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Signed Up August 10, 2012
Last Posted April 12, 2022 at 9:03 PM
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#212 this is why we have LAN finals in TF2 General Discussion
kuzaJust to clear up my own reading into this, but Smakers, do you believe being gay is a "choice"?

I am not a geneticist. I'm not going to pretend to know the ins and outs of the human genome and what is or is not possible. Personal thoughts on the matter? I think there are 3 types of homosexuals.
1. People who are born with an uncontrollable propensity to be homosexual. These people probably have zero choice in the matter.
2. I think that there are people who were born as any typical heterosexual, but have become homosexual through social engineering, whether it was consciously or subconsciously. Maybe they were raised in predominantly homosexual areas, or were around prominent homosexuals that influenced their lifestyles and behaviors, or something else entirely.
3. Fad homosexuals. I have no doubt that there are some people who are not intrinsically homosexual, but they have adopted a homosexual lifestyle as a way to bring attention to themselves.

So, to directly answer your question, yes, for some people.

posted about 9 years ago
#210 this is why we have LAN finals in TF2 General Discussion

leaving these here

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Desktop icons help? in Off Topic

There are a number of things you can do, but what will probably be the easiest is this. Copy these lines into a notepad window, then save the file as "rebuild.bat" or any other filename ending in .bat.

ie4uinit -ClearIconCache
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
atrrib "%localappdata%\IconCache.db" -rsha
del "%localappdata%\IconCache.db"
shutdown -t 01 -r -f

This will clear the existing icon cache, kill windows explorer, delete the cache file, then reboot your PC. The cache will be rebuilt during the next boot.

posted about 9 years ago
#197 this is why we have LAN finals in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 9 years ago
#4 Dual monitor help. in Customization

There are many programs that lock the cursor in a window or on a monitor. One such example is:

Here's an old forum post with instructions for configuring that program.

I also seem to recall stabby posting a similar program here on TFTV in an old thread.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Bad Load Times in Q/A Help

I think you've stumbled upon the answer. The drive is most probably failing. SSD time, baby!

posted about 9 years ago
#152 this is why we have LAN finals in TF2 General Discussion
OsirissmakersIn regards to 'twitching after firing'... I don't see how that's unnatural. I've always done it. I suspect most people do it involuntarily to some degree. Hell, here's a crappy clip from 5+ years ago where you can see my "down and left" motion after every shot I take. I suppose it's clear evidence of cheating, too.8I've always found that to be the case as well. Especially if you haven't got a high-DPI mouse, your crosshair can definitely wobble substantially in the direction of movement after you flick a shot over a significant distance on your mousepad. A lot of people aren't able to keep their elbow/wrist/fingers perfectly still after throwing their hand very quickly and low DPI would only make that worse. It's like releasing your brakes on your car after stepping on them firmly; the car wobbles back and forth on the suspension a bit before it levels out again.

Yeah, but it goes a step further, too. Everyone has a comfort zone on their mousepad. My twitching and the subsequent action after firing is because my mousepad comfort zone is about a 4-5 inch zone in the center of the pad. I usually flick to take a shot, and then nearly instantaneously flick my mouse back to the center of the comfort zone. With my particular style of aiming, it results in my aim starting low and flicking upward toward the model's head, then returning to center mass and back to where I started before the flick. I would imagine most players do something of this sort unless they just have a huge comfort zone.

posted about 9 years ago
#132 this is why we have LAN finals in TF2 General Discussion

On subject:

I watched Axiomatic's videos and they were pretty conclusive evidence that cheating is occurring. Unfortunately, they were conclusive evidence that Axiomatic is a cheating turd, and therefore my bans for him in pug systems will extend out until the year 2030.

Also, the shot m4risa made on the demo isn't even remotely fishy. There are many things to take into effect and looking at the one second before that shot and the half second during the shot shows very little insight. Maybe m4risa has played against that particular demo enough to know that player's tendencies in situations like that. Map knowledge is certainly accountable, i.e. you're the last player alive near the point and you think maybe you can escape, so you opt to sticky jump away. As a sniper, you frequently have to predict what a player is going to do. Hell, you have to do that on every class.

It's obvious the demo is going to sticky jump away, so all you have to do is guess where he'll go and react accordingly. You consider the possibilities and assume that the quickest way for the demo to escape (knowing the demo will be trying to avoid your shot) is a quick straight sticky jump with little arc. How can he accomplish that? Where can he go? The answer is obvious. Under the balcony area. The shot was 50% map/player/situational knowledge, 25% skill, and 25% luck. Going for a shot like that is nothing out of the ordinary. Landing it is a bit lucky. The fact that it ended up being a headshot was pure luck. Nothing at all looked fishy in that clip.

