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SteamID64 76561198000061951
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:19898111
Country United States
Signed Up August 11, 2012
Last Posted February 7, 2017 at 2:01 PM
Posts 462 (0.1 per day)
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#116 Cute Cat Avatar Maker :3 in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#41 Cute Cat Avatar Maker :3 in Off Topic



posted about 11 years ago
#239 rayshud in Customization

Khaki is correct; a simple reinstall should fix any errors.

Valve handles local files weird, so when they release an update involving the modification of a file that you have saved onto your computer (which would be all custom hud files), it's deleted and replaced with the updated one that Valve put out in an update.

posted about 11 years ago
#232 rayshud in Customization

Try these values:


       "xpos"            "c-100"
       "ypos"            "c-97"
       "wide"            "201"
       "tall"                "200"

       "xpos"            "c-100"
       "ypos"            "c-96"
       "wide"            "201"
       "tall"                "199"
posted about 11 years ago
#24 SizzlingStats - Live TF2 Stats **Alpha Test** in Projects


Thanks so much for the awesome plugin! I just about have everything on it working right. However, when I go to the website to look at the stats on there, unlike many other servers, mine doesn't have country flags in front of the team names. I've entered the API key into the config file in my FTP, is there anything I could be missing?

posted about 11 years ago
#230 rayshud in Customization
hanbrolohey rays,
how do I edit the crosshair circle to make it align properly on a 4:3 ratio? I've tried adjusting wide/tall and xpos/ypos but the closest to aligned still is noticeably off center. Do i need to adjust the font in clientscheme.res? That aside, thanks for this, my new favourite hud!

You shouldn't have to edit the font, but due to the way TF2 set up their grid system, it's almost impossible to get a perfectly centered crosshair on certain resolutions.

Tell me what resolution you're playing on though, and I'll give you the most accurate values I have for it.

posted about 11 years ago
#227 rayshud in Customization

Version 3.1 is out!

It includes the following changes:

-Fixed sapper meter in MvM.
-Moved up arena winpanel to match normal winpanel.
-Added in the option to have a team-colored health cross.
-Added in the option to have white ammo colors (with a pulsing red low ammo flash).
-Fixed map info descriptions sometimes going off of the background.

You can download it here:

Or via the updater by Tree:

For those who want the white ammo colors pre-installed:


To enable the white ammo colors, search for the following files in tf/scripts and tf/resource folders:

-HudAnimation_tf-white.txt (in tf/scripts)
-HudAmmoWeapons-white.res (in tf/resource)

and have them replace the "HudAnimations_tf.txt" and "HudAmmoWeapons.res" already in place.


To enable the team-colored health cross, first enable the health cross addition of the hud by having the file "HudPlayerHealth-cross.res" replace the original "HudPlayerHealth.res" already in place. After you've done that, open up the file and change the visible and enabled fields of "HPBorderPanel1" and "HPBorderPanel2" from "0" to "1".

Note: At the current time the installer doesn't have an option for this, so if you're using the installer, you'll have to install it with the cross, then go into your tf/resource/ui folder and manually change the values of "HPBorderPanel1" and "HPBorderPanel2" in "HudPlayerHealth.res".


Screenshots of the new features:





posted about 11 years ago
#226 rayshud in Customization
TechniikRays how do I move the health picked up notification?

It's in the top left where the chat is, I want it where it was like defaulted to haha

How did it get up there? The two files that involve positioning of the health picked up notification are hudlayout.res and HudHealthAccount.res. If you've done special edits to your hud, then make sure that you have HudHealthAccount.res installed, and the section of hudlayout.res labeled "CHealthAccountPanel" matches the following information:

    "fieldName"  "CHealthAccountPanel"
    "xpos"       "c-288"
    "ypos"       "c45"
    "wide"       "250"
    "tall"       "120"
    "visible"    "1"
    "enabled"    "1"
    "PaintBackgroundType" "2"
bededogThis is a small error, but it would be nice if it was fixed. In MVM the spy sapper recharge bar is up too high and a bit smaller than other recharge bars. Here's a screenshot of it: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=131230872

Oh, sorry! I must've mixed up files when I was adding in support for the MvM sapper and gave the normal HUD the sapper meter for the minmode version. I'll have this fixed by next update, thanks for reporting it!

posted about 11 years ago
#6 ESEA-IM Cast: Kawaii 5-0 v. SundayFunday - Sun 11p in TF2 General Discussion

I know eGO was counting on us being there, but due to some complications with some of our backups and one of our starting players having work that night, we won't be playing the match.

