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#120 ESEA open in TF2 General Discussion
enigmawhatever the "new" invite would be (main?)

you'd still be complaining

that was rhetorical, but sure...

enigmai've managed casts for seasons and can tell you that there's always a surplus of games and a shortage of people (fog, extine, etc can back me up on this)

plat and harb have casted games in the past at the expense of scrim time. demanding more to satisfy your wants is a bit hypocritical given that you just accused them of being selfish.

bottom line whatever contempt you seem to hold for the tf2 "bourgeois" is sorely misguided. the top of the scene will always exist, whether it be the players there now or the players that replace them (or one day maybe even you).

@Mana & @Enigma, you are missing the point.

My point was never to imply it is anyone's job to help out 'lower level' players. The point of my post was to point out the hypocrisy. It was to point out how much they have NOT cared about lower level players, but now they do care when they NEED them.

posted about 10 years ago
#111 ESEA open in TF2 General Discussion
enigmacasting is a limited resource and given that invite matches garner by far the most viewers, it absolutely makes sense to give priority to the games that the most people want to watch

you really can't argue numbers

And how many invite matches would be casted this season if Open players decided to stick with CEVO and not be 'swayed' by the fake generosity? Mhmmm.

I don't buy the "limited resources" excuse. Plat and harb, along with many other "well-recognized" players could create their own twitch account and start casting lower-level games. This is where power rankings and talk of "who's the best of the worst" comes in. You do not have to cast every open game, but choose games that are supposed to be good according to the team's skill level. Even though Open is a lower division, there are still good games to watch. And IF people like Plat or harb were to cast these games, they could EXPLAIN what is going wrong, how to fix it and give people better insight.

Bottom line is, stop trying to act like you care about the lower divisions, because you don't.

posted about 10 years ago
#105 ESEA open in TF2 General Discussion
PlatinumI'll give an extra $120 to a top 2 finisher that has no sandbagging ex-invite nerds on their team this season. Let's play video games.

that investment with ulterior motives. you remind me of the people who donate to churches and then use it as a tax write-off. yeah, very genuine...

harbleui'll do some team mentoring for teams that get 6 players paid up, not sure how many i'll be able to do but toss me an invite and we can discuss things.

remember the thread about ESEA and CEVO where harbleu essentially stated that lower level matches are not interesting to watch due to the lack of skill involved, therefore ONLY invite matches should be casted throughout the season. And if need be, when playoffs come around, the lower level players can be casted. You can view that here (read page 12 as well):

It's very convenient that the arrogance of "invite" has suddenly turned into generosity and consideration for the "lower level" players. You continuously bash on them daily, rebuttals consisting of "I don't know you, therefore what you say is not important." - But now that your precious toy might be taken from you, it's "NOW" time to actually "recognize" these players as, hmmmm, important? Disingenuous, manipulative, disgusting...

posted about 10 years ago
#103 Sacramento LANFest spring edition in LAN Discussion

Looking for 2 tickets to buy. PM me or add me on steam:

posted about 10 years ago
#29 yo guys lets make valentines cards in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
#15 oh ok... I get it in Off Topic
x3shocka where are u i miss ur voice

come play season 16. you can be our star scout

posted about 10 years ago
#8 oh ok... I get it in Off Topic
eXtineI'm clicking the retweet button but its not doing anything :/

maybe your connection is constipa-.... fuck it, nevermind

posted about 10 years ago
#1 oh ok... I get it in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
#26 Sacramento LANFest spring edition in LAN Discussion

london calling still has my hoodie.

what a vile thing to do...

posted about 10 years ago
#131 Bill Nye/Ken Ham religion debate in Off Topic
hanbroloIf I understand the point he's raising correctly then he's saying that all beliefs are based on faith.

Saying "all beliefs are based on faith" is quite silly. You, along with Searchlight and many others, are questioning the very thing you use and trust on a daily basis. It's called "TRUST", not an "assumption". An assumption is more of a guess or hypothesis. Trust, confidence and good logic/reason are based on a solid foundation of evidence. So why do you take medicine? Drive a car? Use your phone or computer? Almost everything you encounter and use (trust) on a daily basis is based on scientific principles, and do you do this on faith? No. Do you use your car on faith that it is going to work properly? Or do you trust that your car has been built properly enough to work consistently, along with keeping up with automotive maintenance in which car "professionals" help you out with.

hanbroloSo can we ever really arrive at a 'truth'? Isn't there a limit to how accurate any model is?....So don't you need to take everything on faith; if nothing else, faith that truth exists?