The fact that axiomatic goes on to say something to the effect of 'there's no way a human could think about that many things that fast' is one of the biggest loads of crap I've ever read. If you can't think that quickly, you've got a serious brain problem.

In regards to 'twitching after firing'... I don't see how that's unnatural. I've always done it. I suspect most people do it involuntarily to some degree. Hell, here's a crappy clip from 5+ years ago where you can see my "down and left" motion after every shot I take. I suppose it's clear evidence of cheating, too.

posted about 9 years ago
#126 this is why we have LAN finals in TF2 General Discussion
ZoltanWhat a fucking douche bag. Even after being corrected he insists on using male pronouns. Have some respect towards the people you are slandering.

If your expectations of other humans is that they respect your beliefs and lifestyle choices (e.g. you want people to accept homosexuals and transgenders as humans rather than thinking less of them) then you should probably respect the beliefs and lifestyles of other people when they choose to refer to someone by their actual gender instead of their preferred gender. It's a huge double-standard that the entire LGBT community expects everyone to accept the beliefs and lifestyles of LGBT people, but those same LGBT people refuse to accept other people's beliefs.

Live and let live. I'm not transphobic; I'm a realist, and if there's one thing that's a fact of life, it's....

posted about 9 years ago
#57 this is why we have LAN finals in TF2 General Discussion

I'll just leave this here for posterity.

AxioI've seen hacks, I've used hacks, I've hidden hacks, and I can spot hacks from a mile away with my experience.

Axio You do realize that I have not hacked a single time in the entire time period I have been playing tf2, and that I could simply go and buy hacks for next seasons play offs? Same example with csgo, I used it only for a short period of time to simple boost my rank and then afterwards I deleted them. Same goes for m4risa this past season except rank, its reputation and a medal for first place.

"I know he fuckin cheats cuz I have cheated long enough to know all about the cheats hes using and I see what I saw when I was cheating so I can't be wrong on this!!! I paid for a subscription to cheats 4 research!!! I never cheated once in tf2 because I respect it as a game but I cheated in CS because omfg all the cheaters kept me from ranking up without the cheats but I swear I am as good without the cheats as with the cheats I just wanted to learn how the cheats work and look so I could spot filthy cheaters like marisa!!! But ya I don't cheat!! I just know how they work from cheating which I never cheated but I have used them to see how they work!!!"

Are you fucking mental? You really, actually, genuinely, seriously thought that this argument would yield you positive results? Even a little?

I'm glad I banned this idiot from all the pug channels. If UGC has half a brain, they'll ban him as well for admitting to using cheats in CS. If nothing else, ban him in an effort to raise the average player's IQ 30 or 40 points.

posted about 9 years ago
#25 Bring back cp_yukon for ESEA s18! in TF2 General Discussion

I liked yukon. I really liked yukon. I still think sunshine is better. This past season of ESEA has been the first season I can recall where there hasn't been a single map that was just a total piece of shit. I wouldn't mind keeping the map pool the same for a few seasons.

Then again, maybe I'm biased because sunshine has more than two colors and players aren't totally invisible on it. :-)

posted about 9 years ago
#34 Making Pyro More Enjoyable for Everyone in TF2 General Discussion

I should mention that I do understand the point of this thread is to talk about a mod used to gather information and test. I just think that no matter how much testing you do, the likelihood of valve adopting your changes into the game hovers somewhere between 'unlikely' and 'not happening' and the likelihood of ESEA adopting a mod like this is also very low. As a result, anything you learn here is regrettably mostly useless in the eyes of competitive sixes.

posted about 9 years ago
#32 Making Pyro More Enjoyable for Everyone in TF2 General Discussion

I'm reading these posts, and while I understand and can appreciate that you are trying to systematically (via hypothetical mathematics/theorycrafting AND actual gameplay testing) improve the class, I think you're all missing one important factor: aside from the airblast mechanics, the class isn't broken. You say things like, "pyro is crappy at mid and long range! we need to fix this!" This idea in and of itself is flawed. There are 9 classes in TF2. The entire purpose of a class-based system is that each class has both positive and negative characteristics. TF2 was developed with very well-defined roles for each class.

The scout is great at close range combat, decent at midrange combat, and very very mediocre at long range combat. The tradeoff is that he has low health. Through item additions, the scout has received weapons that make him phenomenal at close-range combat (FaN) at the cost of mobility. On the other hand, he's received things like the shortstop which can shift him into a dangerous midrange class while lowering his point blank effectiveness.

The soldier is great at close and mid range, but is laughable at long range due to the slow travel speed of rockets. Again, through item additions, he's able to shift his role to ultra high mobility (gunboats), no splash with high damage (direct hit), low-power tank (black box), and others.

