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Signed Up August 3, 2015
Last Posted November 9, 2019 at 3:06 PM
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#25 Love Island 2017 in Off Topic

wtf it's like towie in marbs but permanently? sign me up.

posted about 6 years ago
#32 i61 TF2 Tourney Details in TF2 General Discussion
marmadukeGRYLLS#1 ranked NA team Gnomercy is looking for funding to go collect a free 5k please help the cause.Cornpop16sell jerseys
posted about 7 years ago
#24 i61 TF2 Tourney Details in TF2 General Discussion

We wouldn't have tftv people at the controls anyway since they didn't want to be a part of the event, so that's kind of moot. A lot of our casting talent have left for Overwatch. I personally don't see it as a bad thing taking the burden off of the community to bankroll production.

posted about 7 years ago
#21 i61 TF2 Tourney Details in TF2 General Discussion

I can't fathom seeing this as a bad thing- TFTV made it clear they wouldn't be producing this year, so I'm pretty relieved Multiplay picked it up. I also think it's a fairly big deal that they gave us back the stage as it represents that they recognized their mistake in relegating us in the past.

I look forward to sitting in a chair watching grand finals on a stage where they belong, in stead of sitting crowded on the floor in front of TV with no sound.

posted about 7 years ago
#19 i61 TF2 Tourney Details in TF2 General Discussion

TF2 must have been downgraded at some point, because TFTV have been producing the event offstage for some time now. That isn't the case this year:

Headline tournaments are our flagship BYOC competitions. These will have an official stream for the whole weekend, featuring the best upcoming UK casters, and a stage final on Insomnia’s BYOC Stage. With these tournaments, we aim to showcase and support the growing esports talent within the UK. We’ll be working with partners to improve the tournament experience for both players and our audience on Twitch. Headline tournaments will always host a minimum prize pool of £5,000, with the option for sponsors to increase it further.

posted about 7 years ago
#16 i61 TF2 Tourney Details in TF2 General Discussion

Hold up- this makes it sound like we're a headline tournament this year...

posted about 7 years ago
#82 ZOWIE FK1 Review in Hardware

one of us one of us one of us

posted about 7 years ago
#45 i61 tickets out now in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactylI'm having trouble purchasing tickets, I entered in my zip code but it said that I need to enter a valid postcode so I'm guessing it's a UK specific thing. Tried checking out without it but it wouldn't let me.There has been a problem processing your payment. Contact the box office to complete your order.
Also trying to figure out where the PC rentals are on the site. Found this thread but the links were broken.

I had this problem too. The website expects only nationals. Try either starting from scratch and including no postal code, or using the posting code of birmingham. It's not tied to the payment in anyway, it's just a market research thing trying to keep out filthy Americans.

posted about 7 years ago
#282 ESEA-O S25 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

we too are waiting for servers 15 mins so far

posted about 7 years ago
#271 ESEA-O S25 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

my first season of esea is going great so far, i feel like i'm getting the real tf2 experience

posted about 7 years ago
#43 Valve's comp Format? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#39 Valve's comp Format? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#43 tf2 at i61 possible? in TF2 General Discussion

It's a shame it was necessary; I contacted them directly through three different mediums over the last month and got nothing, I started hearing similar stories from around the community, so I don't know if we would have heard from them otherwise.

posted about 7 years ago
#35 tf2 at i61 possible? in TF2 General Discussion

really proud of the way you guys step up on social media. nothing like a good old fashioned heckling to wear people down.

cu @ <3

posted about 7 years ago
#8 Favorite dish to make in Off Topic

beef wellington with mushroom duxelle and bordelaise

posted about 7 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ⋅⋅ 41