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SteamID64 76561198025858897
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Country England
Signed Up September 5, 2012
Last Posted September 23, 2021 at 2:47 PM
Posts 1339 (0.3 per day)
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Mouse Zowie EC2-A
Keyboard Ducky Mini
Mousepad Overclockers' Fuck Off Huge One
Monitor BenQ XL2411T
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ⋅⋅ 89
#21 [HUD] Flarepunch in Customization

Version 1.1.2

Github Download Page



  • Removed Spectator and Spectators In Queue List on Scoreboard while in Streamer Mode.
  • Added Engineer Build/Destroy/Eureka Effect Panels.
    • Pip-Boy Menus also fully supported.

Payload Race:
  • Fixed capture point material from going back to default texture in sv_pure 2.

Mann Vs. Machine:
  • Added Power Up Canteen Panel.
  • Fixed MvM Scoreboard Stats.
  • Added Kills, Deaths, Healing and Damage stats to MvM Scoreboard.

  • Added Stopwatch panel for competitive modes.


  • Fixed missing font file for Class Icons.
posted about 5 years ago
#19 [HUD] Flarepunch in Customization
PermzillaI tried using minmode with player names off, actually kind of liked it but it was impossible to tell from the killfeed which team was getting the frags. Anything I can edit to enable names on the killfeed only?

Yeah, go into resource/extras/killfeed.res and change "TextFont_minmode" "BlankFont" to "Size 13" (or whatever size you want, up to you)

posted about 6 years ago
#17 [HUD] Flarepunch in Customization
Just1somniFunnily enough, I thought I had already done it. Mostly because I remember this screenshot from an old version of the HUD that had it. I'll be putting it in next update.Alright cool, also the capture in progress at least on cp maps is also default if I'm not mistaken.

Also a bug I want to fix, but for some reason am currently having problems with. I'll keep working on it, but for now it's not too much of a big deal.

posted about 6 years ago
#15 [HUD] Flarepunch in Customization
Just1sReally nice hud. From what I noticed you didn't work on stopwatch part of the hud yet, so was wondering is it in the plans or not on high priority?

Funnily enough, I thought I had already done it. Mostly because I remember this screenshot from an old version of the HUD that had it. I'll be putting it in next update.

posted about 6 years ago
#13 [HUD] Flarepunch in Customization

Version 1.1.1

Github Download Page



  • Fixed Class Image appearing on Scoreboard.
  • Fixed Class Image being in a horrible position in game.
  • Resized Chat Box as it was bleeding over into health for 4:3 users.
  • Repositioned optional Health Cross.
  • Resized Scoreboard font for 4:3 users.
  • Repositioned Killfeed to avoid clash with player panel respawn timer.


Main Menu:
  • Fixed Main Menu images from appearing pixelated at lower graphical settings.
  • Added "Streamer Mode" button, which toggles player name appearances in-game.


  • Added clearer descriptions to Color Scheme and Animation files.
  • Added a README file.
  • Removed meme font lmao.
posted about 6 years ago
#5350 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
sAvenI'm fiddling with the "BuildingStatus_Engineer" panel in hudlayout.res to change the position of the engineer's buildings, but after a casual round ended, my ypos was set back to default. I've tried finding something relevant in hudanimations_tf.txt but I couldn't find anything. Anybody happen to know how I can fix this?

The Engineer build panels are a fickle piece of shit, it doesn't like to stay put.

Easiest way to get around it is by going into resource/ui/hud_obj_sentrygun.res, then finding "BuildingStatusItem" and editing the "Tall" value to a larger number, basically add on the amount of units you wanted it to go down onto this value.

You'll notice there will be a huge gap between the Sentry and Dispenser panels now. This is fine, because all you need to do now is move all the elements inside resource/ui/hud_obj_sentrygun.res down the same amount of units as you added to "BuildingStatusItem".

