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Last Posted May 31, 2022 at 8:19 AM
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#199 Donald Trump in World Events

man, seems like every president you have is worse than Hitler..

posted about 8 years ago
#168 Donald Trump in World Events
Se7enPankeymanThe Republicans don't have Ron Paul anymore so he's the next best thing, let's be real. Though America has been doomed ever since good old Jack Kennedy died.Kennedy was a remarkably poor negotiator and had no idea how to work through congress like Johnson did. His death was a tragedy, but as a President he was actually ineffective compared to an expert like LBJ. Civil rights would not have been passed close to as soon as they did had Kennedy stayed president instead of LBJ. Kennedy's death garners him more praise than he deserves as an actual president. It's also worth mentioning that Kennedy played a HUGE part in the mess that was Vietnam.

don't forget the bay of pigs, or putting the entire world at risk with the cuban missile crisis, but hey he shagged marilyn Monroe and he looks cool and he got shot so he must have been this messianic saviour, totally not coming from a family connected to the mob for generations which caught up to them with the assassination on his brother.

Also Johnson enacted the civil rights and thus i quote him "so we have the nigger vote in the south for the next twenty years". guess people forgot that the democrats were the original party of the slave owners.

posted about 8 years ago
#166 Donald Trump in World Events
ScrewballSpaceCadetIf you consider what the US has done to be "terrorism" then I guess some could agree with you. I am not among them."it's not terrorism when we do it" ~first world white people

yea, the shocking truth that a "fascist" isiolationist USA, kinda like Franco, or Salazar, wouldn't be a super nice place to live in, but overall if you see the global impact of the foreign policy of 20th century USA, and how it's only expanding in some cases, i goess it would be relatively benign compared to just being a government for hire for corporations to exploit resources globally. And the issues we face today are usually the result of some intervention of the USA in the past, like, It's pretty reasonable for Iran to hold a grudge on the USA in the 70s there are zero reprocussions for your leaders, so they get away with murder by the millions, but the world doesn't forget and usefull idiots like you get whooped up in supporting "humantiarian" wars, ask the women in Libya if they feel better now thanks to Obama and Hillary clinton letting Islamist rebels take over. Good thing for you, the alternative (the USSR) was even worse,

In the words of Viper: Just nuke yourself, my man.

posted about 8 years ago
#163 Donald Trump in World Events
flatlinebuilding onto my original post since those are only statistics from Europe let's have some fun

more estimation. let's just say that since 125k was the sum of the UK Germany and France, each country in the world has around 42000 people prone to extremism. 42k x 193 UN members = 8106000 + 1109000 = 9215000

9215000/1600000000 equals the earth shattering total of


Keep in mind that is a gigantic overestimate considering the data is based on 1% of each country's population and not a flat rate (in fact there are eight countries in the world with populations less than 42000)

I love math
and sleep

Yea, i wouldnt expand too much like that though, unless you're haggling for a position at the government agency that keeps track of unemployment

posted about 8 years ago
#161 Donald Trump in World Events
AvastsacAvastIt's just not worth it to argue anymore ok.

You guys win. Trump 2016

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."
Hey look at your current building of congress, and tell me what those roman looking bundle of sticks with two axes are called.

You might be one of the most pedantic, pseudo-intellectual, incoherent, and blowhard persons I've seen speak in a while.

You shouldn't throw around terms that you don't understand, and then resort to ad hominem if you get called out for it.

posted about 8 years ago
#155 Donald Trump in World Events
AvastIt's just not worth it to argue anymore ok.

You guys win. Trump 2016

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."

Hey look at your current building of congress, and tell me what those roman looking bundle of sticks with two axes are called.

posted about 8 years ago
#148 Donald Trump in World Events
AvastSpaceCadetAvastWisconsin Sikh Temple massacre, Aug. 5, 2012 -- White Supremacist motivated - no mention of religion

The murder of Dr. George Tiller, May 31, 2009 -- Anti-abortion - no mention of religion

Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church shooting, July 27, 2008 -- Lone Shooter motivated by a lot of shit but no mention of religion

The murder of Dr. John Britton, July 29, 1994 -- debatable it was even religion based, just Anti-Abortion. In either case, it is clearly just murder and not terrorism.

The Centennial Olympic Park bombing, July 27, 1996 -- no religious motive

The murder of Barnett Slepian byJames Charles Kopp, Oct. 23, 1998 -- another murder for abortion, no religion involved

Planned Parenthood bombing, Brookline, Massachusetts, 1994 -- no religion involved

Planned Parenthood Mass Shooting, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Nov 27, 2015 -- The guy mentions religion but at the heart of it is about abortion and not religion.

