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SteamID64 76561198013871896
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:26803084
Country Barbados
Signed Up October 8, 2012
Last Posted January 5, 2022 at 1:54 PM
Posts 637 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 6
Windows Sensitivity 6
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse EC1 Evo CL
Keyboard QFR custom
Mousepad QCK+ heavy
Headphones AKG k7XX
Monitor that asus one everyone uses
1 ⋅⋅ 39 40 41 42
disengageL-block-fake pic-this is actually L-block:

That's a J tetromino.

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Help me choose a keyboard in Hardware
Filco doesn't have better build quality than Leopold and certainly CM doesn't.

Check this post( from this thread 'Filco or Leopold'?(

It seems that a lot of threads/posts on there say different things, but either way it's all semantics.

Leopold is awesome, and I've never had any problems with mine. You can't go wrong buying one.

posted about 11 years ago
#140 feelings thread in Off Topic
hpKeeping running that big mouth, with them thick full moist lips and them pretty fucking eyes

Try me. I will eat you like a piece of cake.

hp nobody else post in this thread until this has been settled because it's about to turn real ugly here coming soon in the future in about a couple of weeks.

Well, somethings we can agree on. All of these other discussions should be moved to other threads immediately. Real shit is about to go down and I don't want anyone getting caught in the crossfire.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Help me choose a keyboard in Hardware
DrakeMegrimI'm a fan of Leopold if you don't mind spending a little more for better construction quality (over CM Quickfire).,tenkeyless

Most typical keys for gaming are MX Brown and MX Red.

Both are quality boards, but the CM Storm actually has better build quality. Sans keycaps, the CM Storm is from the same OEM as filco.

I guess you could argue that the Leopold's cherry stabilizers are more durable than the CM storm's Costar stabilizers - but then you'd be saying that Leopold has better build quality than filco (which it doesn't). Most people seem to prefer the crispness of the Costars anyway.

That said, if you're looking for a TKL mechanical board, Leopold is great - and is probably the best choice if you're concerned about aesthetics (the CM storm has logos and crap all over it) and don't want to spend 160 on a filco.

You should probably hit up the GH boards if you haven't already - there are a lot of very knowledgeable keyboard freaks over there, and many reviews of almost every mechanical board on the market. There's also a lot of write ups on switches, stabilizers, and all the crap you need/want to know.

posted about 11 years ago
#127 feelings thread in Off Topic
hpYou talk a big game for someone in the minor leagues and you are lucky you're signing that contract and that I just bruised my forearm in a xtreme speed walking competition during chicken festival because if we were to have a meet up and it came down to fisticuffing/rockingsockingem you would get destroyed and finally realize how us big boys do it on this side of the pond, trust me, trust me, trust.

Remove me from your steam friends. You just crossed the line between friend...

... and enemy.

And you are lucky I'm signing a contract. If you stepped up to me, I'd squeeze you so hard, juice would come out. You don't want to rustle with me in the tussle unless you're ready to bring a bag of chips.

posted about 11 years ago
#125 feelings thread in Off Topic
hpWell, I was just on seanbud's stream while he was doing invite pug's and noticed there were a few POM members in it and I made a comment about how desperate they must have been for people if they were playing (they're bad) and he timed me out and I wasn't able to say goodnight when he logged off 'cause I still had 402 seconds of silence. I was mad at first then I thought of him doing his nerdy virgin voice talking about the ladies and stuff, like he's mocking how gay (homophobic) it is to get excited about chicks on the internet and how it was really original and funny and then how ironically he white knights for wreath, who i'm still unsure is female/male, then I was mad again.

Then I remembered back to a few days ago when I was doing a tf2 mix with my good friend and eulogy and slin were on my team and eulogy kept calling all of us bad and stuff and how we were stupid so like i was cool during this mix but after i stood up for myself and in front of everyone on mumble said "you know what, eulogy is the biggest assO (that means asshole, see, ass and then the capital o is supposed to represent a hole) because he comes into this mix thinking he's hot stuff around people who obviously are generally bad assumably.

it's been a rough week of tf2 but all in all i can say it wasn't too bad. tune in next time fellas

Fuck you. Eulogy is is one of my best friends doog. It's posts like these that make me grind my nostrils. You think you're tough? If you are ever in the DC area and want to rumble, you can hit me up and - wait. No.

Forget it. You're lucky I'm signing a contract.

posted about 11 years ago
#20 Cooler Master QuickFire? in Hardware

I'm currently typing on a Quickfire Rapid (the TKL one) with MX Reds. I love it. I'm only slightly versed in mechanical boards, so I hope this helps.

Buy it.

Unless you want to drop 150-170 on a filco board, you aren't going to get something of better build quality. The QF Rapid is literally a repackaged filco TKL with shittier keycaps. That said, don't get the fullsize CM storm board. I can't vouch for it being bad or anything, but it's not a "repackaged filco" like the TKL version is.

Leopolds are very good, I used an MX brown fullsize in the office for a while. If the aesthetics of the CM Storm aren't up your alley, but you don't want to pay 160 for a filco, Leopold is a definite option. Note however, that keyboard maniacs who have spent thousands on keyboards largely agree that the QF Rapid's stabilizers (Costar) are better than those on a Leopold board (not that it matters for tf2 anyway).

I don't recommend daskeyboard as highly - they're more geared toward typing than gaming, and don't offer the same selection of switches filco, CMstorm, or Leopold do. They also have a glossy finish, making them annoying to maintain.

Ducky is cool if you want a back-lit keyboard. Pretty sure they have a TKL model out now too.

If you're a hipster, buy a KBtalking board.

If you wanna pick up bitches at lans, drop 300 on a Topre Realforce or HHKpro.

Hope I helped. Sorry for my bad English.

posted about 11 years ago
#70 Upcoming TF2 bball Tournament in TF2 General Discussion
hpbleakdo you really commonly go by all of those names

You forgot trends.

posted about 12 years ago
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