You and Searchlight might as well look into Solipsism. We could all just be in the matrix too, right? Me waking up and breathing and experiencing the world with all of my senses could be me just taking it on faith... This idea is quite absurd. Sure, I'll humor the idea and possibility of this being true, but so what? Until there is enough evidence to support that idea, it's a waste of time discussing it as more than science fiction.

hanbroloI believe it was Richard Dawkins who called it a "psychological red herring", and I think he was right.

you should have stopped here...

hanbroloLike Marxist was saying, even most atheists look for some purpose or reason in life. Isn't that really nothing more than looking for a pattern? Isn't that what science itself is based off of?

Ok, this is pointless to say. EVERYONE looks for purpose or reason in life, but this has NOTHING to do with atheism. It's like stating "even most vegetarians look for some purpose in life..." - And even the people who don't have a purpose to live, they still have a purpose to exist or die. So there will ALWAYS be a purpose in every way in regards to humanity.

hanbroloIn that regard, if you subscribe to this line of thought, wouldn't a higher power seem to make sense, considering the amount of order we observe in the universe?

Your words hurt my soul (no I don't believe in a soul, it is a figure of speech)... Order in the universe?... Order... Now you are tip-toeing on the "Fine-tuned universe" arguments that theist use. Are you sure you're an atheist? These people state that the universe is finely-tuned for life... Really? You realize that most of the universe is HIGHLY deadly to life. I'm glad god finely-tuned this vast universe of which we can't even explore a 0.0000000000001% of, and most of it has to be explored with extreme caution or it will kill you. Nice Fine-tuning there... Not to mention that we don't even have to explore outside of earth to experience how dangerous the universe actually is. Have you heard of meteors? Solar Flare? Sun expansion - Red Giant?

hanbroloI'd rather trust in science...

You should have stopped here...

hanbroloEDIT: For clarity's sake: what I call "faith" Searchlight called an assumption.

"Faith" or an "assumption" are both awful things to based your decisions on. Faith is for people who do not have a good reason for what they believe, once you acquire good reasons, you don't need faith. Same with assumptions. Would you rather state A) I trust my girlfriend will not cheat on me --vs-- B) I assume my girlfriend will not cheat on me --- If you have to assume, you have no trust. And you build trust by gathering evidence.

posted about 10 years ago
#107 Bill Nye/Ken Ham religion debate in Off Topic
mince__what proportion of atheists are formerly religious people?

I am not sure. Based on religious numbers, a child being raised into a religion (or some type of belief in god) is above 80%, since over 80% of the world is of religious faith. So I'd say a large majority of atheists are formerly religious, based on those numbers.

mince__your post makes the assumption that, say, all atheists made the decision to be that because they read the bible and decided that god doesn't exist.

I never said "all", I said a vast majority. And yes, what is in the bible leads to their de-conversion. It may not be the SOLE reason which persuades them, but I'm sure it's definitely a deciding factor. Along with debating, research, documentaries, learning about other religions, etc... This isn't an assumption, just go talk to a few.

mince__i mean, you say "religious people" as if they are all carbon copies of each other, acting and living the same lives with the same principles outside of religion - making those kinds of assumptions about either group doesn't get this discussion anywhere, it just leads to the generalizations that fuel political and religious divides everywhere.

I don't understand how stating "religious people" would automatically imply I am stating they are exactly the same to one another. I know first hand that they are NOT exactly the same, hence the amount of denominations just within ONE religion. I never stated they all have the same beliefs either. I gave examples of different beliefs from all different types of religious people. When I made the skepticism comment, that was a broader point to the idea that "faith" overrules everything. And when it comes down to it, I'd say almost all religions have that in common.

mince__is literally what i meant when i said that you implied that becoming an atheist makes someone inherently smarter, maybe my definition of smart is out of date, but i think that someone "gaining knowledge" probably also constitutes them getting smarter...

So anyone who gains knowledge in any subject is "inherently smarter"? For the example I used, if I become more knowledgeable about cars, does this mean I'm inherently smarter? I'm not sure why you are focusing on this point.

mince__like i said before, not all atheists question theism in the name of science or rationalism.

ok... what do they question theism on?

posted about 10 years ago
#101 Bill Nye/Ken Ham religion debate in Off Topic
pine_beetleKeep listing things. Make yourself feel important. Either way I'm not going to tell anyone what you can or can't believe in. That's the type of behavior that people go to war about... Thanks for letting me know how gravity works by the way, really cleared up everything I feel like you really are an all knowing human, I should just put my beliefs aside for your vastly superior grasp of reality. Your objective truth is unquestionable!

