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Signed Up November 15, 2012
Last Posted June 21, 2018 at 7:14 PM
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#69 Bill Nye/Ken Ham religion debate in Off Topic
MarxistTheist type is usually not particularly well educated in theology so they can't even present nuanced arguments beyond "god did it yo the bible said so" nor do they ever really get deep into theological texts because their grasp of theology is usually quite poor.


MarxistThe atheist is usually also pretty crap because, in general, most atheists just substitute theism in form.

Definitely not. It's simply a rejection of the god claims. "God exists." Do you accept this as true or not? (A/theism) If BigFootism was the belief in big foot, and ABigFootism was the rejection of that belief, would Abigfootism be a substitution? No. It's actually in directly opposition. Deism would "qualify" more as a "substitution" for Theism.

MarxistGenerally, most posit that while there isn't some big other figure with unlimited power, there's still a cosmic order of sorts, evolution or chaos theory, and so on blah blah, that provides them with some sort of unique place in the universe - which still utilizes the existence of an, albeit less conscious, "other" which is beyond life and in control. Nor are they ever particularly well versed in theology which makes things even more boring, because there's nothing like a nonbeliever asking theological questions that can't be answered.

Generally, you should never tie Atheism into any other belief or stance on anything else other than what Atheism is, and that is dealing exclusively with the claim of god's existence. Atheism has no dogma or tenants, yet people misdirect Atheism to tie into many other political, moral and scientific stances. Stating you're an Atheist does not mean you are automatically tied to accepting the big bang theory. I've met Atheists who do not accept the big bang or evolution.

Also, overall, nonbelievers are far beyond well versed compared to believers. It is how they became nonbelievers in the first place, because they started to study what they were blindly accepting without question as a child.

posted about 10 years ago
#14 Tidy LFT(ESEA Main) in Recruitment (looking for team)

free bump for a talented young man. Tidy, don't get sucked into a team TOO hard because I'm probably coming back next season babe :)

posted about 10 years ago
#13 djc lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

free bumpb because you're a cool caster

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Merge two huds together? in Customization

These are both from Yahud, found here:

I want to merge one aspect of version 5MD, which is here:

with version CMYK, which is here:

The only part I want to combine is the health cross on the target ids. For this, would I just drag over the targetid file from the 5MD ui folder into the CMYK folder? I love the colors and layout of CMYK, but it's only missing ONE thing, and it's that health cross for target IDs.

Also, not AS important. How to create a 32 man scoreboard for this hud?

posted about 10 years ago
#9 Off Top LF Players (S16 Main) in Recruitment (looking for team)
insomSince Caboose is being a little bitch, he had some great surfs on viaduct, and is better than just "good".

hahahahaha, caboose is so sensitive. To anyone who wants to try out, just take into consideration that caboose acts like a little girl sometimes...

posted about 10 years ago
#655 yahud in Customization

will the CMYK version ever get updated?

posted about 10 years ago
#8 I honestly can't believe this just happened to me in The Dumpster

The first half of the conversation was unnecessary to put into pastebin. Other than that, I don't feel like wasting my time with a stupid idiot. YOUR 16 'BUDDY' YOU SHOULD KNOW THESE THINGS...

posted about 10 years ago
#16 Medic LFT ESEA-O 6s in Recruitment (looking for team)

Fun to play with and is very dedicated. Plays to win, pick her up!

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Help with Chrome Extension in Off Topic

sounds like malware. scan with adwcleaner+junkwareremovaltool

Then download and update malwarebytes and scan.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Science Project in Off Topic

#1 - Mike Hawk (Tony Hawk's brother)
#2 - Yes. I run from these survey's in my dreams
#3 - I work out of the office almost every day.
#4 - 8-9 hours, depending on how busy it is
#5 - Fuck no
#6 - Every day
#7 - Please repeat the question?

posted about 10 years ago
#4 is steam down? in Off Topic

same here, I'm getting this error through the WEB


The Steam Community is currently unavailable. Please try again later.

Error 503 Service Unavailable

XID: 3662678066

posted about 10 years ago
#60 nod32 $5 in Off Topic
frknusing an antivirus once a year doesn't prevent virus/malware all year, wheras a vaccine once a year prevents an infection (from the proper virus strain) for some extended period of time (i'm not going to pretend I know how long, depends on the vaccine. the flu virus is constantly evolving which is why we get a new one every year)

he used the FLU analogy, I didn't. I think comparing the FLU to malware is stupid. Because it's not a normal virus. It would be similar to a super virus in the pc world, for which we all should download a patch once a year that will protect us for a few months, as the flu vaccine does with influenza.

And when I said it should be used once year, I meant strictly for scanning purposes (which I stated in previous posts). All year long, I make sure to update/patch my computer as frequently as possible. But a few times a year I'll run a virus scan.

posted about 10 years ago
#57 nod32 $5 in Off Topic
kuzaAnti-virus is like the vaccine, you're completely stopping it before you get infected..

how often are vaccines used? mhmmm. About as often as antivirus should be used, only when absolutely necessary (once a year). I'm glad you agreed with me indirectly, genius...

posted about 10 years ago
#54 nod32 $5 in Off Topic
kuzaAnti-virus programs BLOCK the attacks, they don't just remove them. Daily definitions are the same as practicing good hygiene if we want to stick with the analogy.

Sigh. How old are you? I think you might be senile. Good hygiene will block germs. Your immune system, blocks germs. Do you need to go to the doctor to practice good hygiene? Updating your browser/windows/java/etc, is NOT antivirus blocking anything.

kuzaWhat your suggesting people do is only go to the doctor after the have been infected, it's too late then. Anti-virus is to protect you from getting the virus in the first place.

I'm suggesting people take care of themselves so they don't get infected in the first place. Which has nothing to do with the doctor, it has to do with common sense. Same thing with how to avoid viruses/malware.

kuzaNext you're going to tell us vaccines are bad. People get the flu shot to prevent getting the flu, you can't get it after you have the flu.

lol, oh dear. you want to compare influenza to random computer malware? First of all, the flu vaccine is recommended for high-risk groups, such as children, the elderly, health care workers, and people who have chronic illnesses. Similarly, a computer with no updates or patches installed that is way more susceptible to acquiring malware. And I'm pretty sure if there was a known super FLU in the computer world, everyone would run a "flu shot" fix on their system once year to prevent it from intruding.

hey, want to know a good preventative measure to the flu? Wash your fucking hands. Holy shit, does that require a doctor? Maybe some sort of anti-virus shampoo that you need to use every day that gets into your blood stream and deflects any dirt or debris that comes near you. Nice invention!

Ok, now you can fire me, boss.

posted about 10 years ago
#49 nod32 $5 in Off Topic
kuzaIf a doctor told people bad medical advice and they had an illness because of that advice, that doctor would get sued. So as a person in IT, you should not be telling people to avoid virus protection. That's just bad advice.

I'm telling people to not go to the doctor unless needed. You're telling them to use the doctor daily. And even a doctor will tell you, that is stupid. Because what does a doctor do? He can give you antibiotics to remove infections. What does antivirus do? Gives you updated virus definitions to remove infections.

Can you not take precautionary measures to keep yourself healthy? Or do you go to the doctor every day and make him constantly check for any virus you might have obtained in the past 24 hours? How about practice good hygiene, similarly to surfing clean websites. How about eat healthier, similarly to downloading clean files. And hey, when you feel sick and you aren't getting better, going to the doctor is reasonable. Similarly, when your computer is acting up and normal maintenance isn't helping, running a virus scan is reasonable.

Want to use anymore analogies? It's slow at work today.

posted about 10 years ago
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