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Last Posted May 9, 2016 at 11:45 PM
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#2 Someone is keeping track of all the good scouts in TF2 General Discussion

ya definitely a list of the good scouts. it's missing clockwork

posted about 8 years ago
#148 Valve announces details for matchmaking beta expansion in News
m4risaarguing about which is better is like arguing between quake and csgo. dumb

Hi, hello, you've been arguing for like 10 posts

posted about 8 years ago
#143 Valve announces details for matchmaking beta expansion in News

what part of anything youre saying changes the fact overwatch is an awful game fundamentally.

you're like using an argument that a game from 2007 has issues running on hardware from 2016, which is obvious. I'm pretty sure you need emulators to run a lot of games over 10 years old. Fuck, I tried to play LEGO Island recently and couldn't even get it to run.

Like TF2 is a money sink, it has a big playerbase 10 years later because its fun, playable, and free. Overwatch will without a doubt die within the first 3 years with the content it has right now. Not even implying the game wont be consistently updated. The game is just fundamentally awful.

posted about 8 years ago
#129 Valve announces details for matchmaking beta expansion in News
m4risaThe game is much more stable than TF2 even in the current beta phase

yeah, no. getting higher frames != stable. a lot of us crash regularly. Also if you want to say a game from 2016 is more 'stable' than a game from 2007, all the power to you.

posted about 8 years ago
#122 Valve announces details for matchmaking beta expansion in News

i edited the post. I meant more along the lines to say blizzard has access more resources/money. I know for a fact the game is grossly over budget though.

posted about 8 years ago
#117 Valve announces details for matchmaking beta expansion in News

the ui for playing is just as bad as the ui for spectating. I'd dive into deeper explanations to what I mean but the game is lacking on literally every front. All it has going for it is the Blizzard budget. It's actually an insult to esports and game developers everywhere.

You look at some of the best games to come out in the past 5 years - Skyrim, Fallout 4, The Witcher 3, GTA V. They are all fantastic games and (edit) SOME of them were lower budget by a landslide than Overwatch. Overwatch is in no way comparable to any of them, on any front. I had more fun playing Evolve with bloodsire when that was in beta, than I do playing this. It's actually insane.

It's like someone sucked all of the talent out of Blizzard, that or the game just has no direction, and its 100% the fault of the game design team.

posted about 8 years ago
#115 Valve announces details for matchmaking beta expansion in News

Also anyone who thinks I'm like Valve fanboy status or anything I've literally been sending Blizzard forums/devs emails with suggestions to fix all of the awful core concepts of the game.

Theyre ignorant to it. The only 2 classes they've patched are the 2 turret classes. And they are firm on the concept of their medic class beign able to instantly revive the entire team.

The game probably won't be able to be saved until it has a new lead designer.

posted about 8 years ago
#112 Valve announces details for matchmaking beta expansion in News
Avastflameyoure all clowning if you think its going to be a ranked 6v6 pub.

thats the road overwatch seems to be going and its awful.

I don't think Valve is blind to the fact structured gameplay = good competition.

So you think the route OW's meta is going is bad? Genuinely curious.

Imagine playing a game of Dota, where some classes required intense micro (maybe a tinker), and some classes required at least one hand (sniper in 6.83) and then you gave the tinker just a blink dagger, and you gave the sniper a rapier, mask of madness, bkb and blink.

Then turn that game into an fps. Remove all concepts of balanced cooldowns, remove all concepts of hero/map ingenuity, and remove any concept of rewarding aim, and then put yourself on pl_badwater. Except instead of there being stairways to get to the roof of B, only soldiers can get up there by rocket jumping, and the only stairway up there involves walking through the RED spawn. You keep trying to take B, but instead of being able to frag or shoot anything, you have to rely on your teammates to have the most ridiculously well timed coordination to achieve anything. If your team doesn't have a medic or a shield, you'rve already lost because the game doesn't have any concept of ammo, and none of the weapons are balanced from even the point of view of reload speed so there is literally a neverending plethora of spam coming at you every 5 out of 6 seconds.

Blizzard has neglected to address the competitive aspects of the game. They added some dumb ass cvars that are only toggleable by leaving your game to go to a main menu. There are no dedicated servers, there is no console. Everything this game stands for is literally an overpriced console shooter with microtransactions. You join a game saying 'wow I want to play a fun class (like soldier scout or demoman) but the enemy team is full of pyros, and only pyros. Pyros that have airblast, rocket jumps, infinite health, sentry guns, and long range projectictles. And you know you can beat the pyros by playing ONLY engineer, or ONLY heavy but why would you want to do that... you're an fps player, with good aim, and good movement, who doesn't get rewarded by it because the game was designed to be played with an xbox controller.

That's what overwatch feels like. People hyping this game are blinded by the concept of personal success. You can be a top streamer or player, sure. And there will be tournaments. But being on a top overwatch team is going to feel like being on a top heros of the storm team. Sure you're the best at something, but that something isn't respectable.

Blizzard has time to fix the game, but the way it is now, it's a joke. I'm sure I'm in the minority saying TF2 will pick up with matchmaking and money will find a way to flow in, but if there's one thing Valve has never taken lightly it's esports. Anyone who has been to a TI will tell you its a ridiculous environment. Everything is on point, the prizes are paid immediately, the atmosphere is incredible, and the schedule/hotel/verything is top notch.

Blizzard fucked up. They made a MOBA FPS called Titan, led by no other than Jeff Kaplan. The game flopped. They didn't fire him. They instead gave him a second chance to turn their MOBA into overwatch. Now theres just a bunch of lore filled bullshit scattered throughout the game. It's trying to be everything and instead its nothing. From a MOBA pov, its awful, and from an FPS pov, it's also awful.

I think if Paragon/Battleborn/Paladins get some GOOD developer support and in game economy going, overwatch will fade out.

Sorry for the rant. Feel free to ask me for my opinion in more depth. I'm sure I'll get flamed regardless, but yeah TLDR the game's awful.

posted about 8 years ago
#108 Valve announces details for matchmaking beta expansion in News

youre all clowning if you think its going to be a ranked 6v6 pub.

thats the road overwatch seems to be going and its awful.

I don't think Valve is blind to the fact structured gameplay = good competition.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 mm expanded beta! in TF2 General Discussion

I think its more theyre sick of cheaters in their games and forcing them to register accounts to phone numbers is a massive hassle for people using alts and dodging vac bans.

posted about 8 years ago
#104 hype for this week in TF2 General Discussion

guys can we stop blogging my tweets. for all you know i couldve gotten a raise at work today and had a banging steak for lunch

posted about 8 years ago
#99 (IEMs) Xiaomi Pistons on amazon in Hardware

my 3s broke within 2 months and now i use them as subpar gym headphones.

2s are the best

posted about 8 years ago
#79 Raptor cut from Planet Express in News
Sideshowflamegood thing we have sideshow to post discussions like these to reddit

We always post these articles to reddit. Having people from tftv comment on there with "lol retard" etc makes the competitive scene look even more retarded to these random reddit viewers. GJ guys.

that was kind of my issue with posting it on reddit.

edit: esp with that title

posted about 8 years ago
#74 Raptor cut from Planet Express in News

good thing we have sideshow to post discussions like these to reddit

posted about 8 years ago
#72 hype for this week in TF2 General Discussion

Also Appid 440570 is the most suspicious shit ive ever seen on steamdb.

440 is tf2
570 is dota 2

the conspiracy thickens.

posted about 8 years ago
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