Make myself feel important? I was simply stating why questioning people's beliefs and explain how they are wrong is a GOOD thing. Are you implying you do not think slavery should have been abolished? Slavery is an absolutely despicable act, and I'm personally happy that it is no longer existing in our culture. Instead of actually responding to me productively, you initiate in personal attacks with sarcasm. I'll stop responding to you now.

posted about 10 years ago
#100 Bill Nye/Ken Ham religion debate in Off Topic

the scientific method is the single most reliable method of distinguishing what is real from what is not. the scrutiny of an idea involved throughout the scientific community and consensus is astounding, it is not just a few tests. the same proposition being put to test by all types of scientists from different backgrounds and education, match accurately after much repetition, by chance? No. Do you know what scientists do when they find that their "point of view" isn't producing accurate results? They CHANGE IT. That's the beauty of science. You constantly learn new things and when you find a flaw in what you know about the universe, you change it to match reality as best you can.

Not sure what you were trying to get across in your message, but at the end, what "basic assumptions are only supporting themselves" which I hold? I stated that what we label as "gravity" exists demonstrably, yet it is somehow an assumption?


not even going to respond to that... probably the most nonsensical comment in this thread. I hope you're trolling.

posted about 10 years ago
#91 Bill Nye/Ken Ham religion debate in Off Topic
pine_beetleWould you say there is an objective truth?

Yes... Why, yes I would. Have you ever heard of gravity? It is demonstrable. Jump in the air and feel the force that brings you back to the ground. Have your friends try it. Anyone can do it, even your pet. That's called an objective truth.

pine_beetleYou can't actually change what people believe and you can't tell them what they believe is wrong, because really... Nobody knows better than anyone else, it's a completely a matter of personal interpretation.

Wait, what? So you don't think we should have correct all the "scientific" errors people made in the past? *Earth is flat*-*Zeus shot thunderbolts down to create lightening*-*Earth is center of universe*

How about the moral/ethical stances from the past? You don't think we should have corrected those either? Since your stance is "You can't tell them what they believe is wrong..." - With that attitude, we would still have slavery, human sacrifice, animal sacrifice(even worse IMO), oppression of women, black people segregated and not being able to vote(+more), women not being able to vote, holy wars (we still have this), suppression of science/art/literature (we still have this), pro-life fanatics who are against condoms (this still happens)

Should I keep listing things, or do you want to change your stance on what we can or can't tell people in regards to how wrong they are in what they belief and why...

posted about 10 years ago
#89 Bill Nye/Ken Ham religion debate in Off Topic
mince__you are right about what an atheist is, and i'm not sure if that was every really in contention, but in practice what marxist said tends to be pretty accurate. most people, regardless of whether or not they're religious, make a choice at some point in their lives to change what they learned and accepted as a child. i think it's a little presumptuous to make the claim that all atheists are somehow inherently smarter and more well informed than people who believe in whatever, plenty of very smart people believed in a god and have still managed to further humanity in some significant way.

You must have misunderstood what I said, let me rephrase. I initially stated "Also, overall, nonbelievers are far beyond well versed compared to believers."

"Well versed", concerning the bible. A vast majority of atheists know more about what is in the bible than Theists do. And again, this is what leads to their de-conversion. This has nothing to do with being "inherently smarter". And when people stop believing in god, that does not mean they got "smarter". No, not at all. They simply have gained knowledge and have a better understanding regarding the value of skepticism and critical thinking. This sounds like an insult, sure, but people who are insulted by this are simply insecure with their beliefs. For instance, I don't know much about cars, but there are many people who do. Would you not state that their understanding of cars is much greater than mine? Does this make them smarter than me? No. Am I insulted by this? No. What if I was using the wrong type of oil for my car because I was taught this as a child by a parent who also didn't know about cars. And later on in life I found out from a mechanic that I actually need this other oil instead, and he explained why. I can recognize that people have a greater understanding in different areas of life without taking offense to it.

In addition, it seems religious people apply the same 'atheistic' skepticism throughout every endeavor of their life, (similarly to a court room), but when it comes to their religious beliefs, it goes out the windows. Eyes shut, headphones on.

posted about 10 years ago
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