I don't think anyone is saying domestic terrorism is not a problem. Clearly it has been an issue and will continue to be an issue. Looking at the whole picture, fanatical Islam is a global issue and in my mind has much more far reaching and potentially harmful effects than single shootings here and there. The actual numbers of fanatical Islamic people incredibly outnumber the single lone gunmen sitting around America looking to stage a domestic attack. To open the front door to all these immigrants is a mistake.

Wisconsin Sikh Temple massacre, Aug. 5, 2012 -- White Supremacist motivated - no mention of religion
Wade Michael Page specifically mentioned an impending "racial holy war" before the shootings and was associated with NAZI groups which are primarily made of extremist Christians.

The murder of Dr. George Tiller, May 31, 2009 -- Anti-abortion - no mention of religion
You're out of your mind if you dont think this involves Christianity.

Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church shooting, July 27, 2008 -- Lone Shooter motivated by a lot of shit but no mention of religion
He specifically states his hated of homosexual was part of the reasoning behind it, I WONDER WHICH PARTICULAR GROUP DOESN'T LIKE HOMOS IN THE USA HMMM

The murder of Dr. John Britton, July 29, 1994 -- debatable it was even religion based, just Anti-Abortion. In either case, it is clearly just murder and not terrorism.
He specifically stated he expected a "great reward in Heaven" no Christianity in here no sir

The Centennial Olympic Park bombing, July 27, 1996 -- no religious motive
the only reason the guy was caught was because he was linked to an earlier abortion clinic and lesbian bar attack, I WONDER ONCE AGAIN WHO DISLIKES THOSE GROUPS IN THE USA HMMM

The murder of Barnett Slepian byJames Charles Kopp, Oct. 23, 1998 -- another murder for abortion, no religion involved
He was affiliated with the militant Roman Catholic anti-abortion group known as "The Lambs of Christ".

Planned Parenthood bombing, Brookline, Massachusetts, 1994 -- no religion involved
He states he was "a thief on the cross with Jesus" hmmmmmmmm

Planned Parenthood Mass Shooting, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Nov 27, 2015 -- The guy mentions religion but at the heart of it is about abortion and not religion.
The fact you can even pretend that this event, an even abortion in american in general is not at all intertwined with christian extremism is frightening.

Did you even do a simple google search of the things i listed or just read the intro and left.

four of your examples come from the 90s probably before you were born, this just shows how hard you are grasping to equate with a list of within four months. How much intellectual integrity do you have in you, while you were doing that effort and digging, just to make it remotely equal, at the surface, and if you would dig deeper and deeper and go back in time, you would only feel the discrepancy increase. How Incredibly racist of you to be so dishonest and defending poeple who killed hundreds of thousands indians, africans, russians and europeans, just so you could feel better of defending something exotic to you that you don't understand.

Bet you liked Ghenghis khan for making the silk route safe from robbers for a few years. .

posted about 8 years ago
#139 Donald Trump in World Events
Please find me a list even 1/10th as long as the Islamic Terrorist extremist list posted above by any other religion.

It depends, does use of Christianity to support enslavement and slaughter of Africans and Native Americans over about 500 years count as terrorism?

Or does it only apply to proper civilized nations like us.

The slave trade from Africo to the middle east has always been bigger with all male slaves castrated as well, and slavery in saudi arabia was legal until....1962 and it still is going on, but now they are indentured servants from south east asia. But yea, noone can oppress anyone else unless it's christians right.

btw, the Portuguese, who made the first contacts, in India, they could easily set up shop, becuase there was such an abundant slave market under the mughals. go ahead and think of the hundreds of thousands hindus and millions east africans being used as slaves and all this would still go on, if not certain British and french became vehemently oppossed against slavery, and as main reason" I cant accept this to happen as a good Christian" but go on, keep thinking you're saving the world while being totally historically ignorant.

Like, do you have any clue on how much poeple died in the balkans, to Ottoman armies, like every campaign, 20 k civs here 50k there, and that over the span of centuries while the remainder was being taken as slaves, terrified for centuries, on land, on the sea, the dark ages kicked off becuase meditterrean trade got destroyed by muslim pirates,.. you know actually, why do I even bother telling you all this. These facts mean nothing to you, becuase Serbia is a meme right guys haha, remove kebab XD, while us NATO bombed civilians, and intervened in something we really shouldn't have but the USA needed a distraction becuase the Lewinsky affair. Oops little scandal, lets just bomb a country and show the ngiht vision wreckage from a distance to distract our media.

posted about 8 years ago
#94 Donald Trump in World Events
lol_goatSpaceCadetI don't support Trump or anyone at this point but one thing I will say is that it is refreshing as shit to hear a political figure say things and not worry about being politically correct all the fucking time.

