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Last Posted June 7, 2017 at 6:19 PM
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#77 Vent your anger in Off Topic

Watching Korean progamers with <500 hours playing FPS having better Overwatch DM than NA ex-TF2 players is pretty XD

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What actually pisses me off is that the NA players are getting payed more
posted about 7 years ago
#47 Poor Sportsmanship in The Dumpster
NurseyIt shouldn't have to be said that you shouldn't stay stupid shit. People always will, even I have said a lot of dumb shit. No matter what you do, you'll never make everyone stop saying stupid things. You're best bet is to grow thicker skin and ignore it.

10/10 way of not only telling people that there isn't a problem, but deflecting the blame from people flaming to the people getting flamed.

posted about 7 years ago
#34 Poor Sportsmanship in The Dumpster

When someone wonders why casual players hate this community, I'll just link this thread.

posted about 7 years ago
#22 Gamemode opinions? in Map Discussion

I wish people would understand stalemates are a SYMPTOM, not the actual problem with 5cp. 5cp has stalemates because the design of the format requires you to have a team that is average at attacking and at defending, rather than being great at one or bad at the other. When you excel at nothing, the optimal play is to do nothing. Compare this to A/D and KoTH, where you can tailor your composition and strategy to either attacking or defending.

posted about 7 years ago
#674 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion

People would rather competitive TF2 remain small but keep the culture, instead of making changes to help the scene grow.

posted about 7 years ago
#20 Gamemode opinions? in Map Discussion

CTF needs grappling hooks otherwise the gamemode is extremely unfun. There is literally no reason why you don't give the intel to the most mobile class possible(either solly or scount), and then it becomes a game of "who can catch the enemy scout/solly". It also has the exact same problems with teamcomps that 5cp has.

5cp is a garbo gamemode that nobody is willing to get rid of because Stockholm syndrome. Literally the only reason the 6's meta is so stale is because 5cp is the primary gamemode.

Attack/Defense maps need pro versions, right now the map design falls apart when you have 6 coordinated players on offence(This is why OW ranked uses timebank, as an alternative to creating pro versions.)

Payload would work, but you'd need maps designed for 12 players instead of 18-24.

KoTH would also work fine, but again you need to design maps for 12 players.

Attack/Defense and KoTH give you the highest potential for class variance and unique strategies. Payload is a DM check, where the team with better fraggers wins. CTF is 5cp with the twist of not having backcaps.

posted about 7 years ago
#23 Getting TF2 on Liquidpedia in TF2 General Discussion
riotbzmicspamI think Tf2 would be better off on esportswikis but hey what do I knowesports wikis has smite, rocket league, CoD and halo but no CS:GO??? wtf

They have a gentleman's agreement with liquipedia to not cover each other's games

posted about 7 years ago
#21 Getting TF2 on Liquidpedia in TF2 General Discussion

I think Tf2 would be better off on esportswikis but hey what do I know

posted about 7 years ago
#241 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
CorsaThis is actually one thing everyone has been asking for, but no one is playing the pugs or tournies....5 hours into the afternoon daily ladder, a grand total of 63 players had played one pug in the entirety of tf2...come on

Yeah don't gate it behind a bunch of hoops and then be surprised nobody bothers to play. Its like the Early Access problems some games have, where you have no reallaunch to get people hyped, so the count doesn't really change but the people playing cycles instead of having a bunch of people upfront.

posted about 7 years ago
#239 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
Your lack of enthusiasm for change is one of the reasons why we're not getting big growth. B4nny went over it in a decent amount of detail in the first TF2esports podcast. He mentions how people in our scene aren't very susceptible to change. Even Tagg further emphasized this

Thats because its not change

This is arguably the hardest part about getting this thing to potentially work. If we can get the basically lifelong dedicated pugchamp people to switch over to what could be a great thing for our scene, then we are going to be able to go places.so using what tagg had mentioned, if we started a massive drive for people to queue up and play faceit pugs, then over the long run, better things would come from it.

That only addresses at best 1/3 problems listed.

