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Last Posted March 16, 2024 at 8:19 AM
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#2 Bring back cheat feed in EU in TF2 General Discussion

I think the fear of a predictable game also misunderstands the viewing experience of a match. If the game is exciting enough to keep the average viewer engaged in the game, they're not going to be watching with a disassociated eye, taking note of when the producer switches to a pov. If the switch between players is seamless, and flows well, the viewer won't be aware of predictable producing.

Predictable casting is when the producer isn't paying attention to what's happening inbetween the huge plays. If the viewer becomes aware of confused/bad spectating, they will more easily notice the predictable switches onto povs. Cheat feed isn't the issue with predictable casting, it's inattentive and lazy production.

I think the attitude of producing shouldn't be to merely capture huge plays, but also to aim for engaging the viewer as much as possible, with the huge plays being a bonus on top of that.

posted 4 months ago
#15 rahThread: Blue Moon Breakfasts in Off Topic

a welsh rarebit with a poached egg on top (not too runny), and bacon, scones, butter, cream, jam (raspberry), a pot of lapsang and some sausages

posted 4 months ago
#13221 stream highlights in Videos


posted 5 months ago
#55 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion


posted 5 months ago
#94 shadowplay clipdumps in Videos


posted 10 months ago
#13 What Are They Keeping In The Granary Mid Crates? in Off Topic
maraudeRglass-winner is allowed to leave the crate
FTFY, the losers from the previous LANs are still inside

all the souls of i65 faint are in those crates after kaidus 5-0d us in 10 minutes

posted about a year ago
#12860 stream highlights in Videos


posted about a year ago
#28 Update maybe? in TF2 General Discussion

so done with this boring ass company, throwing out an update every 2 years to keep the game on minimum freshness so its casual playerbase will keep buying items.

update posts on tftv is just depressing to see at this point because you know it wont make any difference for the people that are part of this community which has been gigacucked repeatedly by valve for 10+ years.

would rather have nintendo sending cease and desist notices to my lans because at least they dont pretend wanting to support their players

posted about a year ago
#8 My idea for fixing 5cp in competitive 6s in TF2 General Discussion

my friend sven had an idea:

Jag har faktiskt en idé om hur man tar bort dödtid helt (aka. tiden kvar av ett 5cp-spel efter att ett lag är med 4-0, typ 3 minuter kvar eller något liknande). Se till att varje topppunkt ger dig ett visst antal poäng för den specifika kartan. Min förklaring är lite lång så jag ber om ursäkt för det.

EXEMPEL 1: att ta över mitten ger dig 1 poäng på första mitten (eftersom den tidigare inte tillhört någon) > att återta mitten från fiendens lag ger dig 2 poäng> om fienden fortsätter att trycka och ta poäng 2:a och/eller sist får de 2 poäng.
Exempel 2: laget som förlorade mitten och/eller tvåan kommer att få 2 poäng för att trycka och återta poängen som tillhör fiendens lag.
Obegränsad mittpunkt = värt 1 poäng
Varje Capped Enemy-poäng = värd 2 poäng
Offclasses tillåtet vid alla tidpunkter = Spion och Sniper på någon av de 5 poängen hela tiden.
Begränsade offclasses= Heavy OR Engineer (inte båda) medan du håller din egen sista (till exempel om killen som var på engi byter till tung är det okej eller vice versa)

Föreställ dig nu följande: Varje lag spelar till 50 poäng (siffran kan ändras, det är bara det första som dök upp i mitt huvud), vart och ett med start från 0 ofc, eller den som har flest poäng efter ett 30 minuters spel ja-omgångar kommer fortfarande att ha 5-minuters återställningstimern som implementeras OM du till exempel är angriparen och misslyckas med att trycka ur din 2:a eller sista på 5 minuter, kommer 1 poäng att gå till laget som attackerar och kartan återställs som den normalt skulle göra när den runda timern tar slut.

Detta kommer att fixa två saker, folk kommer faktiskt att sluta ställa upp på laster eller åtminstone kommer de att bli avskräckta om de inte är långt före i ledningen och kan ta 2 poängs förlust, och dödtiden kommer att vara mer eller mindre borta i spel som vanligtvis sluta 3-0 eller 4-0 som om du trycker coast to coast (och cap sist) på en karta som skulle innebära att du skulle ha 8 poäng i slutet av den.