Trumps appeal comes in the fact that he is not completely tied to political favors and outside money to influence his opinions and views. He isn't forced to say something a PC way to keep a big financial supporter happy. He just says whatever the hell is on his mind. I can respect that but if he gets elected, he needs to followup on his promises unlike what Obama has done the past 8 years.

You know who else isn't tied to outside money and financial backers? You know who else just tells the truth? Bernie Fucking Sanders. And Bernie isn't a misogynistic, racist, xenophobic, fear-mongering piece of shit.

For me at this point, it's Bernie or bust. He's literally the only candidate who actually gives a fuck about real people.

Did Bernie ever threaten to run independent if clinton got the nomination? No mistake, I like Bernie Sanders, i don't think increasing tax rates will work when the big corps will just launder the money, and the rich will just arrange their accounts to circumvent it. Problem is when there are issues where the government and existing private sectors have a face-off, the private sector will win every time, like how the banks got away with profiting along in the scam that was Enron, and those same guys, will plunder and plunder again, becuase they are the smartest people in the room.

Else you're going to have to make the US another way to keep it a place to invest and use your currency, and with that it means keynesian money pumping government works, and that wont go with a repub congress blocking, filibustering and shutting down government in some states and the alternative is "austerity" which Greece tried... and lost 35% of its economy by.
getting rid of the student bubble would be a giant relief but i think is suggesting the wrong tools for the wrong time, he'd probably been a better president than bill clinton in that time on that aspect, but i think a businessman who probably knows all the backdoors has a sound plan.

And don't compare Trump to Hitler please, compare Trump to Roosevelt instead becuase these would be very similar times, with radical solutions

"Herbert Hoover had already considered a bank holiday to prevent further bank runs, but rejected the idea because he was afraid to trip a panic. Roosevelt, however, gave a radio address, held in the atmosphere of a Fireside Chat, and explained to the public in simple terms the causes of the banking crisis, what the government will do and how the population could help. He closed all the banks in the country and kept them all closed until he could pass new legislation.[41]"

That's to say though, giant misfure for intending to just use word "muslim" instead of being specific like Salafist or Wahhabi, think he forgets, that as an result of counterculture, the people who grew up under bush, and his neo-con shit, that post 9-11 america followed blindly on the warpath, and now see the results, and don't want anything to do with it anymore, and Americans are in it for the underdog, and geniunely believe in the idea of no prefixes American, that just bringing it up, and sounding real close back to those days, take it up for the underdog, that wants to be American right, and there are countless muslim patriots, like mohammed Ali, who's religion never seemed to be an issue, but still enough americans see that the "close ally" Saudi Arabia, is a fucking hellhole, which you btw can't enter if you aren't Muslim btw (mecca itself I mean) and don't want to fight their dirty wars.

posted about 8 years ago
#70 Donald Trump in World Events

You can laugh with Trump, but euros can't understand the power of appeal that lays in the underlying Libertarian Ron Paul and how he got shafted by his own party, who was pushing Mitt Romney, and then 13 career politicians who are only there to make themselves re-elected, the only thing a politician tends to care about. And when you have 15 candidates, all bound to SUPERPACS and lobby interests, (and i find euros so fucking arrogant when pointing out the farçe of US politics like gerrymandering and securing support from lobby interests, but the fact is, that the EU is as much run by the same lobby groups).With time political dynasties form, and tbh as a common guy, it's really hard to actually campaign or get yourself elected, even if you join a party. You need money, and lots of it. Trump has this, which gives him this independance so he skips a lot of hurdles and can stay in the media, unlike Ron Paul. I mean, I had no idea who this Trump was beside some media article, so I spend some time searching up. and he did warn against the invasion of Iraq, when the post 9/11 sentiment was still lingering, and is basically one of the main reason this mess called ISIS exists, that takes courage.and what do you have for other candidates in the repub party? Jeb Bush? Carson? that fat guy that mentions 9/11 each time in the only 20 sec segment he gets in a debate? the repub party has this crazy idea for picking the most ineffective duos, like when McCain got Palin as VP. Maybe Rand Paul would get the same appeal his father had, but he has the charisma of a damp rag. and on the democratic side with the inevitability for Hillary clinton, (sorry sander fanders you never stood a chance, especially not when your man lacks leadership and his campaign is literally reddit , he never believed in it either) And then we have Hillary Clinton, who is totally corrupt, and there are loads of scandals haunting her. Face it, Trump would not have the appeal or support he has at the moment, if there was a single competent candidate on either side, becuase the both parties have been struggling for decades now with how they deal with their dynasties
Clinton only won in 94' and stopped bush from being re-elected cuz a third party candidate,..forgot his name, (Peron?) but else since reagan it has been bush/clinton/clinton/bush/bush/obama (and here is the candidate who's slogan was change but he broke all his campaign promises which gave him the support for the primaries in 2007 vs clinton)/obama/ and the elections would else been Bush vs clinton again?

