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SteamID64 76561198869806001
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:454770136
Country Czech Republic
Signed Up March 16, 2020
Last Posted July 22, 2024 at 10:05 AM
Posts 56 (0 per day)
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#14 Improved resup bind and loadout specific settings in Customization

The Summer 2024 update broke automatic saving of loadouts on exit. Fix is now out - see the instructions on its release page.

P.S. If anyone knows a way to run commands when you close the game (or maybe leave a server) that still works, hmu.

posted 4 days ago
#37 SourceRes in Videos
buzz_modejuniorBig necro but here's a working plugin.
In theory it should be more stable than blue's version. Would appreciate if someone could test it in other games.
I am a noob when it comes to this stuff but what does "generating a solution" mean with Source SDK 2013? I don't understand any of the build stuff

Build instructions are for developers. You can download an already built plugin from the releases page.

posted 6 months ago
#13 Improved resup bind and loadout specific settings in Customization

I've found a way to automatically clear the save file so it no longer grows forever. Setup instructions haven't changed, all you have to do to update is replace the VPK.

posted about a year ago
#35 SourceRes in Videos

Big necro but here's a working plugin.
In theory it should be more stable than blue's version. Would appreciate if someone could test it in other games.

posted about 2 years ago
#18 Playing tf2 on linux in TF2 General Discussion
malyThis is because by deleting SDL.so file you make TF2 load system version of SDL rather than the one that is shipped with Steam itself. SDL fixed the double sensitivity issue long ago, but Steam version is still not bumped.

You don't even have to delete the it, just preload your system's .so by setting your launch options like this (replace -novid -nojoy with your current lanch options):

LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib32/libSDL2-2.0.so.0" %command% -novid -nojoy

Another issue the outdated SDL can cause is mousewheel being registered as m4 and m5 (which was the case for me).

posted about 3 years ago
#8 TFTV Pocket Edition in Site Discussion
tommywould it be possible to inject css using a bookmarklet

Technically probably yes, but there's no way to run that automatically (afaik), you would have to do it yourself every time you change a page.

posted about 3 years ago
#3 TFTV Pocket Edition in Site Discussion
GritomajuniorTVTVTelevision Television

godspeed gamer, doing enigma's work

shit, in the title of all places, guess it stays

posted about 3 years ago
#1 TFTV Pocket Edition in Site Discussion

TFTV's design is not very flexible, which makes is painful to navigate on mobile. I wrote some CSS that transforms the layout into something more mobile user friendly. It's far from done, but works fine for browsing threads, news, or events.

Screenshots album.

Unfortunately there is no vanilla way to inject custom CSS on mobile, you need to get and extension to do so, I used Stylus. To get it working you have to be using Firefox Nightly (Google Play) or Fennec (F-Droid). If you want to read about it, here, but TLDR is as follows:

Show Content
  1. go to Settings > About Firefox Nightly/Fennec (under About at the bottom)
  2. tab the Firefox logo a few times until "Debug menu enabled" pops up
  3. Settings > under Advanced click Custom Add-on collection
  4. enter 16773567 as User ID, Stylus as collection name
  5. restart the app, after that you can finally download it from Settings > Add-ons

To import the style:

Show Content
  1. download my stylus-tftv-mobile.json
  2. import it by going Add-ons > Stylus > Manage > Import

For better experience I recommend disabling Pull to refresh (avoids refreshing when you scroll too fast) and Scroll to hide toobar (does some weird things to the viewport) in Settings > Customize.

Servers, galleries, and profile related pages are broken, streams page too but those are shown on home page as well. Writing posts works but it's still basically the desktop version. There are some bugs here and there but nothing major (hopefully). Everything should scale based on screen width, so use it in portrait mode. Colors are meh and font size is all over the place, because I haven't fully decided on those yet. Have fun.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 TFTV on your phone in Site Discussion

i'm making a thing. give feedback, ideas, suggestions...

Show Content
browsing threads:


sort by select (choose one or click away to close it):


clicking the top left button (placeholder icon) opens this drop down menu:


thread layout:


posted about 3 years ago
#12 Improved resup bind and loadout specific settings in Customization
AimIsADickFinally a real use for that save state method! Personally I would use con_filter_text to ensure that random lines are not unintentionally written to the save file.

con_filter_text doesn't affect what gets logged, only what's shown in-game.

I could make it less likely for random things to get logged by putting all the save commands (~60 lines) into a single giant alias instead of executing them line by line, but that would kill all readability.

Over the past year or so I've been using it no random stuff made it's way there. Even if it did, the chance of it being something disruptive is extremely small imo.

posted about 3 years ago
#7 among us hud in Customization


posted about 3 years ago
#10 Improved resup bind and loadout specific settings in Customization

I've refactored and optimized it a bit. All alias names changed so comments above don't apply anymore (but README should be more readable now). Functionality is still the same, so if you're already using it you don't need to update. Also packaged it into a VPK for easier installation and faster load.

posted about 3 years ago
#5 How to record depth in Videos

bump bc big update, lots of improvements - faster, less crashes
trdr: custom shader that shows world and depth in split screen, so you just rec that

If anyone is doing it the old way, I suggest you read the new version:

the old version still exists for the cavemen out there:

posted about 3 years ago
#9 anyone listen to any new good music lately? in Off Topic

weekly playlist with mostly less known indie/lo-fi stuff, can recommend if that's what you like

posted about 3 years ago
#43 twiikuu's technology in Projects
TontonFlairixDownload link for respawn bind don't work.


posted about 3 years ago
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