capnnofapn What would be better would be to invite zesty to a newbie mix or something and have him talk about his experience.
Zesty Jesus has played HL before (actually with some players I know wtf small world), but tbh I don't really see the point of this. Him not liking comp is perfectly fine, nothing inherently wrong with that. He's much more of a video essay/theory youtuber (idk what the proper term is here). More focused on design/philosophy of the game rather than individual experiences I feel like, and the points he makes are not really things that are addressed/resolved from playing a single 6s game.
One example is insinuating that comp players ban things because they are "bad" or afraid of "meta shifting" (when mostly it's just cause u can't fucking push last lol). Not ideal obviously for PR purposes, but idk I feel like this opinion will always exist no matter what happens as long as a ban list exists. I've seen you in the trenches of /r/tf2 so I'm sure you agree with me on this, people will just post shit to post shit (they do get dunked on in the comments though which is nice to see). This sentiment has basically always existed even pre meet your match, and it if it still exists I highly doubt just playing a game resolves this. Shit even if Zesty Jesus were to take a complete 180 on this take I'm sure a lot of people would still have it.
TBH I think the best thing would be to just discuss things and clear up misnomers, like the quickplay stuff people mentioned earlier. I think it's also valuable to make known that comp (like casual) is not a monolith and if anything I think most people, especially in the past, disagreed with b4nny (who I imagine is the one and only face of competitive tf2 for somebody like Zesty Jesus who doesn't really play) regarding things like unlocks. It's unfair to characterize an entire community as "forcing Valve to cater to them" when most ppl (especially back then) were more or less happy to just fuck off and play the game with their whitelists. Although it is also unfair to just put the target on b4nny and those with similar ideas given that Valve just kinda botched everything, it would be like if people thought you were at fault for asking for an accessible entrance when you have a physical disability and the building owners respond by building u a shitty dirt ramp and then blowing up the main staircase.