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Signed Up May 14, 2018
Last Posted January 4, 2024 at 1:03 PM
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#9 RGL S2 Open GF: Big Chungus Gaming TV vs. ANVIL in Matches

Congratulations to Big Chungus Gaming TV on winning the Open grand finals! Below are final scores and logs.

Granary: 5-0 Big Chungus Gaming TV

Snakewater: 5-3 Big Chungus Gaming TV

Clearcut: Not played

posted about 4 years ago
#11 Uni_Wizard LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Yo, hit me up in Discord if you wanna cast on TFTV. louster200#4091

posted about 4 years ago
#14 RGL Invite S2 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I will have to dig through and get the playoff stats counted in (not sure how I'm exactly going to do that), but I wanted to link the stat sheets that we have been making for the season. Might as well post them as playoffs is (currently as I'm posting this) wrapping up.


Some explanations:
Individual Player Stats folder: This has every teams' players' stats broken down and averaged out, split up by team. 1 time ringers are their own "player" and also has their own tab.

Season Averages folder: This folder has players and the main classes that they played throughout the season. The difference between this and some of the spreadsheets in the Individual Play Stats Folders is that this folder splits up players by their class (since some players may have played another class for a match or changed classed in the latter half of a season). There's also one spreadsheet called "Full Sheet of Averages" that I think is the most important thing to look at when looking at the season as a whole.

RGL S2 Logs Links: Links to all of the logs. There's a key explaining what the colors mean.

Teams Spreadsheet: Every log of each team split up by team.

The Full Logs Spreadsheet: Everything split up by just the week. There is also a full spreadsheet of EVERYTHING that has been the basis of what I used with all of the other spreadsheets. The highlighted green numbers are the top stat of that week.

Note: Some logs are missing because of players not executing their configs properly. Ringers are everyone who rang's stats combined. Hopefully this interesting to dive in to. We shall be using these for the beginning weeks of S3 for casts. Lots of work went into this so I hope y'all enjoy checking this out.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 RGL S2 IM GF: Pastel Mirage vs. NUT DRAGGERS in Matches

Congratulations to Pastel Mirage on their win! The combined logs with correct scores (errors come up due to how logs are combined) are below.

Snakewater: 5-4 Nut Draggers

Product: 4-0 Pastel Mirage

Clearcut: 4-3 Pastel Mirage

posted about 4 years ago
#4 RGL S2 Advanced GF: SpireIQ Technologies vs. Happy Kronge Bois in Matches

Congrats to SpireIQ Technologies! Logs for the match are linked below.

Sunshine - http://logs.tf/2511054 | Process http://logs.tf/2511079 | Metalworks (not played)

posted about 4 years ago
#4 RGL S2 LAN Playoffs: Update with the Coronavirus in News

I just want a dedicated NA TF2 LAN.


posted about 4 years ago
#6 Who will make playoffs in RGL Season 2? in News
NickzzzzzikaWhen is the last match gonna be played?

As of right now we do not know. But whoever may be casting it (us or RGL’s casting staff) will share any updates as soon as we hear them.

THEBILLDOZERLouster article pog

All of those writing classes I took in college are paying off. Who knew?

posted about 4 years ago
#3 Who will make playoffs in RGL Season 2? in News
gibusi get what the chart is saying but it would probably be clearer if you matched the colors and for each color wrote both teams; it's not immediately apparent that you're supposed to combine the key colors as there aren't any places in the chart with the key colors alone, only the overlaps. besides, you're only using three colors anyways so it's not like you're saving space.

Mitch and Recurse both took a look at it and cleaned it up a bit and ~stylized~ it with our B R A N D I N G.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Who will make playoffs in RGL Season 2? in News

This can all be summarized as: win and get 3rd. Lose? You better earn some rounds to make it.

But creating charts and stuff is more fun.

posted about 4 years ago
#2 RGL S2 W7B: 100 Beasts vs. Highfive Demoman in Matches
highfivei can't get away from this map

Please... just play another map. We’ve done so many metalworks and snakewater casts.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 RGL S2 W6B: Rat jail vs. 100 Beasts in Matches

THEBILLDOZER__: if you liked our brief weather segment and would like to see more like this, b4nny please go on a date with me
THEBILLDOZER__: im so alone

posted about 4 years ago
#4 RGL S2 W6A: froyotech vs. MAD LUXURIOUS in Matches
lucrativewhy do you only stream our matches where we get rolled please help

dont get rolled 4Head

(plus you have more wins than Strolling Astronomers who is playing Rat Jail)

posted about 4 years ago
#2 RGL S2 W6A: froyotech vs. MAD LUXURIOUS in Matches
TcmanoIs the title correct or the description?

I have broken everything.

Edit: I have fixed everything.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 RGL S2 W5B: froyotech vs. Kings Crew in Matches

tf2 is cursed

posted about 4 years ago
#7 RGL S2 W4B: froyotech vs. Highfive Demoman in Matches
highfiveapparently not a forfeit, we're playing the rest on weds

What ended up being the halftime score in all of this madness? 2-1, correct?

posted about 4 years ago
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