For example: The default "Tall" value of "BuildingStatusItem" is "60". You change it to "160". You add 100 units onto every other element's ypos position in the file. So "ypos" "0" becomes "ypos" "100", "ypos" "12" becomes "ypos" "112". You see what I'm getting at.

posted about 6 years ago
#149 metal / hardcore / punk / heavy stuff thread in Music, Movies, TV
Kavnew dgd

EDIT: full albums only out as the time zones roll around

Gotta wait another hour yet this shit's the worst

posted about 6 years ago
#12 [HUD] Flarepunch in Customization
Brimstonethe 4:3 screenshots i promised
i'm playing on 1024x786

this might just have to be something i do myself, but i think the smaller resolution users would benefit greatly from being able to greatly decrease font size and general spacing between elements on the scoreboard

The end of round scoreboard is something I'll work on eventually, but don't expect a fix for a while. Not high on my priority list.

The player model thing was an oversight; I don't use the static images so I didn't consider them.

Killfeed will be moved down.

I've moved and resized the chat box the best I can, but so much of the free space is used up by HUD elements that there is very little I can do.

The centered damage number is a weird one, not a lot I can do about it, it's pretty resolution centric so where it's positioned for different resolutions may vary.

The player model, killfeed and chat box fixes will be in the next update; I'll push it tomorrow probably.

posted about 6 years ago
#9 [HUD] Flarepunch in Customization

Pushed first proper update since release. Check the changelog for details.

Version 1.1

Github Download Page


  • Item Inspect Panel has been designed to fit the rest of the HUD.
  • Respawn Timer on Tournament Spectator has been repositioned to mirror the location of other modes.
  • Chat Box moved back to the left hand side.
  • In relation to the above, Engineer Building Status and Spy Sapper Status has been moved up to clear space for the chat box.

  • Payload Status now displays Recede Time and Arrows that display when the cart is going backwards.

  • Team Class panel designed and repositioned.
  • Arena Winpanel designed and repositioned.

  • Wheel of Doom status supported.
  • Halloween Spells supported.

Streamer Mode:
(Remember, Streamer Mode is enabled by using minmode!)
  • More instances of names in Minmode have been hidden.
    • Over spectated/friendly targets
    • Item Inspect Panels
    • Arena Winpanel MVPs
    • MvM Player Ready panels
    • MvM Scoreboard

  • Added support for default font for ETF2L Status Screenshots.
    • To disable custom console font, go into resource/sourcescheme.res and add comment lines // to #base "sourcescheme_custom.res"
    • Instructions are also within the file itself.
    • Small Note: You'll need to restart the game if you edit the above while in game.
posted about 6 years ago
#43 HUD Creation Competition in TF2 General Discussion

Here's my submission. I'll be working on it for the next couple of days but I've released it for now to get feedback and motivation.
Screenshots Album

posted about 6 years ago
#1 [HUD] Flarepunch in Customization

Been working on this way too long. Still have loads to do but after some thought, releasing this publicly will help motivate me to work on it more often, as well as help me prioritize what areas of the HUD need working on most.

You can find it on here:
And github here:

Check out the README file here for all the information you need.

MINMODE TURNS PLAYER NAMES OFF. This is an in-built streamer mode, and there is a button on the Main Menu which toggles this mode. I'm missing a few areas where names appear, so please let me know what those are if you end up using this feature.

A few screenshots


posted about 6 years ago
#5322 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
collywhat would cause my itemmodelpanel to act this way (image/trade after text)

It kinda just does that sometimes. Not worth worrying about.

posted about 6 years ago
#13 HUD Creation Competition in TF2 General Discussion
SolarLightI'm definitely in, then. Gonna work overtime on this thing.

Headlines: HUD developers that disappear from scene reappear for $100

posted about 6 years ago
#9 HUD Creation Competition in TF2 General Discussion

Sounds like fun let’s rock and roll

EDIT: Just checking on rules, but "The HUD you make must be made from scratch, no copying already made HUD's."

If I finish the HUD I've been working on but hasn't been released yet does that count

posted about 6 years ago
#8 AWoolenSleevlet's Hud? in Customization

Take any version of yahud and ruin the colour scheme

posted about 6 years ago
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