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Last Posted December 28, 2023 at 5:53 PM
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#17 carpel tunnel syndrome in Off Topic


posted about 7 years ago
#549 ESEA-IM S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

1). jAguaR fiEND
2). godyapper

posted about 7 years ago
#188 ban b4nny in The Dumpster

Dear corsa, you are my favorite troller dog, please do not listen to all the haters out there, they have nothing on you. Your ping cannot be matched and you are insane at everything you do. I wish I was you. Sincerely, your biggest fan

posted about 7 years ago
#67 Rate Current Map Pool in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#52 ban jarate in TF2 General Discussion

ban the cowmangler thx

posted about 7 years ago
#50 best alias in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#16 New way to play 6's (Just a thought) in TF2 General Discussion

5cp isn't inherently stalematey although how it's balanced in the current meta leads to a lot of stalemates for several reasons. 1: Round timers are excessively long allowing for teams to just sit on their advantage for huge chunks of the map. 2: The game revolves too much around ubercharge. The only thing I see a game like overwatch having over tf2 is that each character has an ult that can be used as a pushable advantage. If ubers were somehow made a bit less relevant dry pushing and going for aggressive peeks would be a lot more common ground. 3: The map pool honestly isn't ideal. You have maps with too few and narrow choke points like granary and then maps like sunshine with decent flank routes but it's literally kitefest because of how big the map is (which is further exacerbated by how the game revolves around uber). 4: The team on the defensive doesn't have any incentive to go for a push (unless it's a really good pick) again due to uber. In CS if you are getting destroyed you get an incentive via additional money after consecutive round losses. I don't know necessarily how this would be mitigated but I'm sure the respawn timers could be adjusted to incentivize aggressive pushing for the team that doesn't have mid.

It doesn't make much sense to me to switch to AD if your problem with the current meta is the stalemates. AD is suited for slow, very methodical gameplay. This is why it works so well in counterstrike. I've briefly played your suggestion in a few fortress forever games and it's way more stale than 5cp imo. It's literally just one team conc jumping trying to get the flag while the other team sits there with stickies on the point, a sentry, and stationary soldiers shooting at the flag. It's not fun to play or watch whatsoever. For me comp tf2 is defined by the back and forth tug of war which is perfectly represented via 5cp/koth and forcing one team to play on attack or defense completely takes away what makes comp tf2 so unique and fun.

posted about 7 years ago
#47 Rewind meme thread in TF2 General Discussion

tfw weed saves tf2

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Esports Arena Rewind LAN 2017 viewer's guide in News

go EVL!

posted about 7 years ago
#69 Street Hoops eSports picks up Muma to replace Duwatna * in News

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ DUWATNA TAKE MY APPENDIX ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

posted about 7 years ago
#59 Gabe Newell + Valve Employees AMA On Reddit in TF2 General Discussion
yttriumbleghfarecAnd also it seems they dislike only 5CP being played in TF2; that might be why they tried to push PL and CTF into CompMM. does anybody actually like 5CP being the only gamemode outside of viaduct?

everyone thinks there should be another gamemode, the issue is just that every other gamemode in the game either doesn't work with the same team composition/number of players/meta, or is actually not a competitive mode

most people would be fine with PL or CTF if the gamemodes themselves had some major reworks, on top of new smaller maps

tl;dr nobody wants exclusively 5cp but currently it's the only mode that works

I'd imagine there's a fair amount of people that are just fine with the 5cp meta besides maybe the map pool (I'd actually love to see more koth maps). What's so wrong with having one or two game modes as the focus for a comp scene? I don't play cs and complain that hostage isn't viable competitively because it would be ridiculous. Ctf I've never seen outside of maybe different iterations of quake and ancient clips of ricco doming nerds on god awful maps. Payload is more suited for loose, mobaesque environments which is already catered to by overwatch and paladins so this seems like a pointless route to pursue imo.

posted about 7 years ago
#38 ban the quick fix in TF2 General Discussion

which invite captains wanted this garbage?

posted about 7 years ago
#141 Global Whitelist Lists Post-Meeting in TF2 General Discussion

the quickfix is actually a joke, please for the love of god get rid of this weapon.

posted about 7 years ago
#59 What's the logic behind unbanning unlocks in TF2 General Discussion
KissakalaWhy hasn't crossbow been banned yet?
It's retarded to run anything else as medic as it's a direct upgrade from all other weapons, it actually hurts your team to NOT run it.
It's been buffed so many times (even after being stronger than the alternatives) to the point where actually NOBODY uses anything else. Nobody.

Because unlike some of the other horrible unlocks which should be banned or never be unbanned unless they are inherently changed to be made somewhat skill based, the crossbow utilizes a skill based mechanic for healing. Conceptually it's a great idea for a weapon it's just not the most balanced especially after they made it build uber. Other weapons like the parachute (completely removes the mastery of jumping and airstrafing that makes top level soldiers so unique) or sandman (a weapon that stuns players in comp tf2 :thinking:) are conceptually terrible weapons that will always be gimmicky unless you completely change them or nerf them to hell.

MR_SLINHere's one line of thought that someone could potentially go down:
1) Banning weapons and creating class restrictions creates our own little pro mod, even if our game is only slightly different from the main game.
2) Pro mods tend to be unsuccessful as far as esports go, especially since you don't get much developer support for your pro mod until it gets really big. This also explains why we haven't had many weapon balances thrown our way.
3) Unbanning weapons will bring our game more in line with that of the existing competitive game (matchmaking), reducing the barrier of entry for new players to join.

If you really wanted to play a game with no unlocks though, I might recommend that you start your own league with no blacklist and no class limits... nobody has done that yet.

This argument makes no sense whatsoever to me. Is csgo a promod for having different round/bomb timers? It also makes the assumption that valve created these weapons from the start to be used in a competitive environment when this obviously isn't true. Therefore the shoulder of burden should be on valve to fix these weapons not on the competitive players when A): there's no evidence whatsoever that having a looser whitelist would result in valve making any change whatsoever in any sort of reasonable timeline especially when no one from the comp scene or the pub scene is interested in valves garbage matchmaking system anyway B): many of the unlocks that are banned and some that were allowed are gimmicky, not skill based, and have been complained about for years C): these weapons will reduce the enjoyment for the competitive players who have been lead on by these completely devoid of evidence promises. If Valve was serious and had the resources to positively affect tf2 they would create some forum of open dialogue between them and top level players/organizers from around the world and would have made a matchmaking system that wasn't awful. Clearly they aren't interested in either of these things so there is no reason to allow the last remaining awful unlocks.

Also where are you getting this remove all the unlocks idea from? I'm pretty sure realistically no one from the comp scene wants this besides a few shitposters. 2007 tf2 is frankly awful and some of the unlocks have definitely added to the game in a positive way. The problem is that valve has released many weapons that are not only unbalanced but completely lacking of any mechanical skill. Allow these weapons and what does tf2 become? The main thing in my opinion that makes tf2 unique in a competitive sense is that it has an incredible high degree of mechanical skill. Take this away and oversaturate the game with unlock after unlock it makes tf2 more bland not unique. There are plenty of other team based fps at this point that don't require much mechanically so I guess all tf2 would have is that it's free to play lmao.

posted about 7 years ago
#1694 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 7 years ago
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