The sniper is great at long range combat, but terrible at close range combat. He was given the huntsman as a way to change that and become great at close range combat while mid and long range combat suffer.

The demo is incredible at medium range combat, good at long range combat, but very spotty at close ranges. Unlike most of the other classes, he doesn't really have a great close range loadout (unless you count loch n caber, which are both banned in sixes anyway).

The pyro is great at close range combat. His midrange combat is OK, and his long range combat is nonexistent with the stock loadout. While I agree that the pyro in TF2 on release day was very weak, he's received no fewer than a dozen buffs via mechanics changes. Valve wanted to boost the pyro's ability to fight at range and fend off snipers, so they gave him a long range flamethrower (flare gun). They wanted to give him a way to set people on fire at a range without having to aim, thus they introduced the detonator. They wanted more close-range burst damage, so they gave melee weapons guaranteed criticals. They wanted to further influence people to play an ambush style, so they added the backburner. The upgrades are virtually countless.

The point is, it's nonsensical to attempt to make the pyro's weapons viable at all ranges. The purpose of his class is not "to be effective at all ranges". If your goal is to make him effective at all ranges, you may as well do the same for the 8 other classes in the game (of which, zero are excellent at all ranges, and few are as effective at both close and long range combat as the current iteration of the pyro).

The pyro doesn't need to have damage buffs. You can already hit someone for 130 damage by tapping someone with flame at close range, airblasting them, then switching to flaregun and shooting them before they land from their always-exactly-the-same arc. If that doesn't work, you can get free mini-crit damage on them with a melee weapon instead of the flare gun. The pyro is despised because it takes nothing other than 'decent' reaction time to reflect projectiles on reaction, and for the laughable effort put into reflecting, the pyro is rewarded with critical damage while also taking no (or very little) damage in most cases. The pyro is also despised because airblast mechanics are completely ridiculous and it takes zero skill to block half of an ubercharge by doing absolutely nothing other than pressing right click.

The very bottom line: pyro is a utility class. It is not intended to be a high damage-output class. It's there to aid you in certain instances and to be annoying in all others. You can kill a scout by setting him on fire with a single tick of ammo, then hitting him with a flare. You can guarantee a mini-crit hit for 101 (I think 101) by swiping your axetinguisher on someone you've set on fire. They can't get away because you can simply airblast them into oblivion. You can reflect rockets that are fired at you both intentionally and accidentally with very loose timing and even looser aiming. You can reflect rockets that were shot from behind you, toward the rear of your model, without even seeing that rocket just by right-clicking while still facing 180 degrees away from the rocket while it's still traveling toward your behind. I'd say the class performs the task for which it was intended quite nicely.

Even if you fix the airblast mechanic and you alter the pyro's damage, it's still not going to become a primary class in sixes because there's simply not enough chaos occurring to make its lack of mobility effective at all times.

Pyro is viable in highlander for several reasons:
-it's a required class
-it's a direct counter to other classes that are always in play (spy, sniper)
-there is enough chaos in highlander that the pyro can frequently and reliably get close to/behind unsuspecting enemies
-9 targets means flares fired randomly will almost always ignite someone
-ubers that are typically led by heavy/demo combos are easily thwarted by right-clicking
-there's only one scout to deal with, so the chances of the pyro getting destroyed by scouts is much lower
-the overall mobility in highlander is much lower than in sixes

None of these points really apply to sixes other than the ability to thwart ubers, which, as expected, is where pyro is most frequently used in sixes.

If valve gave the pyro new weapons that gave it the mobility potential of a scout, soldier, or demo, you'd see it become a viable main class, but until then, it won't happen in the upper divisions.

aaaand that's enough dissertation for now. :-|

posted about 9 years ago
#10 Volunteer work in Off Topic
Mr_OwlYou're probably gonna do a bunch of stuff that's pretty menial and boring, but it's a really awesome application/resume booster if you stick with it and make some connections so don't give up.

Sitting in a nursing home listening to old people tell you about their grandchildren can get pretty awful after a while, and planting trees and picking up trash is shitty from the start.

Listening to old people isn't bad. Try to gain something from their experiences, and try to appreciate how much the world has changed since they were young. It's enlightening, exhilarating, and can genuinely be uplifting if you allow. Just remember, if all goes well, you'll be in their position before too long...

Volunteering for these types of things should be for yourself as much as your resume. It's a type of life experience that you'll likely never get anywhere else. Put your heart into it and you'll get as much out of it as you want. The decorated resume is just icing on the cake.

posted about 9 years ago
#39 How are you doing today in Off Topic

no mine was to give you two noses and a huge unibrow

posted about 9 years ago
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