you know that doesn't American at all to me, sounds somthing Yuropoors would be content with, being ruled by the same inbred families for centuries, up until you get brutal wars, becuase your inbred Spanish Habsburger, writes a mentally deranged will under influence of his cardinal to just give the succession to the Bourbons. Or World War I where a bunch of cousins show off their parade armies, and Europe loses a generation. Meanwhile, the Americans had a decade since Teddy Roosevelt passed along, and made America a force that was to be reckoned with the enforcement of the Monroe doctrine. The American dream was real and he embodied it.

Thats what America was about right, and why the middle class was seen as very content, becuase geniune patriotism, a country of businessmen ( I believe the number of self employed poeple in the USA was significantly higher at the turn of the 20th century, in contrast to now), unbound by some military industrial complex. the tide turns when Ford loses his case vs his shareholders on the responsibilities of a company, and the government has been used to destroy lesser competition, or create artificial monopolies, a series of things together with the relative wealth of the middle class going down, a lack of infrastructure, well you know it. The American dream seemed pretty much a lie, and after the collapse of the USSR, they turned the presidency of boris Yeltsin in such shambles, because Yeltsin was so naive to think, that america would rather see a succesfull capitalist russia in transition, rather than just lining their own pockets, well, Poeting wouldn't get away with being a corrupt maffiosso, dismantling the better parts that come with that freedom of liberal democracy, like free speech, when he just has to point out what happened in the 90s.
When you get such general incompetence for a while, well, some persons will offer an alternative, a way to get out of the impasse and it's becuase both parties betrayed their voterbase over and over, that Trump is appealling. He is populistic, he knows how the system works, and can just recall all the candidates who he supported in the past with funds, and he know who his public is, not some vested group like how the republicans were all about "getting the latino vote" before trump showed up, well that simmered down a bit, eh (i wonder if you can still order a 75 dollar guacabowl made in china from the site, you can try and see where it lands you.

I'm very interested in politics, and i've been following it for three elections, and never have I seen a person be so charismatic and convincing, while saying the most controversial things, and how he uses his struggle with the mainstream media in his speeches. I've probably watched 6 or 7 full speeches of him by now, noticing how he is making his show that appeals to the widest audience, and anything he can use of his independant stance he will point out.

FAN THE CAMERAS (cameras don't move, they only move when there is one heckler yelling something, basically giving Trump what he wants, becuase now he plays into it and the crowd actually goes wild, such a big contrast to bernie being heckled)

Its so surreal, i'm not supposed to like this rich real estate moghul, who had some tv show or something, dumb american am i right ))))), And he say things very bluntly, and he's right on a lot of things. Hell I'd vote for him if i couldnt vote for Transhumanist "Volcanoboard my way to clinical immortality" Zoltan, and I really wouldn't discredit his intelligence, but his stance on net neutrality really concerns me, and I wish he would instead of Islam, just call out the Wahabbis, a small nuance, but gives his opponnonts way less ammo. Becuase now the undertone in the media is like: "omg so racist!!!!!!!" "which is bogus because Islam is a religion, and if you think it's not, try putting a Persian, an Assyrian, a Kurd , and a couple of those mythical swamp arabs together and you would notice they hate each others guts. (casual reminder Saudi arabia with 3 million spaces for lodging has taken in 0 Syrian refugees thus far) and will try to point out how different they are, too bad the Ammonites,the jews who lived in the middle east, before the formation of Israel, and diverse other religious minorities had to resettle, or lose their lives and their belongings, becuase well, guess having a different religion puts you at different sides in the region.