This is just my personal thoughts, but maybe one random tournament (maybe making this playable for non-premiums and not the top % of the ladder) could encourage a lot of people to play, given that the tournament is done through a client for obvious anti-cheat purposes

Which is why thats worked so well before...

posted about 7 years ago
#237 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Alright, I think FaceIt is approaching TF2 in the wrong way. PUG sites are the response to a problem(the lack of a good matchmaking system) rather than being an actual desire by the community. If you actually want to convince the community to embrace the platform, promote the shit out of your ladders.

The reason that invite players are queuing into pugchamp isn't because the captain system is the best way to play video games, its instead because they're almost always going to have these 3 things.

  1. A very high chance of being able to play games with minimal time in between

  2. A Pretty high chance of teams being balanced

  3. The ability to only play the classes you want

An ELO system actually fixes all of these problems just as well, if not better, provided there is enough players in the system so that elo variations actually matter.

If I'm FaceIt, I try and get out of Beta as fast as possible. I then try and make laddering as simple to do as possible. I want as causal as a player as possible to feel like they're going to be able to queue up and HAVE FUN, so I can get as large of a userbase as possible.

I keep premium tournaments, but make them weekend only, and use them to test different formats. If you provide people a reward for playing different variations of 6v6 TF2, you let people who are lower ranked feel they have a chance to win some games they might not normally win. I'm not worried about the top tier of players not playing these, because they have a chance for extra faceit points, and they're already having high level competition.

I'd then want to award the top% of of the highest ladder with FaceIt points, while the top % of lower ladders get moved up into the next ladder, while the bottom % gets moved down. You want it on a weekly basis, so that people don't feel there is a period in between resets that doesn't matter, while at the same time, allowing people enough time to play so that they don't feel ladder placing is random.

Overall, I know this is kinda out-there as an idea, but unlike tournaments, its at least not proven to fail.

posted about 7 years ago
#19 TF2esports Episode #3 This Friday! in TF2 General Discussion

So FaceIt's official stance on their playercount is that they're in beta,and they don't expect it to be popular right now. Will this hurt them long term?

Despite the efforts of man, ESEA still has massive barriers to entry. Is a ladder system with small tournaments the potential 'evolution' of competitive tf2?

As a follow up, every season there is a fear that ESEA drops the game. What would you guys say to someone whos debating between committing to ESEA and just pugging if they think that the league might not exist next year?

Thoughts on the Ronin BM drama?

Thoughts on Keven showing the Rando tweet(http://www.teamfortress.tv/post/629888/poor-sportsmanship) in front of 1500 viewers, and how that represents the scene?

Is the continual drain of talent to overwatch likely to continue through next year?

Mr. Slin has told me repeatedly he hates new players. How do you convince someone who only wants to pug with the top% of players to queue into a pool of mixed skill levels.

So far, we've yet to see 1 balance change post-MYM. Is this a sign that balance changes will continue to come in bursts, rather than waves?

Why does mr slin continue to deny his foot fetish?

posted about 7 years ago
#12 TF2esports Episode #3 This Friday! in TF2 General Discussion

What I'd like to see for the whitelist, and I've said it on here before, is to do a complete 180 and call it a blacklist. Instead of taking the "Weapons are bad unless they're not", attitude, I'd rather see "We're banning the weapons that are actually broken and or completely unbalanced, but everything else stays"

posted about 7 years ago
#194 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
saamI mean it's not like the IM stacks are going to be super tryhard against open teams they're gunna be offclassing.

Thats a downside not a benefit.

Also if more open teams actually signed up then you would play eachother in the early stages. So many people cry about the lack of support for TF2 and then when something like this shows up they're nowhere to be found

"Yeah you won't win but hey if you can convince enough people your skill level to sign up you might have some close matches"

You know why no other esport on FaceIt's platform has this issue, its because the highest tier of players literally cannot afford to waste the time in small scale tournaments beating up random shitters.

So when people say TF2 has a lack of support, we're talking about at the high end and the low end of the player-skillbase, not the lack of conglomerate tournament systems that are trying to attract the average player AND invite players at the same time

posted about 7 years ago
#191 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah when I woke up this morning I thought to myself "I want to get rolled in 6s today by some Invite teams stacking in a 5 dollar prize pool tournament"

XD RIP Razer Arena you will be missed

posted about 7 years ago
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