I just want to apologize to eGO for not being able to provide a quality game and giving them a shot at playoffs, and wish Kawaii 5-0 good luck in the IM playoffs.


posted about 11 years ago
#157 stream highlights in Videos


how to play highlander soldier

posted about 11 years ago
#223 rayshud in Customization
cageIs there a way to make the circle thinner? I like the transparency, but I do not like the circle so thick... I would like it more of a line.

Enable ThinCircle. It's one of the other crosshairs available farther down in the hudlayout.res file.

posted about 11 years ago
#221 rayshud in Customization
kigbariomIs there a way I can move the ubercharge percentage independently of the meter? I like having the meter in the corner but having the charge percent in the middle near my crosshair.

The meter can be adjusted via the ypos/xpos numbers under the section labeled "ChargeMeter" in the file "HudMedicCharge.res" in your resource/ui folder. Note that there is a separate background associated with this that you might also want to move/remove. This is labeled as "ChargeBackground" and can be moved in the same way.

"ChargeLabel" and "ChargeLabelShadow" are the two fields you'll want to adjust to change the position of the Ubercharge percentage.

panzerxiiiThanks rays! I just updated and managed to save the custom colors I did for ammo.
One question though: how can I change the low health color from the orange-y color to something else? Orange just doesn't catch my eye as well as red does.

Same I guess for the overheal color, would like to put it to bright blue or cyan.

Thanks! :D :D :D :D :D <3

Open up "HudAnimations_tf.txt" in your scripts folder, and search for "Health Dying Pulse". From there, you can simply edit the colors in the line

	Animate PlayerStatusHealthValue      FgColor	"255 153 0 255" Accel 0.0 0.0

to match whatever you'd like the new low health color to be. If you adjusted the base health color though, be sure to make the appropriate adjustments at the bottom of the section.

posted about 11 years ago
#218 rayshud in Customization

Version 3.04 is out!

It includes the following changes:

-Fixed a few errors being output to console upon game launch.
-Updated default ctf hud to be less blocky. (Note: Doesn't apply to minmode users.)
-Fixed potentially broken health cross for some users.
-Removed "On the bright side.." message that would appear upon death.
-Fixed crate numbers getting cut off in backpack display.
-Updated winpanel so that it doesn't touch the bottom of the screen.
-Fixed health sliding off the top of the TargetID at resolutions other than 1920x1080.
-Added in an optional HL scoreboard.
-Added in animation upon health pickup.

You can download it here:


Or via the updater by Tree:



Screenshots of new features:

New winpanel:


New ctf hud:


New HL scoreboard:



About the HL Scoreboard

If you'd like to use the optional HL scoreboard, simply delete the current Scoreboard.res in place, and replace it with "ScoreBoard-9s.res". Note that, like the 6s scoreboard, the HL scoreboard will only be visible while the command cl_hud_minmode is set to "1". (You can switch between the two scoreboards with the button built into the menu, though.)

I've also created HL scoreboards for those of you on 4:3 resolutions. Do use yours, do the same thing, except make sure to use the "ScoreBoard-9s.res" in the 4_by_3_ratio (or minmode/4_by_3_ratio) folders.

posted about 11 years ago
#217 rayshud in Customization

Thanks guys. <3

I promise I'm not dead! I'm still hard at work on editing and making this hud further customizable to you all. You can expect an update with a few tweaks in less than a week.

And I promise the new installer project isn't dead yet either! I'm working closely with Tree to help make something awesome. If you ever run into any bugs, don't hesitate to post them! No way I can fix them if I don't know they exist!

posted about 11 years ago
#5 frag video music in TF2 General Discussion

I don't have a lot (and no video links), but if anyone wants a list to work off of:

(A few jump songs in there too, but eh.)


posted about 11 years ago
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