Is he genuine one eye in the land of the blind, or a Manchurian candidate who will betray his voters and wasn't so independent after all?
time will tell, in 2007 Everyone rode the Obama popularity wave, and I remember this one voice of an historian on an obscure board for civ games, being the party spoiler, and say bluntly he will betray his grassroot voterbase on anything (Gitmo is still open, the NSA and homeland security still are active, and it only gets more Orwellian with time. US citizens that get assassinated by drones in Yemen, becuase his father "radicalised" when taking it up vs the Saudi's. fast and the furious, shipments to ISIS in libya, and indirectly one of the main reasons, why one of the more exotic ME countries. (I have read this weird thing, how two seperate journeys, encounter the "very poor, very friendly,gay Syrian" probably not alive anymore) is synonym now with desolated wartorn mess.

posted about 8 years ago
#121 Please stop the hate in TF2 General Discussion
OsirisStarkieSamytsiAlso islam isnt a race so stop calling him a racist.merriam-webster: "a class or kind of people unified by shared interests, habits, or characteristics"
oxford english dictionary: "group of people sharing the same culture, history, language, etc.; an ethnic group"
To add on to this, the etymological chain of the word "race" places the meaning of "people with a common culture" before the meaning of "three/four main groups of people with shared physical characteristics including skin colour". A lot of people get this wrong and the definitions Stark posted are considered far more correct unless you're specifically speaking in a taxonomic context. If you're going to correct someone, at least be correct in correcting them and don't spread misinformation, people.

[/linguistic compulsive disorder]

Time to call everyone who says anything bad about anime, christianity or beer. racist then. It's such a hollow term.

"The Oxford English Dictionary's first recorded utterance of the word racism was by a man named Richard Henry Pratt in 1902.

Pratt was railing against the evils of racial segregation.
Segregating any class or race of people apart from the rest of the people kills the progress of the segregated people or makes their growth very slow. Association of races and classes is necessary to destroy racism and classism.

Although Pratt might have been the first person to inveigh against racism and its deleterious effects by name, he is much better-remembered for a very different coinage: Kill the the man.

"A great general has said that the only good Indian is a dead one," Pratt said. "In a sense, I agree with the sentiment, but only in this: that all the Indian there is in the race should be dead. Kill the Indian in him, and save the man.""

Although he did not coin it, he may have popularized it afterwards. Trotksy published What is National Socialism in June 1933.

posted about 8 years ago
#114 Please stop the hate in TF2 General Discussion
StarkieSamytsiAlso islam isnt a race so stop calling him a racist.merriam-webster: "a class or kind of people unified by shared interests, habits, or characteristics"
oxford english dictionary: "group of people sharing the same culture, history, language, etc.; an ethnic group"

Very vague, very abusable, no wonder "racism" is a word spread by Trotsky, this is the excerpt the word is for the first time mentioned in europe...

Gotta love this excerpt, where he seeis ruin for germany in the 30s wbile the USSR had the Holodomor.

P.S.: The first anniversary of the Nazi dictatorship is approaching. All the tendencies of the regime have had time to take on a clear and distinct character. The “socialist” revolution pictured by the petty-bourgeois masses as a necessary supplement to the national revolution is officially liquidated and condemned. The brotherhood of classes found its culmination in the fact that on a day especially appointed by the government the haves renounced the hors d’oeuvre and dessert in favor of the have-nots. The struggle against unemployment is reduced to the cutting of semi-starvation doles in two. The rest is the task of uniformed statistics. “Planned” autarky is simply a new stage of economic disintegration.

posted about 8 years ago
#40 Shooting at the Inland Regional Center in Off Topic

Aa dozen poeple die, and the speculation starts, "live stream available here". "Who do you think it was, muslims terrorists or white psycho kids"." This shouldn't happen if noone has guns besides police", said one, the other said: "this wouldnt happened if everyone had guns", and so the quacking of the ducks begin. "Did he set a record": Asked one, etc and so the everyone is entertained or in fear for a few days, until the next run of the show.
Stay tuned!

posted about 8 years ago
#2 What did you buy for Black Friday / Cyber Monday? in Off Topic

Is this how you advertise these days?

posted about 8 years ago
#65 How did you guys got introduced to comp tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

used to play on a NA community server, bumped into Kwazi, who asked me to play philosoraptor pugs, organized by the rock of the NA tf2 comp scene, Kalkin, amazing times with really cool people, who'd be in Tony hawk Pro Skaters, which later became x6, Kalkin set me up with a team to play in TWL div 4,where we got to scrim maps like Pro_dustbowl. And well, from there, it only went downhill.

posted about 8 years ago
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