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Signed Up August 11, 2012
Last Posted February 7, 2017 at 2:01 PM
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#275 rayshud in Customization
frownyUpdater link borked :c

Try this:


posted about 11 years ago
#273 rayshud in Customization

If you guys have any bugs with the installer, please post them here so that they can get resolved!

posted about 11 years ago
#270 rayshud in Customization
OblivionageMy game looks really weird with this new update like the colors are weird did you change them rays? I tried redownloading the older version but that one looks weird too e.o

What exactly looks weird? If you could provide some screenshots, I could help you more.

posted about 11 years ago
#268 rayshud in Customization
TechniikWhich .res files would we have to replace?
Or is it something completely different

With the version 3.21? It just added in a modified font and added it into the ClientScheme.res. If you want to look at the changes, you can do so here:


TawkszxIs anyone else getting error 404 for the hud installer link?

Sorry guys, Tree removed the old installer from his dropbox on accident. He's offline now, but hopefully tomorrow the first version of the new installer will be coming out, so stay tuned! :D

posted about 11 years ago
#265 rayshud in Customization

Version 3.21 is out!

It includes the following changes:

-Fixed the killcam message sometimes getting cut off.
-Fixed the health/ammo font for certain people in which it was too big/bolded.

You can download it here:


Or via the updater by Tree:



Sorry about this random update, but I saw Huey Lewis's stream earlier and realized some of the numbers on his hud weren't the right size, then I realized I was an idiot. This isn't an entirely necessary update, but it'll make some stuff look nicer.

posted about 11 years ago
#262 rayshud in Customization

Version 3.2 is out!

It includes the following changes:

-Edited the Cerbetica font to scale nicer on lower resolutions.
-Centralized all custom HUD colors to ClientScheme.res.
-Fixed a bug where the Loose Cannon meter would overlap the Targe/Screen meter.
-Updated files for color centralization.
-Fixed weirdly-proportioned map info screen.
-Made custom MOTDs look nicer.
-Updated files for the new font.

You can download it here:


Or via the updater by Tree:




-As far as the new font goes, it will make things look slightly thicker at first. I'm sorry I couldn't keep things exactly as they were before, but I really wanted to make the font look nicer on all resolutions rather than those with high resolutions. I promise it's a minor change though, and after a few days you won't even notice it.

NOTE: The new font does not effect the size of your health/ammo/charge percentage. All of that has remained the same. All the new font was meant to do was make things such as the scoreboard, loadout screen, and TargetIDs clearer and less pixelated for those on a lower resolution.

Screenshots of the change (at 1280x720):

With the old font:


With the new font:




-All this means is that instead of giving numerical values throughout the hud for all of my custon colors, I gave them all names and centralized them in the ClientScheme.res (which is something I should have done a long time ago). Anyways, what does this mean to you? It means that it's even easier to customize your HUD colors now.

First, open up your ClientScheme.res, and search for the following section (it should be close to the top):


Once you've found it, all you have to do is edit the color value associated with what you want to change. For example, if I wanted to make my ammo black when I had a normal amount but turn it white when I was running low, then I'd change the values of "Ammo in Clip" to "0 0 0 255" (which is black), and then change the value of "Ammo in Clip Low" to "255 255 255 255" (which is white).

posted about 11 years ago
#260 rayshud in Customization
cageI like the scatterspread crosshair, and it works great for scout, but I find it extremely obtrusive for all the other classes. Is there a way to make it only for the one class?
Would it not be possible because it is a HUD crosshair? pls help meh

Sadly, there's not an easy way to do this. You can have it so it's only on when you have minmode on, but this will change the scoreboard everytime. As long as you don't mind that, then you can add the suffix "_minmode" onto the sections entitled "visible" and "enabled" in your hudlayout.res, which will mean it's only enabled with you have minmode on. From there, you can set up a bind to toggle minmode with the following command:

and here's what the scattergun spread section of your hudlayout.res should look like:

"visible" "0"
"enabled" "0"
"enabled_minmode" "1"
"visible_minmode" "1"

and here's the command for setting up a minmode toggle:

bind KEY "incrementvar cl_hud_minmode 0 1 1"
posted about 11 years ago
#258 rayshud in Customization
CaptainMickbeardI'm having a couple of issues with the font, hoping you can help. I've linked images of it below. Basically the font's a bit too big in certain places and it's cutting off part of the numbers. I've got a mac and run tf2 in 1920x1080, if that helps.

http://imgur.com/mWDdV3a (the health number for the person I'm healing)
http://imgur.com/guziL9a (cuts off the names of weapons)
http://imgur.com/jt7ceky (health numbers in spectate)

thanks in advance!

The font looks like that because the way macs handle the font is different from how Windows handles them. Are these the only places it's cut off?

I was meaning to test this myself, but since I don't have a mac, it was kind of hard for me to do. :p

posted about 11 years ago
#253 rayshud in Customization
gigahertzI have the thincircle around my crosshair, and I want to know how I can make the circle just a tad bigger? (if possible, and sorry if this was asked before)

Thanks, in advance.

Not very easily.

To remedy this, I added in the xhaircircle too, which is just a thicker circle. Try it out if you haven't already, it's pretty nice as well. I used it for over a year!

posted about 11 years ago
#251 rayshud in Customization
TechniikRays is there anyway I can use m0reHUDs scoreboard with your hud?

The last time I tried it none of the stats showed up, like K/D, heals, headshots, etc

It just showed the players

Yes. You'll have to have the m0rehud Scoreboard.res file replace mine, but then you'll also have to transfer over all of the fonts he used, and define them in ClientScheme.res.

CaptainMickbeardThe charge meters for the Loose Cannon and Chargin Targe/Splendid Screen are right on top of each other. If you could move one of them up or down or something, that'd be awesome (this is a problem with a lot of the HUDs I've used)

Let me see what I can do. I've never actually owned a Loose Cannon, so I haven't really been able to fix much in that regard. Luckily you're asking me now though, as I have an update planned for later today. I'll see if I can find a fix, and, if possible, slip it in. :>

posted about 11 years ago
#15 rays lf scout mentor in Mentoring

Heylo. Appreciate rb and Meb extending their services to me and to everyone for the kind words.

Sadly though, I've slipped into an even worse slump than I think I was in before, so I'm back again with a bump. I didn't want to make a new thread for this, so sorry if I should've..

Anyways, I'd really like a scout mentor who could watch demos with me on a semi-regular basis, talk to me about positioning/timing, and potentially watch scrims from time to time.

Thanks again ahead of time. :>

I promise not to disappoint!

posted about 11 years ago
#144 SKILL_ENHANCER in Mentoring

Always looking for ways to improve. :>

posted about 11 years ago
#220 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 11 years ago
#248 rayshud in Customization

Try to reinstall it if you haven't already. If that doesn't fix it, I'll help you with it on steam.

posted about 11 years ago
#246 rayshud in Customization
TechniikHUD broke, it was literally perfect yesterday.

What happened? Have you tried reinstalling? I started my game up just now and everything is still fine.

posted about 11 years ago
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