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Signed Up July 22, 2012
Last Posted January 2, 2019 at 12:35 AM
Posts 65 (0 per day)
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#19 Giving a girl my phone number in Off Topic

If you give her your number you can easily get hers. In most situations, you don't even need to ask:

"We should grab coffee/dinner/a movie together. My number is [number]; tell me your number so we can set up a time later."

Note that there's no question mark in this sentence. Say it confidently, and not hurriedly. And take out your phone and look ready to enter her number as you say it. If she has a problem with giving out her number, she'll tell you. Rejection in real life is far less dramatic than rejection in movies, as direct confrontation generally isn't feminine behavior. Then, once you have a number, don't ask when she's free -- simply propose something a few days later:

"Let's grab dinner at [place] at [time]."

If she has a problem with that place or time, she'll let you know. But you need to remember that typically women are not the aggressors in relationships -- it's on you. You have to make the first moves.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Casting Feedback in TF2 General Discussion

I especially like how you not only call out what a team is doing wrong, but explain what they _should_ be doing. I think if you want to grow competitive TF2, knowledge transfer is key, and when you do the latter that's exactly what's happening.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 Scout roles DECODED in TF2 General Discussion

After it cuts off at 4 seconds, click in the middle of the progress bar and the video should show a frame of the sniper in spawn. Click play again and the video will finish.

posted about 11 years ago
#21 aybaybay in Site Discussion

Looks amazing, awesome job :)

posted about 11 years ago
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