Nu är det här bara något som dök upp i mitt huvud när jag åt frukost men eftersom vi (ETF2L) kommer att vara i lite av en 6s torka under de kommande månaderna föreslår jag lite för att sms:a hur detta (med ändringar) skulle fungerar och om det ens är möjligt att skapa en serverkonfiguration för dessa regler.

Alla förslag på hur man bygger vidare på detta system uppskattas.

posted about a year ago
#13 All time best player per role in the world? in TF2 General Discussion
WandumklassyWandumeveryone always talks about mike when it comes to eu soldiers but i honestly think that there is an argument for both kaptain and silentes having a better resume and (because they played more modern tf2) better gameplay
with this season and lan victory i think papi genuinely enters the conversation as one of if not the greatest eu team leader of all time
imo the marmaloo + mirrorman soldier combo of 2022 froyo is the greatest soldier duo of all time, everyone talks about jay scout and forgets how absolutely fucking insane mirrorman and marmaloo were at dictating the entirity of the froyo offence
i love my boy papi but greatest eu team leader of all time? kaidus has a legacy of merely playtime that spanned a decade up until 2019, on top of the work hes done for wG. kaidus is eu.
i'd tend to agree, but if you compare the ammount of seasons won (when playing) papi is currently only a single season behind kaidus
the main difference comes from lan wins and seasons spent coaching
the argument is probably a lot more compelling for second best, i honestly dont really know who else you compare him to at that point, maybe knoxx?

If we're counting eu only lans, or what liquipedia classes as "b-tier" lans, shouldnt kaidus' results also include Dreamhack Winter 2015?

posted about a year ago
#9 All time best player per role in the world? in TF2 General Discussion
Wandumeveryone always talks about mike when it comes to eu soldiers but i honestly think that there is an argument for both kaptain and silentes having a better resume and (because they played more modern tf2) better gameplay
with this season and lan victory i think papi genuinely enters the conversation as one of if not the greatest eu team leader of all time
imo the marmaloo + mirrorman soldier combo of 2022 froyo is the greatest soldier duo of all time, everyone talks about jay scout and forgets how absolutely fucking insane mirrorman and marmaloo were at dictating the entirity of the froyo offence

i love my boy papi but greatest eu team leader of all time? kaidus has a legacy of merely playtime that spanned a decade up until 2019, on top of the work hes done for wG. kaidus is eu.

posted about a year ago
#89 b4nny discussion in TF2 General Discussion
rktGODrickrigatonirktGOD To be honest that just feel like a waste of time to me when people do that but the only difference is I wouldn't talk to someone the way b4nny did when he's frustrated at something like that. I guess part of it is I don't have the achievements like b4nny does to back myself up ? makes it seem like if you won lan or something you would talk to people like he does. definitely makes it seem like you think it is acceptableI worded it terribly but what I was trying to say was I don't think there's a point in bringing up my frustrations to people in pugs because the majority doesn't care about pugs the way I do that's why I don't behave the same way b4nny does to people who made mistakes.

The problem with b4nny isn't merely that he is bringing up his frustrations when people make mistakes, it's that he often does it in the most aggressive manner possible.

It is completely fine and understandable if you have a competitive mindset and trying to win in any setting is completely natural to you but wanting to win at all cost doesn't mean needing to express your criticisms in the most vitriolic way you can think of.

I think b4nny overlooks this a lot when he recieves criticism and he often makes the argument about whether you should/should not try in pugs when rather, it should be about whether changing your rhetoric is possible while still wanting to win (it is.)

posted about a year ago
#33 Time to vote on the 8th in World Events
habibImagine thinking your vote matters

On the scale of political effect one individual can have it definitely ranks low (depending on what us state you live in because the electoral college is cringe) sure, but on the other hand it also requires little to no effort in doing and is probably the least amount of active participation you can do.

If you wish you could do more, go out and canvas in your local area, make sure that your friends and family are voting or with the following that you have on twitter/twitch/youtube, encourage your fans that are of age to go out and vote.

posted about a year ago
#17 Team comms for casts, why did we stop doing it? in TF2 General Discussion
DomoCatFaceAMSIf we attempted to have team comms for matches between wG, tf2easy, league of shadows and my team, I can almost guarantee that with these teams you wouldn't have to worry about people using "certain words" that would get us in trouble with twitch.
Bro have you heard of ixy?

good one domo

posted about a year ago
#1 ETF2L Nations Cup #9 - Group A: England vs. Sweden in Events

lets go sweden
e: britcucks raging

posted about a year ago
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