3 years ago
#47 where u sittin? in TF2 General Discussion

8 was my D-String Korean BBQ table at Rewind 2.

We all failed to correctly cook any meats correctly, but it was probably the hardest I laughed at a LAN ever and might have been the best vibe table in that whole restaurant.

posted about 3 years ago
#13 RGL S7 Invite Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 3 years ago
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